BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 10, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“All war is a symptom of man’s failure as a thinking animal.” –John Steinbeck

International Newsworthy

Russia: Intl Experts Have Strong Proof Images of Chemical Victims Fabricated

Assad Not Responsible for Gas Attack, Says Freed Belgian Hostage

Assad Blames Saudi Arabia for Driving War

Syrian Chemical Weapons Handover Proposal Wins Support

Iran, Syria Set Condition to Russia Plan

Syrian Opposition: Assad Agreed to Step Down

Russian Report: Syrian Rebels Planning Chemical Attack on Israel

Syrian Rebel Group Could Revive al Qaeda’s Fortunes: Report

Russia, Syria Push for UN Chemical Experts Return

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U.S. Expands “International Coalition” for War against Syria

US Senate Delays Syria Strike Vote over Russian ‘Chemical Handover’ Proposal 

War Powers Act Co-Author against Strike

AP Poll: Most Americans Oppose Strike on Syria

Pew Poll: Opposition to Syrian Airstrikes Grows

Obama: I Might Lose Congressional Vote on Syria

Susan Rice Delivers Myth-Addled Speech on Waging War on Syria

The IDF, AIPAC and Syria

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Leaked Iranian Letter Warned US that Syrian Rebels have Chemical Weapons

Israel Says Russian Proposal on Syrian Chemical Weapon Unreliable

Papal Challenge Rocks US’s Syria Plans

France, Germany Welcome Russian Syria Proposal

Cyprus Rules Out Role in Any US-Led Strike on Syria

Statement by the Syria’s Kurdistan National Congress-KNC

Turkey Decides Jabhat Al-Nusra Is a Threat

Kuwaitis Take Up Jihad in Syria

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Iranian President Vows Not to Slacken over Nuclear Rights

Iran’s President Urges Government on Facebook

Iran Cancels Barter Deal for Wheat with Pakistan

India to Continue Iran Oil Imports

Britain’s Drone War in Afghanistan

NATO Airstrike Kills Civilians in Afghanistan, Says Karzai

Pakistan to Free Top Taliban Prisoner Mullah Baradar

Pakistan’s Gov’t-Backed Conference Calls for Talks with Taliban

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Turkish Ship Offloads Arms in Yemen

Britain Advises Citizens to Avoid Protests in Kurdish Region of Iraq

Ayatollah Sistani and the Battle of Najaf

Protests, Militias Threaten Libya’s Oil Sector

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China Seeks Global Rules to Govern Internet

PetroChina Considering $10 Billion Russian Gas Investment

Russia and China Must Respond Jointly to New U.S.-Instigated Cold War

Russia Reprimands US, Israel over Missile Test Launch

Russia Issues Ukraine Threat against Joining EU Trade Bloc

Russia Jails Kazakhstan Man for Conspiracy to Kill Putin

Allegations Resurface of Azerbaijani Support of PKK

Kyrgyzstan and Canadian Miner Near Gold Deal

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Rasmussen Touts British, NATO Nuclear Capacity

Commission Urges Probe of Plane Crash that Killed UN Secretary General

‘Project 6′: CIA Spies Operating in the Heart of Germany

NSA Affair: Germans Conduct Helicopter Flyover of US Consulate

Keeping US AFRICOM in Germany Costly

National Newsworthy

NSA to Release FISA Court Opinions to ACLU

Johns Hopkins University Falls Victim to the NSA Chilling Effect

NSA Evidence May Be Key to Hammarskjold Mystery

The NSA Has Effectively Destroyed Internet Privacy

Yahoo Files Lawsuit against NSA over User Data Requests

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US Covered-Up for Decades the Largest Use of Biological & Chemical Weapons in History

FBI Continues to Investigate Hastings for ‘Controversial Reporting’

New Details in How the Feds Take Laptops at Border

USDA Program to Speed Up Processing Fails to Catch Contaminated Meat

U.S. Agency Rejects Internal Warnings about Potential Waste in Afghanistan Aid Program

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GOP Bill Would Kill War Powers Measure

Adelson Offers to Help Obama Get the Votes he Needs on Syria

Koch Brothers Spend $7.2 Billion to Acquire Conglomerate/Drone Parts Manufacturer

Chemical Lobby in the States

Richard Posner Explains SEC Refusal to Act in Lehman Brothers Case

Lawmakers Allege Lobbyist Intervention during Hearing

Behind Rocket Blast, Carefully Calibrated Washington Relationships

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Is House GOP Backing Down in Debt Limit Fight?

Dow Jones Drops Bank of America, HP, Alcoa

Dallas Fed Sets $14 Trillion Price Tag on Financial Crisis

Unemployment Falling for Wrong Reason Creates Fed Predicament

Study: America’s Public Pensions Are Even Deeper in Debt than Previously Thought

Taxpayers Turn US Farmers into Fat Cats with Subsidies

U.S. Production of Petroleum Surpasses Imports for First Time in 16 Years

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: An Alternative Media Shop with Mainstream Media Advisors

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Rule of Zombies- Why Are Obama & Kerry So Desperate to Start a New War?

Dr. James Petras: Obama with Israel and Against the World

Pepe Escobar: Lavrov Gambit Checks Washington

Andrew Bacevich: Drama from Obama

David Swanson: The Other Super Power Is Winning

M K Bhadrakumar: Kerry Becomes First War Casualty

Stephen Lendman: Cooking the Intelligence for War on Syria

America’s Conquest of Africa: The Penetration of AFRICOM on the Continent

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report-9/11 Truth and the Way Forward: Starting a Real Criminal Investigation

BFP EyeOpener Report (Preview) – 9/11 Truth & the Way Forward: Starting a Real Criminal Investigation


Video 1: RT- Syrian Rebels Plan Chem Attack on Israel from Govt Controlled Lands

Video 2: Charlie McGrath-Tainted & Corrupt on Every Front

BFP Podcast: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “Drugs & Terror: US Imperialism in Latin America”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Philip Giraldi on the Turkish-Israeli Lobby and Black Market Operations

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality-Jacob Hornberger on Morality, Neutrality & the Case for Nonintervention

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