BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 25, 2013

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“To say that the first casualty of war is truth is to miss the rather more important point that a principal weapon of war is lies.” –Harry M. Collins
Delusional Reality of Pakistani Peace
Turkish Government Aims To Create 6000-Strong Social Media Propaganda Squad
Moscow Issues Eurasia Ultimatum
A Deceptive Letter to the NSA’s Spy Family
$5.25 Million for Senate Hair Care and 21 Other Ways Politicians Are Living the High Life at Your Expense
The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


International Newsworthy

UN Chemical Team Arrives in Syria to Finish Investigation

Al-Qaeda’s Latest Target:  Syria’s Civilian Activists

‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels Join With Al-Qaeda Faction

Clashes Raging among Armed Rebels in Syria

13 Islamist Factions Reject Leadership of Exiled Syrian Opposition Coalition

Syrian Christians May Get Pulled Into Civil War

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Reactions to Rouhani Speech Ripple Through Streets of Tehran

Iran’s Rouhani Calls for ‘Consistent Voice’ From US on Nuclear Issue

Former U.S. Officials Blast Diplomacy with Rouhani at MEK Rally Outside UN

Iran, Pakistan Discuss Finishing IP Project

Delusional Reality of Pakistani Peace

PTI Chief Urges Govt to Allow Opening of Pakistani Taliban Office

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Turkish Government Aims To Create 6000-Strong Social Media Propaganda Squad

In Baghdad Bastion, Grieving Shi’ites Call for Revenge

Ahead of Final Count, PUK Accepts Defeat in Kurdistan Polls

Israel’s Chemical Arsenal Under New Scrutiny

Lebanon Army Kills al-Nusra Militant

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US Moves East African Drone Base Following Series of Crashes 

Egypt Foreign Minister: US Aid Will Not Influence Decision-Making

Egypt Warns Hamas of ‘Harsh’ Response if Security Threatened

Egypt’s Central Bank Returns $2 Billion Qatari Deposit

British Islamist in Kenya Had ‘Explosive’ Chemicals

CIA Warned Tunisian Officials about Murder of Opposition Politician

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Foxconn China Plant Closed after 2,000 Riot

Turkey May Be SCO “Partner,” But Not Even Invited to Summit

Moscow Issues Eurasia Ultimatum

Between Two Stools: Ukraine Says EU Trade Deal Certain, Russia–Led Union also an Option

Global NATO Continues Integration of Ukraine

Georgia: Ivanishvili Says ‘Actually’ Made Up His Mind on Successor

Azerbaijan: Eight Years on, Murder of Journalist Still Haunts the Present

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EU Threatens to Suspend Deal with US on Tracking Terrorists’ Funding

NATO Begins War Games Preparation in Latvia

National Newsworthy

Unleashed and Unaccountable: ACLU Report on NSA Spying

Top Senator Calls for Scrapping Key Snooping PATRIOT Act Section

A Deceptive Letter to the NSA’s Spy Family

NSA Chief Pleads for Public’s Help amid Push for Spying Restrictions

Dropbox Joins Petition to Report National Security Data Requests

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Albany New York’s City Council Attempting to Block NDAA

Judge Orders CIA to Stop Abusing Freedom of Information Act Exemption

F-35 Maker Hires Ex-General Who Led NATO Libya Mission

Obama’s Favorite General Stripped of His Security Clearance

Poll: Americans Have Negative View of Obama on Syria, Iran

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House Republicans Vote to Extend ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ in Spending Bill

House GOP May Attach ObamaCare Delay to CR

Senate Ethics Panel Rejects Reid, Boxer Probe

$5.25 Million for Senate Hair Care and 21 Other Ways Politicians Are Living the High Life at Your Expense

K Street Suffers from Identity Crisis

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The Average American Family Pays $6,000 a Year in Subsidies to Big Business

U.S. Set to Reveal Criminal Charges against ICAP Staff in Libor Probe: WSJ

JPMorgan Chase, 12 more Banks Sued over Libor

The Other Reason the Fed Is Terrified of a Government Shut Down

Noteworthy Editorials

Pepe Escobar: Rouhani Surfs the New WAVE

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s Tyranny

Sheldon Richman: The Kenyan Massacre’s Roots in America’s Somalia Policy

Patrick Buchanan: Is Iran the Fourth Reich?

David Swanson: Top 45 Lies in Obama’s Speech at UN

Obama at the UN: A Defense of Unilateral Aggression

NSA Spying Is Making Us Less Safe

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video: RT-Heat over Arctic: ‘Oil & Gas May Fuel Militarization of the Region’

BFP Podcast 1- Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Obama’s Global Terror Campaign

BFP Podcast 2- De-Manufacturing Consent: “Anarcho-Detroit: In the Absence of Government, A New Way Forward Emerges”

Podcast 1: Traces of Reality- State-Sponsored Terror, Cyber War & Surveillance

Podcast 2: Smells Like Human Spirit- An Interview with Guillermo Jimenez


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