BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 9, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?” –Mahatma Gandhi

International Newsworthy

Shanghai Cooperation Organization to Adopt Common Position on Syria

Russia Urges Syria Hand over Chemical Weapons to Intl Control to Avoid Strike

U.S. Strike on Syria Risks Emboldening Terrorists: Russia

Putin Pleased with Lack of Consensus on Syria at G20

Digest: U.S. Syria War to Repeat 1999 War on Yugoslavia: Russian MP

Russia Sends Plane to Evacuate Citizens from Syria

Cyprus Dismisses Reports about Confrontation of British, Syrian Planes

Iranian Official to Visit Russia to Discuss Syria Crisis

Syria’s Assad: ‘Expect Every Action’ in Response to a US Strike

Doubts Grow That Assad Ordered Chemical Attack

German Intel: Assad May Not Have Approved Chemical Attacks

Internal Syrian Opposition Group Rejects US Strike

Syria and the Oil Market Vultures

Syria’s Rebels and Soldiers Agree: Military Strikes Will Change Nothing

Syrian Kurdish Party Struggles with Dissent, Exodus

Political Quarrels and the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Kurdistan

Alawites Escape Jihadists in Syria, Take Shelter in Turkey

Syria Conflict Attracts Canadian Jihadis to Fight on Front Line

Direct Link between Assad and Gas Attack Elusive for US

US Plans to Bomb Syria for Three Days – Report

Obama Bets Big on Attacking Syria

Obama Deploys Visceral Videos of Alleged Chemical Attack Victims to Manipulate & Grow Support for Syria War

Obama Is Going on a Furious Media Push to Sell Syria Strikes

Arab Press Pans President Obama on Syria

Homeland Security Panel Chief Claims Obama Trying to Save Face on Syria

Rice: United Nations Backing in Syria ‘Just Not Going to Happen’

Congress Was Denied the “Secret Details” Regarding the Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack

AIPAC to Deploy Hundreds of Lobbyists to Push for Syria Action

AFL-CIO Chief Hints at Support for Syria War

White House Chief of Staff Confident of Vote on Syria Strikes

Petraeus Calls on Congress to Back White House on Syria

Sens. Feinstein, Boxer Buck Constituents on Syria Strike

UK Government Admits It Allowed 2 Firms to Sell ‘Poison Gas’-Making Chemicals to Syria

MPs Meet to Discuss Why Britain Allowed Nerve Gas Ingredients to Be Exported to Syria

Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Not Ordered by Assad, Says German Press

Germany’s Merkel Hails United EU Stance on Syria

German Islamists Increasingly Going to Syria

French Oppose Syria Action by Two-Thirds Margin: Poll

Turkey Starts to Build New Military Base Near Syria

Former Turkish FM: Turkey Moving Away From Solution without Assad

Military Strike on Syria May Put Turkey at Risk

600 Royal Marines from 30 and 42 Commando Units Deploy to Jordan

‘Iran Will Continue Supporting Syria’

Iraq Not to be Launch Pad for Strikes on Syria

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World Powers to Lay Off Iran at IAEA

EU Court Rejects Bans on Iranian Firm

US Exempts 11 Countries from Iran Oil Sanctions

Deadly Clash Erupts At Iranian Consulate in Afghanistan

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NATO Airstrike Kills 15, Including Women and Children

Karzai Condemns Civilian Deaths in NATO Airstrike

Pakistan: Overcoming the Energy Crisis

Pakistan Militants Prepare for War in Afghanistan

Four Dead, 11 Injured in Balochistan Violence

More US Boots on Philippine Soil

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Erdogan Criticizes Opposition Leader for Visits to Iraq-Egypt

Iraqi Militant Group Threatens Kuwait over Border Agreement

Iraqi Oil Pipeline Blown Up

Iraq Finds Mass Grave in Kurdistan

EU Funding Ban Proposal Angers Israel

Kerry Urges EU to Postpone Funding Ban in Israeli-Occupied Territories

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The New Great Game Round-Up, September 8

Russia, China Close In On Multi-Billion Dollar Gas Deal

West, Allies Focus On North Caucasus to Destabilize All of Russia: Putin

Russian Envoy Assassinated in Abkhazia

Russia’s Opposition Gains Ground

On Kazakhstan Visit, Chinese President Bags Lucrative Energy Deals

China’s CNPC Inks Deal For $5 Billion Stake In Kazakhstan Caspian Shelf

Kazakhstan Activists Demand Closure of Russian Military Facilities

Uzbekistan: More Energy Deals as China’s President Tours Central Asia

* * * *

GCHQ HUMINT Operation Teams: British Intelligence Placed Undercover Operatives in Tech Companies

UK, Saudi Arabia Begin Joint Air Drills

More Than 160 Anti-Islamist and Rival Protesters Arrested in London

German Spy Software Is Popular Abroad

Trouble in Italy? Cabinet in Danger over Berlusconi’s Possible Eviction from Senate

National Newsworthy

U.S. Tapped into Networks of Google, Petrobras & Others

Privacy Scandal: NSA Can Spy on Smart Phone Data

NSA Revelations Cast Doubt on the Entire Tech Industry

The NSA Never Takes ‘No’ for an Answer

Obama Says He Learns What NSA Is Doing From the Press, Then Goes to NSA for Details

A Cryptographic Engineer Looks at the Latest NSA Reports

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BFP ProPublica Expose- Part 3: Wall Street Men Set Up Alternative News Shop & Collect Wall Street Salaries

Internet Regulation at Stake in Verizon Case against FCC

Appeals Court Judges Voice Skepticism of FCC Net-Neutrality Rules

25 Years Later, Senators who Helped Create Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Say It Now Does Opposite of Intended Purpose

Americans Lining Up to Shoot Down Drones

Air Marshal Whistleblower Wins a Court Round 7 Years after Losing Job for Leaking Non-Classified Info about TSA

EPA Exec’s Purported Double Life as a CIA Spy was Cover for Million-Dollar Fraud Scheme

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Unions Push Back against Labor’s Ties to Progressive Groups

IBM Moves Retirees to Insurance Exchange as Costs Rise

Households on Foodstamps Rise to New Record High: More Americans Live in Poverty than the Population of Spain

The Number of Private Sector Jobs Fell by 278,000 Last Month but the Economy is Getting Better?

US Shop of State is Sinking, it’s a Derelict Vessel

Noteworthy Editorials

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The West Dethroned

Pepe Escobar: The (Farcical) Emperor is Naked

Eric Margolis: Ruins and Mourning

Tony Cartalucci: Depravity Redefined-Selling US Slaughter in Syria

David Swanson: This War Too Is a Lie

Dennis Kucinich: Top 10 Unproven Claims for War against Syria

Norman Solomon: The Repetition Compulsion for War

Washington’s Blog: 4 Questions for Supporters of a Strike Against Syria

The Rise of the Antiwar Libertarians

Wacko Birds vs. Angry Birds: This Time It’s War

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: Corbett Report- New World Next Week

Video 2: RT- Syria Welcomes Russia’s Call to Hand over Chemical Weapons

BFP Podcast: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “Drugs & Terror: US Imperialism in Latin America”

Podcast 1: Traces of Reality- Philip Giraldi on the U.S. Fighting Another War for Israel

Podcast 2: Corbett Report- Sibel Edmonds on the Three Musketeers of State Dept Terrorism

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