Bill Clinton, David Brock & the Kitchen Sink

Everything But The Kitchen Sink Soup (source) by Gaius PubliusI hope this is wrong. From the middle of this Wash Post piece (emphasis in the original):

-- Did Bill [Clinton] go off the reservation with his attacks on Sanders? Or is he being strategic? We think the latter. Or, as Marco Rubio put it in a different context: Let’s dispel with the fiction that Bill Clinton doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.1. His seemingly off-the-cuff attacks got intense coverage yesterday, enough so that he did not need to repeat the lines of attack and could show restraint. “The hotter this election gets, the more I wish I was just a former president and, just for a few months, not the spouse of the next one,” he said. “I have to be careful what I say.”2. WJC accomplished his goal of signaling to pro-Clinton outside groups that they should start throwing the kitchen sink. David Brock, whose outside group coordinates directly with the Clinton campaign, called Bill’s comments “a strong call to arms.” As Brock told Politico, “Senator Sanders is trying to live in the purity bubble, and it needs to be burst.”Last night, when Bill introduced Hillary, he sounded liberated. “Finally, the dam broke in the polarization of the campaign, and we are finally free” to have a discussion of whose ideas are better, he said in Hudson.

I really hope this is just rumor-mongering and pot-stirring by the Post. But I'm not optimistic.GP