BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 10, 2013

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“After all, if you do not resist the apparently inevitable, you will never know how inevitable the inevitable was.” –Terry Eagleton

International Newsworthy

The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


Republican Pushes New Bill to Authorize War with Iran

John Bolton Knocks Iran Nuclear Deal as ‘Pure Propaganda’

Israeli DM to Hagel: Iran Sanctions Will Completely Collapse if Eased at All

Saudis Brace for ‘Nightmare’ of US-Iran Rapprochement

Is Iran Changing Its Policies in Syria, Lebanon? 

Iran Rejects U.S. Condition for Joining Syria Peace Conference

Iran’s Parliament Denies Deal on “Surplus Enriched Uranium”

Iran Denies Halt in Oil Trade with India

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War with Syria: Not Out of the Woods Yet

Saudis Bankroll New Rebel Force to Fight Own War on Assad

Growing Unease over Turkish Jihadists in Syria

Syrian Kurdish Leader Urges Turkey to End Support for Salafists

Syria’s Kurds Divided over Geneva II Conference

Syrian Opposition Leader Speaks on U.S.-Russian Deal

Hezbollah, Iraqi Militia Capture Damascus Suburb: Opposition

Syria Militants Shell Oil Refinery

Russia Hails Ban’s Proposals on Syria

Poll Finds Westerners Opposed to Military Intervention in Syria

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U.S. Withholds Part of Annual Aid to Egypt

US Sends a Muddled Message with Cut to Egypt Aid

US Downplays Impact of Egyptian Aid Cut

Libya: America’s New Playground

Marines Readied in Case of Libya Security Problem

What Kind of Intel Does the HIG Expect to Get From Anas Al-Libi?

How the US Raid on Al-Shabaab in Somalia Went Wrong

Around 60 Dead in Clashes in Central African Republic

Gambia Accuses UK and US of ‘Relentless Efforts’ to Arrange a Coup

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China is World’s Biggest Net Oil Importer

China Arrests 139 in Xinjiang for Urging Jihad

Central Asia: China Opens a New Silk Road

Central Asia: UK Program Lampoons the Stans, Borat-Style

Aliyev Wins Presidential Election in Azerbaijan: CEC

Azerbaijan Vote Seriously Marred: OSCE

Azerbaijan Releases Election Results – Before the Polls Open

Rasmussen: NATO to Include Georgia in Global Strike Force

Georgian Villagers Irate As Fence Goes Up on South Ossetia Boundary

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UK Spy Chief Defends Need for Secrets, Warns of Syria Energizing Jihadists

MI5 Warns of Threat after GCHQ Leaks

Bosnia Proposal Would Ban Fighting in Foreign Wars

Sex Trafficking in North Cyprus: an Open Secret

Inside Canada’s Top-Secret Billion-Dollar Spy Palace

Brazil Spying Report Gives Canada Black Eye: Opposition Leader

National Newsworthy

Judge Refuses FOIA Request for NSA Safeguard Guidelines

Judge Won’t Delay NSA Surveillance Lawsuit

NSA Wants Even Greater Powers … to Defend Wall Street

Intel Chief: ‘Peace of Mind’ Trumps Effectiveness in NSA Surveillance

Wyden: NSA Eavesdropping Is Hurting US Economy

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Too Many Secret Government Documents, Former DoJ Official Says

FBI’s Wireless Intercept and Tracking Teams

Silk Road: Suspicions Grow That Server Was Hacked Ahead of Arrests

Lavabit Founder Offered to Log Users’ Metadata if FBI Paid Him $3,500

Several Top Websites Use Device Fingerprinting to Secretly Track Users

CIA Plans to Shutter Public Access to Foreign News Service…after more than 50 Years

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Drone Pilot Fights for Right to Profit in the Unmanned Skies

US vs. China – Who’s Winning the Cyber War?

Pentagon Begins Review of Guantanamo Detainees Held Without Charge

Commando Super Suit Will Feature an Exoskeleton and ‘Liquid Body Armor’

Why America Wants Drones That Can Kill Without Humans

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The Obama Administration’s Hostility to Press through Unprecedented Leaks Investigations & Secrecy

Getting Paid during Government Shutdown is a No-Brainer for These Lawmakers

Military Waste & Fraud Continue In the Middle of the Government Shutdown

White House, IRS Exchanged Confidential Taxpayer Info

K Street Embraces ‘Go Small’ Approach

Obama’s Federal Reserve Pick Reassures Wall Street of Continued Bank Bailouts

Poll: 9 of 10 People Report ObamaCare Enrolment Failure

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Key Creditor China Begins Acting to Hedge against US Default  

International Ownership of US Treasuries

Why Stocks are Undoubtedly Experiencing a Massive Bubble

Recession Looms if Treasury Uses Tools to Prevent a Default

Banks are Stockpiling Cash ahead of Anticipated Financial Panic

MSM Buries the 21% Surge in Unemployment Claims in One Week Story

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Joke of the Day: UN Says Afghanistan Risks Becoming ‘Narco-State’!

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: A Caesar in Our Future?

Norman Solomon: Google: Doing Evil with ALEC

Sheldon Richman: Stop Demonizing Iran

Andrew Napolitano: Before You Rejoice…

Stephen Lendman: Israel-Saudi Arabia: An Unholy Alliance

Karen Kwiatkowski: The Government Despises the People

Paul Pillar: The Evolving Scorecard on Libya

The Story of a Suspected KGB Mole Who Shook the FBI in the 1960s

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- Cover Up: James Comey, Patrick Fitzgerald & the Phony DOJ Investigation into Plamegate

Video 1: Breaking Defense- Meet the MADSS- Northrop Grumman’s Machine Gun Robot

Video 2: James Corbett- From Conspiracy to Anarchy

Video 3: Charlie McGrath- DHS Preparing for Next Financial Collapse?

BFP Podcast 1: – Peter B. Collins Processing Distortion: “On Guantanamo, Little Changes Despite Obama’s May Speech”

BFP Podcast 2- Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall: “Empire of Debt”

Podcast: Peter B. Collins Show-At 5% Approval, How Low Can Congress Go?


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