BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 19, 2013

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“The question is whether any civilization can wage relentless war on life without destroying itself, and without losing the right to be called civilized.” – Rachel Carson
Germany Exported ‘Dual-Use’ Chemicals to Syria in 2002-2006
Jordan Jails 6 for Trying to Join Syria Jihadists
US Plans to Seize Manhattan Skyscraper Said to be Secret Front for Iranian Government
Russia Offers to Build IP Gas Pipeline
US Army Africa Command Looking to Contractors for African Operations
New Silk Road Top of Agenda for Next U.S. Central Asia Envoy
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How the U.S. Military Plans to Hijack the Airwaves
Obama Administration Helped Kill Transparency Requirement for Foreign Military Aid
U.S. Still Stores 3,100 Tons of Chemical Weapons
Court: Facebook ‘Like’ Deserves Free Speech Protection
The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


International Newsworthy

Germany Exported ‘Dual-Use’ Chemicals to Syria in 2002-2006

Russia, China to Continue Coordinating Efforts on Syria

Russia Claims Syrian Opposition Attempts to Provoke Foreign Intervention

Russian Parliament Slams U.S. for Ignoring Mass Killing of Syrian Kurds

Russia: UN Inspectors Ignored Evidence on Syria Chemical Attacks 

Sour over Syria: American Senators Attack Russian Banks

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Military Option Should Remain Open on Syria: NATO Chief

Pentagon Proposes Boots on the Ground in Syrian Civil War

Americans, Europeans Oppose Syria Intervention: Poll

Pentagon Proposes Plan to Equip and Train ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels

Turkey’s Davutoglu: Shooting Down of Helicopter ‘Punishment’ for Syria

Jordan Jails 6 for Trying to Join Syria Jihadists

Kurds Push Jihadists from Northeastern Syria Village

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Assad: Chemical Weapon Disposal Will Take a Year, Cost $1 Billion

Dennis Kucinich Interviews Bashar Assad

Infighting Erupts Between Moderate, Radical Rebels in Northern Syria

Aleppo Prisoners Caught in Deadly Stalemate

Syria Medical Situation Worries WHO

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Iranian President Pledges to Never Develop Nuclear Weapons: U.S. Media

Netanyahu to Meet Obama, Urge More Pressure on Iran

U.S. Plans to Seize Manhattan Skyscraper Said to be Secret Front for Iranian Government

Afghans to Receive First C-130 Aircraft from US Air Force

Former Afghan MP Defects to Taliban

US-Led Troops Kill Afghan School Child

Russia Offers to Build IP Gas Pipeline

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Iraqi Secularists Struggle to Establish Political Presence

Iraq Kurdish Leader Insists on Right to Export Energy

The Hezbollah Question in Lebanon

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US Army Africa Command Looking to Contractors for African Operations

Djibouti: NATO’s New Military Partner in Horn of Africa

Niger Would Welcome Armed US Drones: Foreign Minister

Egypt-Sudan Ties Deteriorate Over Nile

Report: 150 Islamists Die in Nigerian Attack

ICC Calls on US to Arrest Sudan Genocide Suspect Bashir

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Kremlin Admin Chief Urges Dialogue with Law-Abiding Opposition

NATO Plans Drill in Russia’s Backyard

Maersk Makes Waves in Russian Market

Ukraine to Join NATO’s Counter-Piracy Mission

New Silk Road Top of Agenda for Next U.S. Central Asia Envoy

Azerbaijan: Presidential Campaign in Name Only?

Kyrgyzstan Readies Torpedo Plant for Sale to Russia

National Newsworthy

Telecoms Silent on Legality of NSA Data Collection

Same Day It’s Revealed Verizon Never Challenged NSA, It Mocks Internet Companies for Doing So

House Judiciary Chair: Americans Need More Protection from NSA

How the U.S. Military Plans to Hijack the Airwaves

Will the Supreme Court Stop Cops From Reading Your Text Messages?

Court: Facebook ‘Like’ Deserves Free Speech Protection

Failed Pentagon Fax Machine Blocks FOIA Requests

DoJ Stonewalls USA Today on FISC  

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Obama Administration Helped Kill Transparency Requirement for Foreign Military Aid

FBI Barred From Making Benghazi Arrests in Libya

U.S. Still Stores 3,100 Tons of Chemical Weapons

Navy Officer, NCIS Agent Arrested in Bribery Case

Former ICE Informant Sues US Prosecutors & Federal Agents

GOP Puts IRS Controversy Back into Focus at Hearing

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US Says $69.1 Billion Foreign Military Sales Promote Security Cooperation

Big Banks Push To End Credit Unions’ Tax-Exempt Status

Bernanke Resets Policy by Doing Nothing as Markets Soar

America Clings to $85bn Lifeline, Fed Keeps Stimulus

The Bond Market is on Track for its Worst Year in Four Decades

Noteworthy Editorials

Pepe Escobar: Obama-Rouhani: Lights, Camera, Action

Tom Engelhardt: How to Build a National Security Blowback Machine

Andrew Napolitano: What 4th Amendment?

Stephen Lendman: Israel’s Nuclear, Chemical & Biological Weapons Threaten World Peace

When Dissent Becomes a Crime

Student Indoctrination

Counting the Costs of Obama’s Libya and Syria Blunders

Americans Were War-Weary Long Before Iraq

Toxic Agenda-Setting in Washington

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- Failure to Withdraw: The CIA, the Taliban, and the Strategy of Tension in Afghanistan

Video 1: James Corbett- Staging the Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria

Video 2: Reason TV- Operation Compliance: Detroit’s War on Small Business

BFP Podcast 1- Peter B. Collins Processing Distortion: Exposing the Appalling Corruption, Cronyism & Cover-Ups at NSA

BFP Podcast 2- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “The Great Game Goes On:  Putin Positions the Chessboard, While Obama Says “King Me””

Podcast 1: Peter B. Collins Show- 46 Million Americans Live in Poverty

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality– DC, Gun Control, and Crazy Pills
