BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 16, 2013

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“There has never been a just [war], never an honorable one–on the part of the instigator of the war. I can see a million years ahead, and this rule will never change in so many as half a dozen instances….” – Mark Twain
How Much Would the Defense Industry Make From a Missile Strike Against Syria?
Court Case Reveals Turkey Arms Flow to Syrian Rebels
Iran Wants Nuclear Dossier Closed
SCO Glimpses a New Eurasia in Bishkek
* * * *
Former NSA Director Advocates Chinese-Style Internet
Hackers for Government Hire: A Growing and Deeply Disturbing Industry
Senior Cornyn Counsel Joins McBee Strategic
US Household Incomes: a 44-Year Perspective
The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


International Newsworthy

West Vows to Boost Syria Rebels, Russia Says They Should be ‘Compelled’ to Join Peace Talks  

How Much Would the Defense Industry Make From a Missile Strike Against Syria?

Securing Syria’s Arms May Require US Troops

Pentagon Drafts Security Options for Syrian Disarmament

Top Democrat Says Obama Could Strike Syria without Congress Vote

Foreign Policy Magazine “Leaks” UN Report on Syrian Chemical Warfare

Senate Foreign Relations Chair Wants to Try Assad for War Crimes

. . .

Court Case Reveals Turkey Arms Flow to Syrian Rebels

Syria’s “Rebels” Threaten UN – Will Use US Weapons

Syrian Rebels Dismiss Chemical Weapons Framework

Syrian Opposition Elects Interim Prime Minister

Qaeda Tells Syria Fighters to Shun Secularists in Sign of Deeper Rebel Rift

Syria Jihadists Claim They Killed Homs Village Alawites

Syria’s Oil Sector on Verge of Collapse

Syria’s Looming Economic Disaster

* * * *

Report: Putin to Travel to Iran for Nuclear Strategy Talks

Iran Wants Nuclear Dossier Closed

UN Official Visits Iran to Elicit More Aid for Syrians

Iran Rejects MKO Kidnap Claims as Lies

Is Ayatollah Khamenei Ready for Change?

* * * *

US to Keep 20,000 Troops in Afghanistan: Pakistani Senator

NATO Tankers Attacked in Hub

Pakistani ‘Father of Taliban’ Keeps Watch over Loyal Disciples

Dark Days in Pakistan’s City of Lights

Balochistan: Militants Torch at Least a Dozen NATO Oil Tankers in Hub

* * * *

Syria Crisis Prompts Turkey’s New Openings to Its Alevis

Politics Worsen Turkey’s Faultlines

Turkey Seizes over 10 Tonnes of Cannabis

MKO Threatens to Assassinate Iraqi, Iranian Officials

Bahrain: Security Forces Detaining Children, Says HRW

Israel Has 80 Nuclear Warheads

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Egypt: State of Emergency Stirs Controversy

Egypt Detains Turkish Citizen on Charges of Espionage

How Did Turkey Lose Egypt?

Military Court Begins Trying Egyptian Journalist

United Arab Emirates Leads Gulf Front against Egypt’s Islamists

American Jihadist Gets Eulogy from Somali Islamic Center

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The New Great Game Round-Up, September 15

Central Asia: China Flexes Political & Economic Muscle

SCO Glimpses a New Eurasia in Bishkek

China Confirms New Gas Pipeline through Tajikistan

Summit Shows SCO Can Oppose Any External Intervention in Other Countries’ Affairs

Rouhani’s Central Asia Policies in Spotlight at SCO Summit

Explosion Kills 3 Policemen in Russia’s Chechnya

* * * *

UK Bioethicists Promoting a Second Wave of Eugenics

‘Foreign Nation with Significant Means’ in Spying on Belgium Probe

Ex-CIA Officer Seeks Italian Pardon for Role in Abduction Operation

US Foreign Policy Looms Over German Election

National Newsworthy

NSA Disguised Itself as Google to Spy

NSA ‘Follow the Money’ Branch Spied on VISA Customers, SWIFT Transactions – Report 

Secret Spy Court Demands Surveillance Transparency from Feds

Yahoo Fight among New NSA Court Documents to Be Made Public

Former NSA Director Advocates Chinese-Style Internet

Yes, America, You are Being Watched

* * * *

Government Seeking Inclusion of ‘Social and Behavioral’ Data in Health Records

FBI Admits It Controlled Tor Servers Behind Mass Malware Attack

Hackers for Government Hire: A Growing and Deeply Disturbing Industry

DARPA’s Plan to Flood the Sea with Drones, Carrying More Drones

Texas Restricts Civilian Drone Usage, Leaves Exclusive Rights to Authorities

* * * *

Disapproval of ObamaCare Reaches New High, Poll Finds

Small Lobby Shops are Giving K Street Giants a Run for Their Money

Senior Cornyn Counsel Joins McBee Strategic

In Rare Move, Pennsylvania Prosecutes Exxon Subsidiary for Fracking Pollution

* * * *

Widest Gap in Employment Rates between Rich, Poor in a Decade

US Household Incomes: a 44-Year Perspective

The Biggest Fall: Lehman Brothers, 5 Years On

Global Credit Situation Worse than Pre-Lehman

Summers Withdraws from Consideration as Next Fed Chairman

Retail Sales in US Increase Less than Forecast

Industrial Production Misses for 5th Month In A Row

Noteworthy Editorials

Glenn Greenwald: Inside the Mind of NSA Chief Gen. Keith Alexander

Eric Margolis: Putin A+. Obama F-

Paul Pillar: Putin’s Pertinent Points

Sheldon Richman: The People Say No to War

M K Bhadrakumar: Obama Invites Rouhani to Join Great Game?

Stephen Lendman: ObamaCare Rips Off Americans

The Origins of Our Police State

US Plays Monopoly, Russia Plays Chess

Moral Hypocrisy & U.S. Exceptionalism

Obama’s Almost First Act in Office: Spy on Americans for Israel!

Why Americans Love Bombardment  

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: James Corbett-Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War

Video 2: Too Big Has Failed: 3 Ways Wall Street Hurts You, In 3 Minutes

Video 3: RT-Escobar: Obama Wants to Take Credit for Syria Chem Weapons plan

BFP Podcast- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “The Great Game Goes On:  Putin Positions the Chessboard, While Obama Says “King Me””

Podcast 1: Lew Rockwell Show: Naomi Wolf on Obama’s Satanic Rogue Empire

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality- The NSA and Israel, Unit 8200 & the Michael Hastings-Barrett Brown Connection

Podcast 3: Smells Like Human Spirit-Mexico’s Drug War
