BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 12, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Fighting for peace, is like f***ing for chastity” – Stephen King

International Newsworthy

U.S. Begins Delivering Weapons to Syrian Rebels: Report

UN Team Finds No Proof on Chemical Weapons

Syria Militants behind Gas Attack: Putin

Report: US Military Confirms Syrian Rebels Had Sarin

Chemicals Allegedly Used in Syria Are the Type Stored by the US in Kentucky

FSA Rejects Russia Proposal for Syria

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Russian Parliament Urges World to Avert Aggression against Syria

Putin Urges Caution in Syria in New York Times Op-ed

Russian MPs Call for More Arms to Iran If Syria Attacked

Russian Duma Urges U.S. Congress to Prevent War against Syria

White House: Russian Prestige on the Line in Syria

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Syria Researcher Cited by McCain, Kerry Fired for Fabricating Credentials

US Lawmakers Differ on Way Forward in Syria

Senators Could Vote on Syria Force Next Week if Diplomacy Fails

Carney: No Timeline for Weighing Syria Chemical Weapons Offer

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Israel Will Pay for Obama’s Hesitancy on Syria

Saudi Arabia: Death-row Inmates sent to fight Assad in Syria

Western Oilmen in Iraq Brace for Syria Strike Backlash

12 Alawites Killed by Jihadists in Syria’s Homs, NGO Says

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The 12-Year War: 73% of US Casualties in Afghanistan on Obama’s Watch

Bulgaria Could Deploy Contingent in Afghanistan after 2014: Defense Minister

US Officials Growl Back at Watchdog for Afghanistan

Freed Taliban May Hold Key to Peace

Pakistan to Raise Issue of U.S. Drone Attacks at UN

Pakistani Army Rejected Taliban’s Claim of Prisoners Swap

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Protests Reignited in Turkey

Iraqi Officials: Iranian Exiles Leave Camp Ashraf

Iraq’s Cold War Leaves Country on Edge

New Iraqi Protest Movement Targets Corruption

Bomb Blast Kills 3 Iraqis in Kirkuk

New Israeli Oil Find near Gaza Could Drive Hamas, Abbas into War

Yemeni Court Acquits Five Saudis of al-Qaida Links

Algeria’s Army Mobilizes on South & East Borders

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China Snatches TAPI Pipeline Project from USA

Antarctic Sea Reserve Cut Linked to US-Russia Tensions

Russia to Sell Defense Missiles to Iran, Build Another Nuclear Reactor – Report

Russia Has No Plans to Supply Iran with S-300 Systems – Putin’s Press Secretary

Iran, Russia to Discuss Military Ties

Putin Foe Navalny to Challenge Moscow Election Defeat in Court

New Level of Partnership: NATO Warships Visit Georgian Port

Last but Least, Chinese Santa Doesn’t Forget Kyrgyzstan

Armenia Asks For Observer Status in SCO

Bulgaria Closes Probe into Cold War ‘Umbrella Killing’

National Newsworthy

NSA ‘Routinely’ Shares Americans’ Data with Israel – Snowden Leak

NSA and Israeli Intelligence: Memorandum of Understanding – Full Document

NSA Illegally Gorged on U.S. Phone Records for Three Years

In 2009, FISA Court Shut Down an NSA Program for 6 Months Because It Had ‘Frequently and Systemically’ Violated the Rules

The NSA Machine: Too Big for Anyone to Understand

The NSA’s Next Move: Silencing University Professors?

ACLU Shouldn’t Be Lone Voice against Surveillance

How the NSA Revelations Are Hurting Businesses

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The Post-9/11 Security & Surveillance Boom

Gitmo Judge Makes Secret Ruling on Secret Motion in Secret Hearing

FTC Examines if Facebook Breaking 2011 Privacy Deal

Controversial U.S. Hydraulic Gas Fracking: Energy Department Grants Export Permit

‘Monsanto Protection Act’ Quietly Extended by Congress

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Small Lobby Shops are Giving K Street Giants a Run for Their Money

Big-Name Tech Firms Pushing to Save Helium

The “Great Rotation” Into Verizon: Where Did The Money Come From?

Companies Lay Off Thousands, then Demand Immigration Reform for New Labor

16 Major Firms May Have Received Early Data from Thomson Reuters

Fed-Induced Bond Selloff could Turn into a Global Rout

US Income Inequality Soars to Highest Levels on Record

Noteworthy Editorials

John Pilger: Enemy Whose Name we Dare Not Speak

Stephen Lendman: Obama’s Speech: No End to War Threat Against Syria

Washington’s Blog: Legal Scholars Question Government’s 9/11 Testimony

Your Emails, Phone Calls, and Texts, All Sent to Israel

The American Public’s Foreign-Policy Reawakening

Putin’s Exceptionalism and Our Own

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report-9/11 Truth and the Way Forward: Starting a Real Criminal Investigation

Video 1: Corbett Report-A Brief History of False Flag Terror

Video 2: Help Kickstart World War III!

BFP Podcast 1: Peter B. Collins Processing Distortion- The Government’s Attack on Whistleblowers & Efforts to Break and Blackball People

BFP Podcast 2: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Stoking the Civil War in Syria

BFP Podcast 3: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “Drugs & Terror: US Imperialism in Latin America”

Podcast: Traces of Reality- James Corbett on 9/11 Truth – Past, Present & Future

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