Billionaire Minecraft creator and Peter Lavelle’s CrossTalk focus on ‘Seth Rich’ (Video)

Article first appeared on RussiaFeed.

Billionaire Minecraft creator with 4 million followers tweets 2 words…
“Seth Rich”

Seth Rich
— Notch (@notch) May 25, 2017

CrossTalk with Peter Lavelle dedicated a full episode to examining if Seth Rich was in fact the source who provided Wikileaks with DNC internal emails?
It’s a subject Fox News briefly touched, Hannity was encouraged to back off of, and the mainstream media refuses to even acknowledge.
If the reason for Rich’s murder is in any way connected to the Wikileaks DNC emails, then the question must be asked…what becomes of the mantra “Russia did it?”

The post Billionaire Minecraft creator and Peter Lavelle’s CrossTalk focus on ‘Seth Rich’ (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
