Blowing The Oregon College Fraud Shooting Wide Open! Idiots Running The Fraud Have Stupidly Recycled Old Video Footage From The Fake Sandy Hook Shooting, Saying It Is From Oregon!

Yes, the latest mass "shooting" at that Oregon college last week was indeed a scam and a fraud... It is bad enough that the people behind the fake forgot to tell some of the students that "survived" the shooting to say that they heard gunshots when most that have been interviewed all say that they did not.. And of course they have been trying to somehow formulate some kind of image for the fake shooter, especially with a fraud "manifesto" that is absolutely laughable....And of course they could not even get their "crisis actors" involved to stop laughing when interviewed! (Yes, amazingly, these people were caught laughing while most supposedly just witnessed friends and colleagues blown away by this "shooter"!)  But the fact is that now with these shootings the people behind the operations are just getting too sloppy for their own good, and honestly it appears that they just do not care... Their thinking is that the American people are just too stupid and too brain dead now to even notice all the inconsistencies that expose them as frauds!Right now, I want to present a most interesting short video that absolutely blows the Oregon shooting away and shows how truly sloppy the scam artists have become.... Here is that short video and I do have my further thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: Yes at the 39 second mark of this video, we see the "Sandy Hook" school sign in all of its glory... And yet the Jew spew media is out there promoting this slop as being from Oregon?  Wake the hell up, everyone!It is so amazing now how blatantly sloppy and stupid these criminals have become.. The trouble is that most of the American people will indeed watch such a video and actually believe the lies and bullshit that they are real and from this most recent "shooting"...I am not shocked at all by this and other findings about the fraudulence of this Oregon "shooting".. On top of everything else, we must not forget that this college was involved in a "live shooting drill" just the week before this "incident" happened last week... And we saw the same "drills" taking place at other "shootings" across America as well.....The real problem now is in trying to wake enough people up across our countries so that the push to remove the last defense against criminal governments, our guns, is not enforced, and that the 2nd amendment to the US constitution is not destroyed... But watch over the next while as even more bullshit 'shootings' occur and there will be more propaganda pushed out that everyone must give in to "gun control" to save our nations...Be prepared everyone, for they are coming!More to comeNTS