BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 6, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.” – Voltaire

International Newsworthy

China Joins Russia in Opposing Military Strikes

Putin Sees US on Dangerous Course in Syria

Russia Gave UN 100-Page Report in July Blaming Syrian Rebels for Aleppo Sarin Attack

Russian Warships Cross Bosphorus, En Route to Syria

Russia Suspends Syria S-300 Missile Deliveries

Russia Accuses U.S. of Avoiding Direct Contacts with Moscow over Syria

Russia Warns of Nuclear Disaster if Syria is Hit 

Putin Presses US Congress over Syria, Says Kerry Lied

Syria Creates a Russian Safe Zone, Civilian Danger Zones

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US Military Leaders Lay Out Goals for Syria Attack

Pentagon to Expand List of Targets in Syria 

Obama Likens Syria War to Holocaust

Obama to Address Nation Tuesday on Need for Syria Military Strike

Kerry Portrait of Syria Rebels at Odds With Intelligence Reports

Media Question Kerry’s Mysterious 1,429 Death Toll in Syria

Kerry: Arabs Offer to Pay for Syria War

Kerry-Hagel Try Hard to Lobby House Skeptics about Military Strikes in Syria

Text of Revised Senate Resolution for Military Strikes in Syria

Senate Breaks Own Rules in Rush to Vote on Syria War

Liberal Groups Break with Obama on Syria

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Scientific American: Who Made the Sarin Used in Syria?

US Case for Syrian Gas Attack, Strike Has Too Many Holes

UN Report on Chemical Weapons Could Take Three More Weeks

Ex-CIA Chief on Syria Strikes: ‘This Could Fail’

US-Iran Nuclear Deal Hinges on Syria Vote

AIPAC to Go All-Out on Syria

Pro-Israel Groups Mix Iran into Syria Debate

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Caucasus Islamists in Syria Split with Qaeda-Linked Rebels

Syrian Rebels Split on Air Strikes

Al-Qaida-Linked Syria Rebels Hit Christian Village

Palestinian Factions Deny Sending Fighters to Syria

Israel Awaits Cyberattack from Syrian Electronic Army

Jordan Invites US Targets for Syrian Retaliation

Egyptians Head to Syria as Human Shields Against U.S. Attack

Poll: Three-Quarters of the French Want Syria Action Put to a Vote

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Iran’s Foreign Ministry to Lead Nuclear Talks

Overland NATO Oil Supplies to Afghanistan Resumed by Contractors

Afghans Say Pakistanis behind Mosque Attack

US-Led Airstrike Kills 12 in Afghanistan

IMF Approves $6 Billion Lifeline for Pakistan

US Refutes Claims of 19,000 US Containers “Missing” from Karachi Ports

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Why Kurdish Unity is Ever More Elusive

PKK Announces Suspension of Withdrawal from Turkey

Pan-Kurdish National Conference in Iraqi Kurdistan Postponed until November

Mosul’s Shabak Kurds Call for Peshmerga after Extremist Threats, Killings

Religious Leaders in Najaf Support Iraqi Protesters

25 People Killed in Iraq’s Violence

Five Police Killed, Four Civilians Wounded West of Mosul

Hezbollah Condemns Spate of Deadly Iraq Attacks

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Obama Weighs Egypt Aid Suspension

Egypt’s Buffer-Zone Move Shocks Hamas

Egypt’s Minister Survives Assassination Attempt as Bomb Explodes Near Convoy

U.S. Embassy in Egypt Urges Caution after Bomb Blast

Younger Muslim Brotherhood Hoping to Revive the Egyptian Group

Libya PM Warns Time Running Out for Oil Protests

M23 Imposes Curfew in East Congo: UN

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Russia, China Close In On Multi-Billion Dollar Gas Deal

Cyber Space Governance: Moscow and Beijing’s Efforts at the UN

Obama May Have Come Up with the Needed Bone for Russia on Syria

Russia’s Aerospace Defense Forces: Organizational Chaos

Did Saakashvili’s Government Recruit and Train Chechen Islamist Militants?

Azerbaijan, Russia Test New Pragmatism

Turkmenistan: Visiting Chinese Leader Cements Hold on Gas Sector

Turkmenistan Starts Pumping Gas from Vast Field

Armenia Says Association Agreement with EU Still Possible

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UK Internet Providers to Collect Data on Illegal Downloaders

US and UK Spy Agencies Defeat Privacy and Security on the Internet

Dutch Expert Says Terrorism Financing Barely Traceable Using Data Analysis

Venezuela Rejects World Bank Ruling on Expropriation of U.S. Oil Company

National Newsworthy

NSA’s Decade-Long Plan to Undermine Encryption Includes Backdoors, Stolen Keys and Manipulating Standards

NSA Laughs at PCs, Prefers Hacking Routers and Switches

PATRIOT Act Author Says NSA Is Abusing Spy Law

Snowden Leaks Only Tip of the Iceberg

NRA Joins ACLU Lawsuit, Claims NSA Starting ‘Gun Registry’

Developers Scramble to Build NSA-Proof Email

NSA Announces 4 New CyberSpy Schools  

Amazon Hiring ‘Top Secret’ IT Staff as It Fights for CIA Work

Judge’s Gag Order Cuts off Press from Receiving Reports on Barrett Brown’s Case

Barrett Brown USG Argument for Gag Order  

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Leaks Detail CIA Drone Messaging Battle

Immigration Officials to Limit Solitary Confinement after Human Rights Outcry

6 Major Corporations that Profit from U.S. Aid to the Egyptian Military

How Government Spooks Are Making Bank In Silicon Valley

BFP Exclusive Report- “Open Source: A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities”

Obama was the Candidate of the War Lobby Funded by the Crown Family

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Senators Authorizing Syria Strike Got More Defense Cash

Lobbyists: Postal Service will Try to Hike Stamp Price

Sen. Schumer’s Chief Counsel Lands on K Street

Leftover Loot: More Leave Congress with Lots of Campaign Cash

Labor Unions Love Super PACs

How AIPAC Works your Congressperson– Using Donors, Rabbis & Jewish Members

* * * *

States Divert Foreclosure Prevention Money to Demolitions

One in Seven American Families Faces Food Insecurity

US Job Growth Misses Expectations, Offers Cautionary Note for Fed

No Progress for Long-Term Unemployed

Unemployment Rate Surges to Highest Since 2011 – Gallup Polling

JPMorgan to Stop Making Student Loans

U.S. Factory Orders Down 2.4 Percent in July

Is the Cult of Central Bankers Unraveling?

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: The Needed Ingredients for a Real Alternative Information Gateway

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The High Cost of Saving Face for Obama

John Stanton: The Art of Collaborating with the Nazi’s

Pepe Escobar: Dogs of War versus the Emerging Caravan

Andrew Napolitano: War, War, What Is It Good for?

Jacob Hornberger: Perpetual Chaos and Crises

David Swanson: Who the Missiles Will Hurt

M K Bhadrakumar: Syria Consensus Hard to Find at G20 Summit

Washington’s Blog: U.S.-NATO Should Not Be “Al Qaeda’s Air Force”

Killing to Save in Syria: When Liberalism Is Lethal

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report-Bandar Bush and the Syrian Subversion

Video 1: Syria- Nobel Peace Laureate Tells Her Account of What She Witnessed

Video 2: Charlie McGrath- Syrian “Debate” Lie

Video 3: RT-NSA Blackmailing Corporate Media? Interview with Russ Tice

BFP Podcast 1: Boiling Frogs Presents Journalist Pepe Escobar- “Obama, Putin, Prince Bandar & the Looming War on Syria”

BFP Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Processing Distortion- “Cruise Missile Liberals with Weapons of Mass Distortion”

BFP Podcast 3: Empire-Power & People W/Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Syria & the Geopolitics of Empire”

BFP Podcast 4: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez Presents Tom Secker

Podcast 1: Corbett Report- Christoph Germann on the Afghan “Withdrawal”

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show- In Sweden, Obama Disowns His “Red Line”

Podcast 3: Traces of Reality-Melissa del Bosque on Drug War & Government Corruption on Both Sides of the Border

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