BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 18, 2013

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“…the object of waging a war is always to be in a better position in which to wage another war.”—George Orwell
Saudis Set Back by US-Russia Deal on Syrian Chemical Weapons
Israel, Eying Iran, Comes Off Syria Fence
Saudi Arabia, Iran Vie for Influence in Iraq
Putin: Russia to Reopen Soviet-Era Arctic Military Base
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Supreme Court Weighs When Online Speech Becomes an Illegal Threat
Land of the Free: American Police Make an Arrest Every 2 Seconds in 2012
Infographic: A History of Government Tax Scandals in the US
The Collapse of the Middle Class
The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


International Newsworthy

Syria Gives Russia New Evidence of Rebel Hand in Chem Attacks 

Russia Wants Return of UN Inspectors

UN Has Allegations of 14 Other Gas Attacks in Syria by Both Regime and Rebels

Saudis Set Back by US-Russia Deal on Syrian Chemical Weapons

Britain Sells Syria Poisonous Chemicals

‘Al-Qaeda & Al-Nusra in Syria May Have Significant Amounts of Sarin’ 

Syria Accuses Western Powers of Forestalling Peace Negotiations

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Ex-Guantanamo Bay Prisoner Dies Fighting With Insurgency in Syria

Iran Increases Aid to PFLP

Israel, Eying Iran, Comes Off Syria Fence

Report: First Israeli Fighting Alongside Syrian Rebels Killed

Why Is France Pushing So Hard on Syria?

Turkish FM Warns of Retaliation from Syria

Deadly Bomb Blast Hits Turkish Border Crossing

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‘Breakthrough Expected’ in Iran N-Issue

Iran Releases Political Prisoners, Including Nasrin Sotoudeh 

‘Fear of Taliban’ Stops Executions

Afghan Firing Kills Five Pakistanis in Border Area

Georgia Defense Minister Visits Troops in Afghanistan

Iraq’s Latest Surge: State Executions

Saudi Arabia, Iran Vie for Influence in Iraq

Netanyahu to US: Iran for Palestine?

* * * *

Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman Arrested in Continuing Egypt Crackdown

Police Hunt Veteran Islamist in Southern Egypt

Chaotic Libya Appeals for Help to Restore Security

Libya Battalions Run Illegal Secret Prisons

Uganda: Govt Suspends Peacekeepers in Somalia

* * * *

Uyghurs Shot Dead in ‘Munitions Center’ Raid

Putin: Russia to Reopen Soviet-Era Arctic Military Base

Agreement on Russian Military Base Submitted to Tajik Parliament

Georgia: Fence-Fight Continues with Russia, Separatists

Ukraine Approves Draft Association Agreement with EU

Kyrgyzstan: NATO Partner on the Chinese Border

Kyrgyzstan: Is Bishkek Stalling on Customs Union?

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Bulgaria Seizes over 5.5 kg of Heroin at Border with Turkey

Close Ally of Kosovo PM Cleared of War Crimes for Third Time

National Newsworthy

FISA Court: Phone Tapping doesn’t Violate Constitution

FISA: No Telecoms Challenged Records Orders

FISA Court: Congress, Phone Companies Could Have Challenged NSA’s Bulk Data Collection (But Didn’t)

Verizon Exec Blasts ‘Consumer-Centric’ Google, Yahoo, Microsoft over NSA Lawsuit 

* * * *

Supreme Court Weighs When Online Speech Becomes an Illegal Threat

Land of the Free: American Police Make an Arrest Every 2 Seconds in 2012

US Colleges Train Students in Drone Warfare as Job Opportunities Beckon

FISC: Linkedin Moves to Disclose Spy Data

CUNY Student Group: Six Students Violently Arrested Protesting Petraeus Await Charges

* * * *

House GOP Going Ahead with Bill to Defund ObamaCare

Infographic: A History of Government Tax Scandals in the US

76% of Political Fundraising Bashes Take Place within 3 Blocks of the U.S. Capitol

Industry Groups Vow to Expose Union-Backed Worker Centers

2 Million Mentally Ill Americans per Year Are Put in Prisons Rather than Mental Hospitals

* * * *

Median Household Income Has Fallen for 5 Years in a Row

The Collapse of the Middle Class

23,116,928 to 20,618,000: Households on Food Stamps Now Outnumber All Households in Northeast U.S.

Fall in Home Loans Pushing Fed Away from Taper in Mortgage Bonds

Trillions Stolen by Bankers; SEC Slaps “Million Dollar Fines” on them

Less Tapering Becomes Tighter Credit No Matter What Fed Says

The Half-Forgotten Student Debt Crisis

Noteworthy Editorials

Chris Hedges: The Dead Rhetoric of War

Tony Cartalucci: 5 Lies Invented to Spin UN Report on Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack

John Whitehead: Licensed To Kill?

Stephen Lendman: Media Scoundrels Wrongfully Blame Assad for Gas Attack

Demonizing Putin Endangers America’s Security

New York Times on Syria: All the Propaganda Fit to Print

Get Out of Afghanistan Now

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- Failure to Withdraw: The CIA, the Taliban, and the Strategy of Tension in Afghanistan

BFP EyeOpener Report (Preview)- Failure to Withdraw: The CIA, the Taliban, and the Strategy of Tension in Afghanistan

Video: Charlie McGrath- Journalists Now Tool of Dictatorship

BFP Podcast- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “The Great Game Goes On:  Putin Positions the Chessboard, While Obama Says “King Me””

Podcast 1: Peter B. Collins Show- Two Years Since Occupy Wall Street

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality-Christian Stork on Barrett Brown, Project PM, and the Hidden World of Intelligence Contractors
