BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 24, 2013

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“Then there was this freedom the little guys were always getting killed for. Was it freedom from another country? Freedom from work or disease or death? Freedom from your mother-in-law? Please mister give us a bill of sale on this freedom before we go out and get killed. Give us a bill of sale drawn up plainly in advance what we’re getting killed for… so we can be sure after we’ve won your war that we’ve got the same kind of freedom we bargained for.” –Dalton Trumbo, Johnny Got His Gun
Putin Says Syria Violence Could Hit Ex-Soviet Bloc
Polish Govt Again Silent over Alleged CIA ‘Black Hole’ sites on its Territory
Xi Jinping Brings Out Central Asia Critics
ATT, Verizon, Sprint are Paid Cash by NSA for Your Private Communications
Obama Campaign Vet Opens PR Firm
The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


International Newsworthy

CSTO Nations Oppose Western Military Aggression against Syria

Russian Diplomat Accuses U.S. of Promoting “Illogical” UNSC Resolution

Putin Says Syria Violence Could Hit Ex-Soviet Bloc

Moscow: UN Chemical Weapons Experts to Return to Syria Wednesday 

Security Council Begins Writing Syria Resolution

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Nasrallah Warns Turkey, Gulf on Syria

Syria’s Assad Criticizes US Threat of Strikes: China TV

US, Russia Press Syria, but Slow to Destroy Their Own Chemical Arms

Obama Urges “Tough” UN Resolution on Syria

Obama: US Ready for Military Force in ME

Syrian Opposition, Kurd Agreement Irrelevant Without PYD

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Iran Denies any Direct Meeting with US Officials at UN General Assembly

‘Iran Ready to Strengthen Iraq Army’

Afghanistan: Taliban Kill 11 Border Police Guards

Return of the Lion: Former Warlord Preps for Western Withdrawal

US Drone Strikes in Pakistan: “Naming the Dead”

India Disbands Spy Unit that Conducted Covert Operations Abroad

Impressions from Turkey’s Syrian Frontier

Hezbollah Denies Getting Syrian Chemical Weapons

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Nairobi Attack: Why Kenya and Why Now?

Obama Offers Support to Kenya as FBI Investigates US Involvement

White House “Troubled” By Al Shabaab Recruitment in US

Mali: Serious Misconduct, Sexual Abuse Alleged Against UN Peacekeepers

AU Force Halts Expansion Operations in Somalia

Thousands Detained in Libya Outside State Control

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Venezuela-China Sign Agreements for more than USD 20 Billion

Xi Jinping Brings Out Central Asia Critics

Moscow Issues Eurasia Ultimatum

Putin Wins the War on Terror

Russia-Israel Ties in Spotlight In Wake of Syria Deal

Russia Launches Piracy Case over Greenpeace Oil Rig ‘Attack’

Georgian NATO Ambitions Annoy Russia, Even Under Ivanishvili

Russia, Belarus Begin 2nd Stage Drills

Russia Sells 49-Per-Cent Stake in Maker of AK-47s

CSTO Promises Support, But No Russian Troops, For Tajikistan’s Border

Armenia Eyes Observer Status in SCO

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Wars Not Always Fought on Battlefields: U.S. Conducts 40-Nation NATO, Partners Cyber Warfare Exercise

Polish Govt Again Silent over Alleged CIA ‘Black Hole’ sites on its Territory

Israeli Agents Target UK Universities

National Newsworthy

ATT, Verizon, Sprint are Paid Cash by NSA for Your Private Communications

Obama’s NSA Review Panel Littered With Insiders

NSA Surveillance Goes Beyond Orwell’s Imagination

How a Crypto ‘Backdoor’ Pitted the Tech World Against the NSA

Senators Demand “Independent” Review of Surveillance Programs Exposed by Snowden

Brazilian President Rails against US Surveillance at UN Assembly* * * *

The FBI’s “Next Generation Identification” (NGI) 2013

Feinstein: First Amendment Is a Special Privilege, Not a Right!

Americans’ Belief that Gov’t is Too Powerful at Record Level

New York to Crack Down on Fake Online Reviews

Florida College to Offer Masters Degree in Drone Warfare

Ex-FBI Agent to Plead Guilty to AP Leak

FBI Agent’s Decision to Plead Guilty to AP Leak Doesn’t Necessarily Vindicate Seizure of Phone Records

Supreme Court Could Eliminate Remaining Restrictions on Wealthy Political Donors

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Chelsea Clinton’s Secret Holding Company

Obama Campaign Vet Opens PR Firm

Senate Republicans Back away from Floor Fight on Missile Shield

IRS Has Produced Only 10% of Docs Responsive to Demand by Congress

$3 Billion Price Tag to Bring Gear Home from Afghanistan

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JPMorgan Said to Face U.S. Mortgage Securities Charges

National Credit Union Administration Sues Wall Street Banks for Fraud in Mortgage Market

Internet Sales Tax Could Crush Small Businesses

Consumer Confidence in US Falls to Lowest in Four Months

Not All Debt is Created Equal

Detroit’s Emergency Manager Plans Early Payoff of Top Banks

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Running for Public Offices & Civil Servants Positions- The Fastest & Surest Path from Rags to Riches

Guillermo Jimenez: Failure to Obey Suspicionless Interrogation

Glenn Greenwald: NSA Stories around the World

Norman Solomon: Obama’s Justice Department: Trumpeting a New Victory in War on Freedom of the Press

John Whitehead: To Produce State Subservient Drones

Steve Chapman: How the B-52 Became Immortal

College Students: Psychiatry Targets them for Final Destruction

The American Dream Has Become a Burden for Most

North American Integration & the Militarization of the Arctic

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: Dahlia Wasfi Epic Speech

Video 2: Mother Agnes Mariam Exposes Western Funded Terrorism in Syria

Video 3: RT- Surveillance Inc.

BFP Podcast 1- De-Manufacturing Consent: “Anarcho-Detroit: In the Absence of Government, A New Way Forward Emerges”

BFP Podcast 2- Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Iraq Under Obama’s Empire

Podcast 1: VACA Bay Radio- An Interview with NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality- Robert Wenzel on Kenya, Blowback, Drones & the Fed

Podcast 3: Peter B. Collins Show-Big Week for Political Theater in Washington & at UN


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