BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 1, 2013

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“Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose. This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us.” –Alan Moore, Watchmen

International Newsworthy

The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


Rift Deepens Between Islamist Rebels, SNC

Turkish Gov’t Seeks to Extend Authorization to Use Force on Syria

Russia Accepts Participation of Syrian Armed Opposition in Peace Conference

Chemical Disarmament Inspectors Cross into Syria 

Free Syrian Army Holding Talks with Assad’s Senior Staff

Syria: Re-Election in the Future for Assad?

Syrian Jihadists Wreak Havoc as Violence Spreads Into Iraq

Syria Urges Israel to Sign Non-Nuclear Treaty

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The Honor Games: Netanyahu vs. Rouhani

Obama Reassures Israel over Iran Nuclear Talks

Israeli PM Relieved With Obama Assurances of Hostility Toward Iran

Iran to Upgrade Air-Launched Missiles

Two US Generals Ousted Over Failure to Secure Afghan Base

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First Suicide Bombing in Six Years Hits Iraqi Kurdistan

‘1,000 Killed in Iraq in September’

Lebanese Army Takes Over Security in Beirut’s Southern Suburbs

Bahrain Jails 37 Shiites For Up to 15 Years

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‘Four Israelis Mercs Held in Guinea for Plotting Coup’

Widespread Torture in Libya: UN Report

Egypt Freezes Tourism Activities with Iran over Security Concerns

Mali Fights Rebels in North as Army Officers Protest in South

Sudan Arrests 700 People in Week of Deadly Anti-Government Unrest

Tunisians Lose Faith in Ennahda, Revolution

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U.S., NATO Take Dim View of Turkey-China Missile Deal

Turkmenistan: Israeli PM Seeks to Bolster Relations on Iran’s Border

Drug-War FAIL: International ‘War’ on Illegal Drugs is Failing to Curb Supply

NATO Conducts Large-Scale Response Force Drills in Mediterranean

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European Diplomats Provoke IDF Again

Swiss War Game Envisages Invasion by Bankrupt French

Germany Sold Syria Chemicals as Late as 2011, Government Admits

UK, Saudi Arabia Launch Joint Drills

Venezuela Expels 3 Top US Diplomats

National Newsworthy

NSA Spying Creates a New Data Haven Industry

NSA Stores Metadata of Millions of Web Users for Up to a Year, Secret Files Show

It’s Official: NSA Wants to Suck Up All Americans’ Phone Records

Eyes on NSA as Congress to Debate Spying Powers

The One Leak with Bigger Fallout than Snowden’s Combined

Justice Dept. Awards Grants to Put Police in Schools

The DEA Thinks Medical Records Don’t Count as “Private”

Militarization Creep: Texas Cops Get Army Tanks

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Marine Corps Assigns Elite Units to Pacific, Middle East, Africa

BP Accused of Misleading US Government during Gulf Oil Spill

U.S. Judge Rejects Government Bid to Kill ‘Fast & Furious’ Suit

FEC Faces Shutdown, But Fundraisers Carry On

Disgraced EPA Official Pleads the Fifth in House Investigation

Wall Street Traders Seek Jackpot with ObamaCare Bets

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S&P Threatens to Cut US Debt to Junk

U.S. Third Quarter Earnings Warning Ratio is Second Worst Since 2001

GM Vehicle Sales Collapse 11%

Surprising Jump in Elderly U.S. Women Living in Extreme Poverty

Next “Subprime Crisis” Expands As Student Loan Defaults Hit $146 Billion, Highest Default Rate Level Since 1995

Noteworthy Editorials

Pepe Escobar: Breaking American Exceptionalism

Norman Solomon: The NSA Deserves a Permanent Shutdown

Ron Paul: The Fraudsters of DC

John Whitehead: From NSA Spying and VIPR Sweeps to Domestic Drones

Washington’s Blog: Government Has Shut Down 18 Times Since 1976

How the Surveillance State Was Born

Freedom of information

Is It Time To Abolish Congress?

The ObamaCare Fraud and the Case for Socialized Medicine

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- Who Is Marc Grossman?

BFP EyeOpener Report (Preview)- Who Is Marc Grossman?

BFP Podcast- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez “Free Barrett Brown on Militarized Internet & Journalism is Now a Crime!”

Podcast 1: The Power Hour-James Corbett Breaks Down the Shutdown Hoax and Bail-in Scam

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show-  Seymour Hersh is Alive and Well, and He’s Pissed!

Podcast 3: Traces of Reality- Larry Pinkney on Justice for Lynne Stewart and Compassion for All


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