BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 23, 2013

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“No honest journalist should be willing to describe himself or herseif as ‘embedded.’ To say, ‘I’m an embedded journalist’ is to say, ‘I’m a government Propagandist.”– Noam Chomsky
Kurdish Parties Build Alliance to Curb Barzani’s Power in Syria
Turkey: Syria Talks Unrealistic without Iran
FBI Calls Half of Populace with 9/11 Doubts Potential Terrorists
The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


International Newsworthy

Syria Diplomacy Helps Shuffle Global Order

Lavrov: US Pressuring Russia into Passing UN Resolution on Syria Allowing Military Force

Russia ‘Could Drop’ Support of Assad

Russia-US Deal Puts Syrian Rebels Back to “Minus One”

China Willing to Contribute to Syria Deal

West Attempts Syria Cover Up – Claims “Twitter Donations” Behind Rise of Al Qaeda

Turkey: Syria Talks Unrealistic without Iran

Turkey’s Syria Nightmare Goes from Bad to Worse

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Assad: Terrorists May Attack Chemical Weapons Inspectors, Blame Damascus 

Syrian Opposition Willing to Attend Geneva Talks, if Assad Resigns First

Kurdish Parties Build Alliance to Curb Barzani’s Power in Syria

2 UK Men Charged in Syria-Related Investigation

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World Reacts to Rouhani’s No Nuclear Pledge

Rouhani Enlists Iran Jewish MP against Hard-Liners

Zarif Turbocharges Iran’s Diplomacy

Iran’s Elite Military Warns of Dangers of Dealing with US

Israel Launches Media Blitz against Iran’s New President Hassan Rohani

Iran, Russia Agree to Build New Nuclear Plant: TV

Iran August Oil Exports to China Up 9.8%

Afghanistan, Corruption and Karzai

Small Firms Seek to Move in on Afghanistan’s Vast Mineral Wealth

Pakistan Army, Government at Loggerheads over Taliban Talks

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Turkish Police Investigates Foreign Links in Rocket Attack in Ankara

Turkey: Spy Agency a Key Partner for Prime Minister Erdoğan

Iraq Is Witness to Rise of Terrorist Groups

64 Killed, 143 Wounded in Car Bomb Attacks in Iraq’s Capital

Moscow: Violence in Iraq Directly Linked to Events in Syria

Failing To Address the Root Causes of Violence in Iraq

US Denies Visiting Allegedly Missing Iranians

Yemen Clash with Qaeda Kills Eight

51 UN Countries Vote to Keep Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal Hidden from Public View

Israel Rejects EU Criticism of Palestinian Aid Seizure

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West Targets Hezbollah Financing, Ties in Africa

Mall Attack Is Product of Brutal Power Struggle within Al-Shabaab

Egypt Court Bans all Muslim Brotherhood Activities Nationwide 

Egyptian Students Detained for Pro-Muslim Brotherhood Protests

Tunisia’s Powerful Union Calls for Protests to Topple the Govt

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The New Great Game Round-Up, September 22

Soviet Lessons for China in Xinjiang

MoscowUrges Military Allies CSTO to Support Syria Settlement

Car Bomb Kills 2 Policemen in Dagestan

Russia Warns Ukraine against EU Deal

Russia Re-Opens Railway Link with North Korea

Atambayev, In Brussels, Gets Promises of Stronger NATO Ties

Kyrgyzstan Readies Torpedo Plant for Sale to Russia

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NATO Chief to EU: Buy More Drones, Refuelling Planes, Interceptor Missile Radar

Swiss Reject Plan to Scrap Military Draft

Yes Scotland: Thousands in Independence March

National Newsworthy

Major US Security Company Warns of NSA Link

DoJ Watchdog Never Probed Judges’ NSA Concerns

”Independent’ Panel Investigating NSA Linked to White House, NSA

Rolling Stone: Is the FBI’s Domestic Spying Out of Control?

FBI Calls Half of Populace with 9/11 Doubts Potential Terrorists

CIA-Linked Vet Who Fought With Al-Qaeda Released From Jail

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Private Prisons Punish States for not Having Enough Prisoners

GOP Leader Demands that Holder Withdraw School Voucher Lawsuit

Fundraising’s Diplomatic Perks

Tom DeLay: Return of the Hammer?

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SEC Cracks Down on “Bad Actors”…Except Proven Bad Actors are Exempted

What Shadow Banking Can Tell Us about the Fed’s “Exit-Path” Dead End

JPMorgan Guilty Admission a Win for SEC’s Policy Shift

The Credit Bubble Is Not Only Back, It Is 94% Bigger than in 2007

20 Million Americans Live on Less than $3,000 a Year

Noteworthy Editorials

Eric Margolis: Mass Murderers Are Outraged

Dave Lindorff: Washington Demands Syria Destroy Chemical Weapons Lickety-Split

Tony Cartalucci: Kenyan Bloodbath- Reaping the “Benefits” of US AFRICOM Collaboration

Washington’s Blog: Take a Peek at How Widespread Spying Has Become

Shall We Play a Game?: The Rise of the Military-Entertainment Complex

Executive Branch ‘Dictatorship’

Destroying the Right to Be Left Alone

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: Corbett Report-Solutions: Overcoming Stockholm Syndrome

Video 2: Ben Swann- Monsanto and Crony Capitalism

Video 3: Violent Arrest of Students- NYPD Officers Cuff &Assault Student at Petraeus Protest

BFP Podcast 1- De-Manufacturing Consent: “Anarcho-Detroit: In the Absence of Government, A New Way Forward Emerges”

BFP Podcast 2- Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Iraq Under Obama’s Empire

Podcast 1: Traces of Reality- Walter Block on the Fed, QE Infinity, Bitcoin & Anarchy

Podcast 2: Lew Rockwell Show- Liberty Lives


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