BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 17, 2013

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“That there are men in all countries who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of Nations is as shocking as it is true…” – Thomas Paine
Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek Says It Foils Syria-Linked Terror Plot
 Telegraph Parades UK-Coddled Syrian “Defector” in PR Push
 Iran Seeks International Prosecution of MKO
 Bagram’s Legal Black Hole Locks Detainees in Nightmarish Limbo
 Russia’s Strategic Choices in the Asia Pacific
 * * * *
 ‘Follow the Money’: NSA Monitors Financial World
 CIA Won’t Disclose Lobbying Reports
 Former NSA Director: Fair to Say US Militarized the Internet
 Senate Bill Attempts to Make the “Right” of Free Press a “Privilege”
 D.C. Corruption Probe Spreads to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Campaign
The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


International Newsworthy

UN Report on Chemical Attack in Syria

UN: Evidence of Syrian Chemical Attack ‘Indisputable’

Russia: UN Chemical Attack Report Does Not Show Who was Responsible 

Russia Rejects Clause on Use of Force in UN Resolution on Syria

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US: UN Report Makes Clear Assad Regime Behind Chemical Attack

Obama Authorizes Military Aid to Syrian Opposition to Combat Chemical Weapons Use

Obama Waives Anti-Terrorism Provisions to Arm Syrian Rebels 

Syria Chemical Weapons Deal—US War Postponed, Not Canceled

US, UK and France Stress Threat of Force against Syria

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Iraqi Government Denies Allegations on Transporting Chemical Weapons from Syria to Iraq

Telegraph Parades UK-Coddled Syrian “Defector” in PR Push

Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek Says It Foils Syria-Linked Terror Plot

Turkey Downs Syrian Helicopter, Claims it Violated Airspace

Turkey’s Syria Border on Edge

Libya Weapons Smuggled into Syria: UN

Spain Arrests Ceuta Man Accused of Sending Fighters to Syria

. . .

Almost Half of Syria’s 100,000 Rebel Fighters are Hardline Islamists

Qaeda Tells Syria Fighters to Shun Secularists

Dozens Injured in Syria Bomb Attack

Domenico Quirico: My 150-Day Ordeal as a Hostage of Syria’s Rebels

* * * *

Moscow Sees Chance to Move Iran’s Nuclear Issue Forward

Netanyahu, Obama to Discuss Iranian Nuclear Issue

Obama Threatens Iran with Military Force Yet Again

‘Iran Seeks International Prosecution of MKO’

Bagram’s Legal Black Hole Locks Detainees in Nightmarish Limbo

No Rush for US Security Deal: Karzai

Pakistan: Imran Calls for Ceasefire to Hold Talks with Militants

Pakistani Taliban Say Still at War with Government

Balochistan ‘Missing’ Persons: CJ Says Evidence in Some Cases Points to FC Role

* * * *

The Middle East and Its Elemental Descent

210 MKO Members Transferred From Iraq to Albania

Clerics Play Crucial Role in Iraq’s Sectarian Conflict

32 Killed, over 40 Injured in Iraq Attacks

Russia’s Mideast Role a Plus for Palestinians

Israel Displaces Dozens of Families for Military Exercises

* * * *

Germany’s Plan to Control Africa

Egypt’s Court Upholds Freezing Islamist Leaders Funds

Egypt Detains Brotherhood Spokesman

Libya’s Biggest Western Oilfield Restarts, East in Stalemate

Somalia: EU Pledges U.S. $868 Million for ‘New Deal’

* * * *

China Steel Plant Halts as Workforce Protests over Unpaid Wages

Russia’s Strategic Choices in the Asia Pacific

Russia Seeks to Privatize its Suffering ‘Friend’ Greece

Russia to Boost Mediterranean Force

After EU Talks, Armenia Swings Back to Moscow

* * * *

NATO Holds Multinational Military Exercises in Latvia

EU Preparing Sanctions for New Member Croatia

European Parliament Got Huge Powers with the Supervisory Mechanism

Canada Orders NSA-Style Spying for Cell Firms

Brazil: “The Oil Is Ours”, But Its Secrets Are the NSA’s

Brazil Backs Out of State Visit over NSA Spying

National Newsworthy

‘Follow the Money’: NSA Monitors Financial World

The NSA Is Also Grabbing Millions of Credit Card Records

Former NSA Director: Fair to Say US Militarized the Internet

Cryptographers Attack NSA’s Secret Effort to Subvert Internet Security

NYT Editor Defends Ignoring NSA-Israel Collaboration

* * * *

CIA Won’t Disclose Lobbying Reports

You Won’t Believe the Startups the CIA Has Invested In

Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspended

ACLU Releases Report on FBI’s Development Into Abusive Domestic Intelligence Enterprise

NYPD Spying Secret Document

How the Cops Watch your Tweets in Real-Time

Judge Rules against Release of Video of Guantanamo Prisoner’s Interrogations, Could Be Used as Propaganda

IG Report: 52 Felons Gained Routine Access to Military Facilities

* * * *

FTC to Examine ‘Sponsored Content’ Online Advertising

Senate Bill Attempts to Make the “Right” of Free Press a “Privilege”

Congress’s Exemption from ObamaCare

Legal Fight Brewing over ‘Stop Pelosi PAC’

D.C. Corruption Probe Spreads to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Campaign

Polsinelli Hires Former Rep. Alan Wheat

$100 Million Contract: Lockheed Martin to Design NATO Infrastructure

* * * *

CBO Projects “Dire” Debt Level

Fed Likely to Slow Bond Buying Despite Tepid Economy

Global Credit Excess Is Worse than Before the 2008 Crash

Homebuilder Sentiment Misses By Most since April

Gas Prices Set Record: 1,000 Days above $3 a Gallon

Ex-JPMorgan Employees Indicted Over $6.2 Billion Loss

Merchants Gird for Tough Times

Noteworthy Editorials

Paul Craig Roberts: Police Are More Dangerous To the Public Than Are Criminals

Guillermo Jimenez: The Constitution-Free Zone: Fact & Fiction

Ron Paul: Is the War Lobby in Trouble?

David Swanson: Humanitarian Murder

Norman Solomon: Next Step for Peace in Syria — Stop the “Lethal Aid”

Is Defection of Syrian General Part of Russian Plan?

Putin Does Americans a Middle East Favor

Insurance Companies Are Monsters, So We Are Going to Force You Use Them

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- Failure to Withdraw: The CIA, the Taliban, and the Strategy of Tension in Afghanistan

BFP EyeOpener Report (Preview)- Failure to Withdraw: The CIA, the Taliban, and the Strategy of Tension in Afghanistan

Video 1: RT- US Arms Firms Ready to Cash in if Syria Attacked

Video 2: Pirates and Emperors – Schoolhouse Rock

BFP Podcast- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “The Great Game Goes On:  Putin Positions the Chessboard, While Obama Says “King Me””

Podcast 1: Corbett Report- The NWO Agenda (and how to defeat it)

Podcast 2: Lew Rockwell Show-We’re Winning

Podcast 3: Traces of Reality- A Free State Proposal in Puerto Rico
