BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 4, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” –Albert Einstein

International Newsworthy

UN Chief Ban Casts Doubt on Legality of US Plans for Syria Strike

Poll Shows Majority of Americans Oppose Military Strike against Syria

U.N. Inspectors Flee Syria…Obama Pulls a George W. Bush in Iraq

Obama: First “CIA-Trained” Rebel Unit about to Join Fighting against Assad Regime

US General Says Syria Action Could Be ‘More Substantial Than Thought’

USA: Prominent Pro-Israel Group Throws its Weight Behind Syria Strikes 

Adelson New Obama Ally as Jewish Groups Back Syria Strike

AIPAC in Full Court Press on Syria

‘NYT’ Cuts References to AIPAC in Syria Debate

US Senators Set 60-Day Deadline & Possible 30-Day Extension for Syria Military Strikes

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves Plan to Strike Syria

McCain Wants to Expand Obama’s Battlefield Authority

Senator Paul Ready to Filibuster the Syria War

Sen. Lindsey Graham: Not Attacking Syria Ensures Israeli-Iranian War

Rice: White House has ‘No Expectation’ of Losing Syria Vote

Clinton Breaks Silence to Endorse Syria War

Russia Releases Key Findings on Chemical Attack Near Aleppo Indicating Similarity with Rebel-Made Weapons

Putin Warns U.S. against Unilateral Military Action on Syria

Three Russian Military Vessels to Enter Mediterranean Tomorrow

Russia Might Boost Military Assistance to Syria if US Attacks, Gen. Dempsey Says

Caucasus, Central Asian Countries Warily Assessing Impending Attack on Syria

Former NATO Military Chief Demands Strikes against Syria

UN Chief Ban Ki-moon Dodges Question on “Illegal” Attack on Syria

Syrian Forensic Expert Defects to Turkey with ‘Evidence’ of Chemical Attack

Is Turkey Backpedaling on Syria?

Turkey: Could US bombing of Syria Sidetrack Kurdish Peace Process?

Allawi: Iraq Cannot Prevent Iran Transporting Weapons to Syria by Air

David Cameron Rules Out Any Future Military Action in Syria

Francois Hollande and the Syrian Trap

Splintered Damascus Holds its Breath

Syrian Civilians Live In Fear of U.S. Missile Attacks

Radicals Kill 9 People in Central Syria: Report

Source: Syrian Regime Held Talks With Kurdish Groups in Qamishli

Syria Kurdish Regions Need Autonomy: PYD Official Tells Kurdpress  

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Iran Commander Reacts to Israel Missile Test

US Still Holding Detainees at Afghanistan’s Bagram Prison

No Plans for Complete Withdrawal from Afghanistan, ISAF General Says

Withdrawal A Misnomer: NATO Troops Never to Leave Afghanistan

Taliban Assaults Spike as US Forces Leave Afghanistan

The US Is Doing an Awful Lot of Spying on Pakistan

Jihadist Books Back in Pakistan Classrooms

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Revenge or Democracy? Turkey’s Divisive Coup Trial

Turkey’s Middle East Policy Is in Shambles

UN Calls for Iraq’s Thorough Probe into Violence in Iranian Exile Camp

‘Iraqis Want MKO Remnants Expulsion’

Iraqi Politicians Mobilize Followers through Feasts

56 Killed, 170 Wounded in Attacks in Iraq

Lebanon Charges 3 for Rocket Fire against Israel

* * * *

Egypt’s Sinai Emerges as New Theater for Jihad

Egypt’s President Says Muslim Brotherhood’s Fate in Hands of Judiciary, Says Security Priority

Egypt Economy Continues Downward Trend

Algeria Deploys Troops on Tunisia Border

Tunisia: Prisoners Break Out Of Jail

Sudan to Allow Passage of South’s Oil

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Leading Russian Rights Activists Stand Obama Up

Putin Says Russia Not to Extradite Snowden to U.S.

Georgia Takes No Position on Eurasian Union: PM

Turkmenistan: Visiting Chinese Leader Cements Hold on Gas Sector

Armenia to Join Russian-Led Customs Union

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Europe vs. NSA: Know Thyself, Know Thy Neighbor

Law on Amnesty Arouses Dispute in Kosovo

Support for Merkel’s CDU Falls

National Newsworthy

BFP Exclusive Report- “Open Source: A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities”

Spy Files: New WikiLeaks Docs Expose Secretive, Unruly Surveillance Industry

The HHS Data Hub, Does Private Information Exist in America?

Test Reveals Facebook, Twitter and Google Snoop on Emails

NSA Admits Analysts Spied on Their Lovers Using Eavesdropping Technology

* * * *

Gagged: Federal Court Says Accused Hacktivist Barrett Brown Can’t Speak to the Press

US Spy Agencies Probed Job Seekers with Links to al-Qaeda

Inside The NYPD’s Secret CIA-Style Demographics Unit

Mayor Bloomberg Sues NY City Council over Curbs on Stop-and-Frisk

Cryptome- FISC: Microsoft-Google Consent to Stay  

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Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Reclassify Ft. Hood Shooting as Terrorism

Calif. Senate Votes to Reject NDAA ‘Indefinite Detention’ 37-0

Top Menendez Aide Heads to Lobby Firm

Political Operatives Open New PR Shop

* * * *

AFL-CIO Campaigns against Trans-Pacific Partnership

How the Bank Lobby Loosened US Reins on Derivatives

Bank Leverage Is the Defining Debate of Our Time

University Enrollment Declines Following Years of Record Growth

Housing Affordability Plummets

U.S. Banks Turn to Subprime Auto Loans as Delinquencies Fall

Is the Cult of Central Bankers Unraveling?

Noteworthy Editorials

Paul Craig Roberts: Obama Reveals His Dictatorship

William Blum: Found at Last- After Searching for 10 Yrs, the Iraqi WMD Have Finally Been Found – in Syria!

David Swanson: Caveman Credibility & Its Costs

Paul Pillar: Warped Motives on Syria

Naomi Wolf: The Abolition of Free Speech

Stephen Lendman: Impeach Obama Now!

The Press and the Syria Debate: Neither Neutral nor Balanced

American Intervention in Syria: A Moral Obscenity

The Cost of Symbolism in Syria

Don’t Just Sit There, Bomb Something

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report-Bandar Bush and the Syrian Subversion

BFP EyeOpener Video Report (Preview): Bandar Bush and the Syrian Subversion

Video 1: GRTV- Pepe Escobar on Pipeline Politics & the Syrian War

Video 2: RT- Why did Obama Missile & Torpedo Syrian Peace Deal?

Video 3: Ben Swann- The HHS Data Hub, Does Private Information Exist in America?

BFP Podcast 1: Empire-Power & People W/Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Syria & the Geopolitics of Empire”

BFP Podcast 2: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez Presents Tom Secker

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Christoph Germann on the Afghan “Withdrawal”

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality- Larry Pinkney on Obama’s War Crimes & People Power

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