The Big Lie: Israel wants a Peace Agreement with the Palestinians.

 Peace agreement  is an anathema to Israel and contradicts its Zionist goal of a “Greater Israel”. In such a nation there is no room or accommodation for Palestinians and Arabs from the Nile River to the west, to the Lebanese LItani River in the north, and the Euphrates River to the east.

by Mohamed Khodr

David Ben Gurion himself said that if he was a Palestinian he would not sign a peace agreement with Israel because the Jews came and stole their country and expelled them from their homeland.
 He also outlined Israel’s policy toward peace with the Palestinians.

“We do not seek an agreement with the [Palestinian] Arabs in order to secure the peace. Of course we regard peace as an essential thing. It is impossible to build up the country in a state of permanent warfare. But peace for us is a mean, and not an end. The end is the fulfillment of Zionism in its maximum scope. Only for this reason do we need peace, and do we need an agreement.”— David Ben Gurion, Shabtai Teveth, p. 168

Peace is an anathema to Israel and contradicts its Zionist goal of a “Greater Israel”. In such a nation there is no room or accommodation for Palestinians and Arabs from the Nile River to the west, to the Lebanese LItani River in the north, and the Euphrates River to the east.
With every “peace process” Israel ends up confiscating and annexing more Palestinian land, building more illegal settlements, building the Apartheid Wall, besieging and starving Gaza, killing international activists in international war who were delivering food and medicines to desperate Gazans; and with total impunity dares the entire world including its benefactor, the U.S., to do anything about such war crimes; and the world falls silent while the U.S. ends up rewarding Israel with tens of billions of dollars and more advanced weapons. Given the enormous budget crisis in the U.S., Congress cuts billions of dollars earmarked for food and health insurance for America’s children to send to Israel. That my friends is called Jewish Power.
If neither the U.S., U.N., E.U., Quartet, and the rest of the world are unable to stop Israel from building just one illegal home for the a terrorist settler; what chance do the occupied Palestinians have to stop Israel’s illegal settlement activities through “negotiations”?
The recent failure of the “peace talks” was totally predictable given Israel’s long history since the 1949 Lausanne Conference of sabotaging and rejecting every conceivable peace initiative; even the most important initiative of all – The 2002 Arab League Peace Initiative that gave Israel political and diplomatic recognition, met all its demands in exchange for withdrawing from all occupied territories. The Plan was dismissed by Israel thus the west followed and the plan was not even discussed in public in the west or in western media as a permanent solution.
This time even Secretary John Kerry and the Israeli negotiator Tipzi LIvni blamed Israel for its announcement of new settlements in East Jerusalem as the cause of the peace talks failing. Every U.S. President since Lyndon Johnson in 1967 till Obama today have consistently said the settlements are illegal and are the main obstacle to peace negotiations.
“Reconciliation Talks”: Fatah, Hamas, and other Palestinian Organizations.
It’s not overestimating these extraordinarily critical talks to say they are a DO or DIE talks that will determine the very future of 11 million Palestinian refugees.
Abba Eban once famously said of the Palestinians.

“The Palestinians never miss an opportunity, to miss an opportunity”.

Do not lose this important juncture in your history, a moment if seized will rally world populations behind you, if you fail, you are to blame, and with such failure you will be condemning future Palestinians to a life of subjugation and occupation. Neither the Palestinians nor history will ever forgive your failure to unite behind the common cause of liberating Palestine from Israel’s iron fist. In the end God will judge your actions.
First Step: STOP all negotiations with Israel whose leaders have openly declared their goal of annexing the West Bank and expelling all Palestinians from Eretz Israel.
It’s quite appropriate to ask Fatah: What has resulted from 21 year negotiations with Israel since the catastrophic Oslo Accords in 1993? To name a few.
a.. More deaths, more demolition of homes, and more Prisoners,
b.. A total blockade and siege of Gaza for 7 years that may result in mass starvation.
c.. The almost total Judaization of Jerusalem.
d.. A potential collapse of Masjid Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock.
e.. A doubling of Settlements and Settlers.
f.. Construction of the Apartheid Wall.
g.. More confiscation and annexation of Palestinian land.
h.. Destruction of Farms and Uprooting of Olive Trees, ironically a symbol of peace.
i.. More checkpoints to humiliate civilians
j.. More Settler terrorism and violence against civilians and vandalism against mosques and churches.
If the “peace process” continues like this, all of Palestine will be lost, and all Palestinians would be exiled out of their homeland.
Fatah can not possibly continue negotiating with Netanyahu, a man despised and mistrusted around the world, a man Sarkozy called a “liar”, a man who said this about the forced expulsion of Palestinians.

“Israel should have taken advantage of the suppression of the demonstrations in China [Tiananmen Square], when the world’s attention was focused on what was happening in that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the Territories. However, to my regret, they did not support that policy that I proposed, and which I still propose should be implemented”.— Benjamin Netanyahu, Deputy Foreign Minister, 1989…
There can be no successful reconciliation and unity talks between you and Fatah without you RECOGNITION OF ISRAEL as a State, not an exclusivist Jewish state.
Recognizing Israel as a state, NOT a Jewish state, has been implied by Hamas leaders in their public statements that they accept a Palestinian State along the 1967 borders.
Without recognition of Israel as a state and without Hamas renouncing violence and stopping all rocket fire from Gaza, there will be no reconciliation, no unity, and the common cause both Fatah and Hamas believe in, to live in a free Palestine State, may suffer permanent political damage; for in due time there will be no Palestinian land left for a state. Palestine will be finally and totally wiped of the map.
With unity the world will stand by your side for a free Palestinian State, without it you deprive yourselves and the world from a most just cause of freedom and liberation for the Palestinian people. Give the world a chance to strongly and publicly endorse your efforts; UNITE NOW.
Recognizing Israel will be a difficult pill for Hamas to swallow, but the reality of world politics dictates such a concession, a concession because Palestine is worthy any and all sacrifice from you and from all of us who believe and support your struggle for freedom and an independent state.
Hamas, your rockets are the best public relations gift to Israel in its masterful manipulation of western media. Israel uses every rocket as a justification to continue the murderous siege of Gaza, launch “self defense” military attacks, and indoctrinates the world that your mission is to destroy and throw Israel into the sea.
The firing of thousands of rockets into Israel from 2004 – 2012 have only resulted in 26 Israeli deaths, while Israel’s war crime attack on Gaza in 2008 – 2009 alone killed close to 1,500 civilians with hundreds being children. In that exchange only 3 Israeli civilians died due to rocket fire.
(SOURCE for 26 deaths:…)ocket-attacks.html
Your resistance strategy has led to:
A total siege and blockade of Gaza’s 1.8 million people for the last 7 years. Israel even controls the daily caloric intake for each Palestinian, just barely enough to survive, but not thrive. Food, water, fuel, medicines, and much more are under Israel’s control.
This has prompted the U.N. to issue 2 reports that state:
“Gaza will be unlivable by 2020 and will run out of Water by 2016”.
There will never be a military victory against the fourth most powerful nuclear equipped military in the world backed by the U.S., the sole world superpower.
Only in defending Masjid Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock must physical resistance and protest occur in massive numbers by all Palestinians able to do so. That site will never be surrendered to Israel and its Zionist terrorist Temple Mount settlers.
I ask the Palestinian people that if Fatah, Hamas, and the other organization fail to unite for your sake, your lives and the lives of your children then you MUST REVOLT and remove them both from their unelected power and governance. You already face an extraordinarily powerful enemy; you need not endure internal enemies whose self interest’s rises above the interests of Palestine’s children.
God willing it won’t come to that and that wise rational people will do what’s necessary for beloved Palestine and Jerusalem.
Let Israel and the U.S. threaten you, they’ve been doing that for decades. What else can Israel do to you that it hasn’t done for 66 years?
The most immediate consequence you will face is a cut in your financial support.
Thus, you must launch a worldwide financial appeal especially to the Arab and Muslim populations. Despite the internal inferno many Arab nations face, except for members of the wealthy Gulf Cooperation Council, you will find that the Arab and Muslim populations will rally to support you in every way possible. They’ve been waiting for years for Palestine to sever all ties with Israel and seek its freedom by peacefully winning the hearts and minds of people around the world.
I would encourage you to join every possible international organization and agency.
Most of all and this is most critical; do have the faith and courage to take Israel to the International Criminal Court charging it with war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and ethnic cleansing. It’s time to hold Israel accountable for its crimes.
Many around the world are waiting for this decision and will support you in your quest.
The U.S. must be made to pay a high political and economic price for its blind subservience to Israel. Worldwide economic boycotts of Israeli products and of European and American companies must become a worldwide campaign. A good public relations campaign can begin against Caterpillar Company whose bulldozers are demolishing Palestinian homes and are complicit in the crime of ethnic cleansing.
The youth of the world can smartly share their experiences and products they found to be boycotted on social media. Palestine will be the first country liberated by the internet and social media.
Fear God and not them. God will grant you victory, if you support Him, He will support you. God willing