BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 8, 2013

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“All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume.” –Noam Chomsky

International Newsworthy

The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


Syria: Golan Village Under Nusra’s Thumb

CIA Activities in Syria: US Never Stops to Step on Same Rake

Syrian Opposition Regroups after UN Resolution on Chemical Weapons

Russia, US Agree on How Syria Should Destroy Chemical Arsenal – Putin

As Destruction of Chemical Weapons Begins In Syria CIA Escalates Aid to Rebels

Extremism in Syria Worries Tehran, Bern

Erdogan: Syria’s Assad Is ‘Terrorist’

UN Chief Suggests Unprecedented Joint Mission to Syria with Support Base on Cyprus  

British Extremists Go to Syria for Training

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Billions at Stake for Economic Winners and Losers of Iran Thaw

‘Britain in Talks to Restore Iran Ties’

Iran Hints at Nuclear Concessions, Wants to See Endgame

Yemen Urged to Help Free Iran Diplomat

Afghanistan: Karzai to Call Loya Jirga over Security Pact

Report: Karzai Offered Jamiat-E-Islami $100m to Support His Candidate

Karzai Blasts NATO on 12th Anniversary of Afghan War

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NATO Head Expresses Concern about Turkey’s Chinese Missile Deal

New Law to Permit Turkish Police to Detain ‘Possible’ Protesters

Turkey: Policy Group Suggests Way Forward on Kurdish Reform

Maliki Says Terrorism in Iraq ‘Directly Related’ to Syria

Al-Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Attack in Iraqi Kurdistan’s Capital

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US State Dept Designates Muhammad Jamal Network and Muhammad Jamal Specially Designated Global Terrorists

Egypt Strips Brotherhood of NGO Status

Attacks Surge in Egypt, a Day after Deadly Clashes

Libya Militants Call for Kidnapping Americans in Retaliation for Citizen Capture

Sudan Shifts Alliance from Egypt to Ethiopia Over Nile Dispute

Rwanda, Uganda Tell UN Envoys Peace in Congo Is Not Their Problem

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Claims Chinese Police Shoot Dead Seven Uyghurs near Kashgar

Russian Duma Speaker Prods Tajiks on ‘Eurasian Integration’

Putin to Take Part in APEC Leaders’ Final Session

Russia Demands Netherlands Apology

Contrast in the Caucasus

Is Pakistan Starting to Look More Closely at Central Asia?

Kyrgyzstan: Proposals for Post-Manas “Transit Hub” Lack Air under Wings

Azerbaijan: Fake Secularism and the Political Future

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Britain Launches Its Latest Answer to the FBI

Fake BBC Video: Irrefutable Evidence of a Stunning bit of Fakery by the BBC

Offshore Firms Funneled away Millions as Serbian Companies Lurched Toward Ruin

Canadian Spy Agency ‘Dissected’ Brazilian Energy Ministry

Brazil Accuses Canada of Economic Espionage

Fatal Spy Plane Crash in Colombia Was Part of US Intel Op

Australian Govt Talked PRISM before Snowden Revelations 

National Newsworthy

BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities: September 2013

Shutdown Helps NSA Shed Even Pretense of Surveillance Oversight Efforts

Report: NSA has Little Success Cracking Tor

1000% Increase: NSA Inundated by FOIA Requests after Snowden Leaks

6 Years Later, Are Internet Firms Trying to Expose Telecoms Stealing Their Data, Again?

Polls Continue to Show Majority of Americans against NSA Spying

Govt Seeks Delay in NSA Case over US Shutdown

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FBI Accused of Using No-Fly List to Recruit Informants

Transforming America’s Schools into Authoritarian Instruments of Compliance

UN Rights Expert Urges US to End ‘Torture’ of Prisoner

Veteran New York Times Reporter: “This Is Most Closed, Control-Freak Administration I’ve Ever Covered”

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Amazon Wins Ruling for $600 Million CIA Cloud Contract

Supreme Court Rejects Marijuana Reclassification Appeal

Court May Toss Donor Limits

Justices Clash over Campaign Finance Law

FDA Policy: Big Pharma Firms Pay to Play

“Open Door” for Oil Tar Sands Development: Frank Giustra, Bill Clinton’s Close Colleague, Joins US Oil Sands Board

Americans for Job Security Gave Huge Grant to CPPR

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Warren Buffett Makes $10 Billion from Financial Crisis Lending

Fed Magically Creates $180 Billion in Student and Car Loans Out of Thin Air

For the First Time on Record, the US Government Is ‘Riskier’ than US Banks

Mainstream Media Finally Catches on to Disability Fraud

U.S. Now Leads the World in Oil and Gas Production

Noteworthy Editorials

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Empire Under Obama-Part 1

Francis Boyle: The Illegality and Evil of the War on Afghanistan

Kevin Gosztola: Obama’s Rendition Operation in Libya: It’s Like President George W. Bush Got a Fourth Term

Daniel McAdams: Humanitarian Wars and Their NGO Foot-Soldiers

Martial Law & the Economy: Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse?

Scandal of Lying About ‘Thwarted’ ‘Plots’ Started 4 Years Ago

Why Many Americans Are Averse to Unironic Expressions of Patriotism

West Bank Road 443: More Evidence of a Long Deception

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- Cover Up: James Comey, Patrick Fitzgerald & the Phony DOJ Investigation into Plamegate

BFP EyeOpener Report (Preview)-Cover Up: James Comey, Patrick Fitzgerald & the Phony DOJ Investigation into Plamegate

Video 1: Corbett Report-Solutions: Make Your Own Media

Video 2: Charlie McGrath-Standard of Living is Headed Down the Toilet

Podcast 1: Radio Liberty-Moral Evil and the Markets

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show-US Commandos Nab Fugitive (again?) in Libya, Fail in Somalia

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