BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 26, 2013

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“Even the humblest Party member is expected to be competent, industrious, and even intelligent within narrow limits, but it is also necessary that he should be a credulous and ignorant fanatic whose prevailing moods are fear, hatred, adulation, and orgiastic triumph. In other words it is necessary that he should have the mentality appropriate to a state of war. It does not matter whether the war is actually happening, and, since no decisive victory is possible, it does not matter whether the war is going well or badly. All that is needed is that a state of war should exist.” – George Orwell
NATO Plans to Repeat Libyan Scenario in Syria
Iran’s Liberalism Shifts with Oil Price
Kenya Info Blackout? Extraordinary Lack of Detail about Siege
Identifying the Big Dogs of Cyber War
How Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Sells Post Office Real Estate to His Friends on the Cheap
The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


International Newsworthy

NATO Plans To Repeat Libyan Scenario in Syria: Russia

The US Strategy in Syria is Unraveling

UN Security Council Close to Work Out Syria Resolution

Russia: Homemade Sarin was Used in Attack Near Damascus 

Russia: Ready to Guard Syria’s Chemical Weapons Stockpiles

Syrian Rebels Urge Boycott of Any Conference Involving Iran

Syria Kurds, al-Qaeda Militants Clash

Hezbollah Gambles All in Syria

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Russia: ‘Iran Bans Must Ease as Talks Progress’

Iran’s Liberalism Shifts with Oil Price

US Lawmakers Unenthused by Drive for Rapprochment with Iran

Former Afghan Warlord Turned Govt Official: ‘The West Must Give Weapons Back to Militias’

Taliban Splinter Groups Damp Peace Talk

Imran Says Taliban Be Allowed to Open Office for Peace Talks

IMF Imposes Stringent Austerity Measures on Pakistan

NSA Planted Bugs at Indian Missions in DC, UN

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Al-Shabaab Leader Threatens More Bloodshed to Press for Kenya Troops Pullout

Kenya Info Blackout? Extraordinary Lack of Detail about Siege

Did Kenya Mall Massacre Terrorists Rent Shop to Hide Weapons in Advance?

Morocco Journalist Charged With Inciting ‘Terrorism’

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Arms Trade Treaty Standards Too Low to Join – Moscow

Georgia: Ivanishvili Versus the Experts

The Caucasus and Russia’s Syria Policy

Azeri Presidential Race a Non-Starter

Azerbaijani Election Commission Warns RFE/RL, Other Media

Tajikistan: Surprise Presidential Candidate Shakes Up Political Scene

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US, UK Seek to Neutralize Drone Opponents Whom They Perceive as Threats

Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation Is Now Starting To Happen All Over the Globe

Former Navy Chief Slams Australia Government for Policy of Secrets

National Newsworthy

Declassified History Provides Remarkable Look at NSA Operations During the Cold War

Evidence NSA ‘Illegally’ Monitored Anti-Vietnam Dissidents, Including Journalists and Two Senators

Surveillance Reform Package Ends Bulk Collection of Phone Records

Scalia Expects NSA Wiretaps to End Up in Court

Senate Narrows Definition of “Journalist” for Proposed Shield Law

Shhh … NSA’s Utah Data Center May Be Open Already

Identifying the Big Dogs of Cyber War

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Sophisticated U.S. Arms Flowing to Jihadists

Effectiveness of Obama’s Drone Program Questioned as Terrorist Attacks Surge 

State Department Blocks Lawyer of U.S. Drone Strike Survivors from Testifying Before Congress

IRS Watchdog: $67 Million Missing from ObamaCare Slush Fund

Defense Contractors Take to the Hill to Lobby on Drones

How Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Sells Post Office Real Estate to His Friends on the Cheap

Business Groups Woo Michelle Obama

High-Flying Lawmakers Spent Half of Their $3.3 Million in Free Travel on Summer Getaways

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Food Stamp Growth 75X Greater than Job Creation

JPMorgan Mortgage Talks Said to Discuss $11 Billion Deal

Goldman Sachs Chief Says Solution to Occupy Wall Street Is Reeducation of Public

U.S. Data Gives Conflicting Signals on Economy’s Health

Obama Has Raised Debt Ceiling Seven Times, Costing $43,000 Per Household

Noteworthy Editorials

Jeff Stein: The End of National Security Reporting?

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s Tyranny

Andrew Napolitano: Is the FISA Court Constitutional?

Tom Engelhardt: The American Exceptionalism Sweepstakes

Russ Baker: Skull & Bones

Washington’s Blog: Bad Government Policy Has Created the Worst Inequality in World History … And It Is Destroying Our Economy

The Left’s War on Dissent

Should Voters Decide if We Go to War?: An Idea’s Fascinating History  

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP-Corbett Exclusive Video Report- Plamegate Revisited: Who Really Leaked Valerie Plame’s Cover?

BFP Podcast 1- Peter B. Collins Processing Distortion: Early NSA Whistleblower on Snowden’s Summer of Leaks

BFP Podcast 2- Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Obama’s Global Terror Campaign

Podcast 1: James Corbett on the Bad Quaker Podcast

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality- Derrick Broze on “The Conscious Resistance


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