BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 5, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.” – Thomas Jefferson

International Newsworthy

Turkey: Calm and the Spreading Storm

Turkish Protests to Go On Until Demands Met: Organizers

Turkish Protests Test Obama’s “Close Friendship” with Erdogan

Turkey & All the Prime Minister’s Yes-Men

Has Erdogan Overstayed Welcome?

Ultras: The Surprise Kids of Turkey’s Uprising

Dozens Arrested in Turkey over Protest Tweets &Accused of ‘Inciting Hatred’  

Strike Call in Turkey Likely to Inflame Anti-Erdogan Protests

Anonymous, Syrian Electronic Army Hack Turkish Govt Networks, Leak E-mails Including PM’s 

US Personnel at Turkey AFB Warned on Anti-Government Protests

Turkey Uprising Exposes Limits on Free Press, Power of Social Media

Turkey: Taksim Square’s Long History as a Contested Space

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Syria Peace Meeting will NOT Happen in June

Top Islamic Leader Calls for No-Fly Zone in Syria

Syrian Government Army ‘Totally Controls’ Qusayr, Border

Syrian Rebels Attempt Shift from Guerrilla Tactics

Syrian War Widens Sunni-Shia Schism as Foreign Jihadis Join Fight for Shrines

UN Fails to Determine Perpetrator of Syria Chemical Attacks-Urges on-Site Inquiry

France Says Tests from Syria Show Sarin Use

McCain Excuses Syrian Rebel War Crimes, Suggests He’d Tolerate Extremist Takeover  

Syria Ravaged by Outbreaks of Disease: Typhoid, Cholera, Measles & Tuberculosis

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U.S. Says Iran’s Nuclear Reactor Plans ‘Deeply Troubling’

US Extends Iran Sanctions Waivers to Nine Countries

Iran’s Outreach to Afghanistan, Tajikistan Faces Obstacles

Iran Denies Link to Turkey Protests

Afghan Bodies Found Near US Base

US Drone Attacks Are Further Radicalizing Pakistan

Giving Chance to Minority Party in Balochistan Lauded

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Promised Spoils of U.S. War in Iraq—Its Oil—Go to China

Iraqi Kurds Criticize Growing Turkish Influence

Iraqi Shiite Pilgrims Rally for Major Ritual amid Tight Security

Kurdistan’s Two Ruling Parties Give Conflicting Views on Region’s Constitution

Bahrain to Investigate Transactions, Accounts with Hezbollah Links

France: Yemen Urged to Take Immediate Action against Al-Qaeda

Official: Israel Would Oppose International Forces as Part of Peace Deal

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US Offers $23 Million Bounty for Islamists in Africa

Egypt: Dozens of Activists Sentenced to Jail

Egyptian Court Convicts 16 Americans

US Lawmakers Want Review of Aid to Egypt after Americans Sentenced

Water Wars: Egyptian Politicians Want to Sabotage Ethiopia’s New Dam

NATO to Train Libyan Armed Forces: Alliance Chieftain

NATO to Send Team to Libya to Assess Security Aid

Jordanian Universities Transformed Into ‘Battlefields’

Mali Military Claims Victory against Rebels

Seleka Rebels Kill Dozens in CAR

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The World Through Putin’s Eyes

Russia Blasts U.S. Interceptor Missile, Warplane Deployments to Jordan

Russia to React to NATO Expansion

The Kremlin’s New Way of Ruling Dagestan

Chechens Report on Lapankuri Special Operation

Russian Official: US ‘Ignored Boston Bombers Warning’

NATO Scrutinizing Events in South Ossetia “With Great Interest”

Armenia and Russia’s Arm-Length Friendship

CIS Chief Warns of Looming Asian Crises

Tajikistan’s Gas Boom: Prosperity or Conflict?

Georgia and Azerbaijan Strengthening Military Ties

Investments within BP Projects in Azerbaijan Total USD 40bn

EU Expects Azerbaijan to Play Key Role in Gas Supplies to Europe

Kyrgyz Airline Ferrying “Illicit” Iranian Cargo to Assad – US Treasury

US Sanctions Kyrgyz, Ukrainian Airlines Over Iran-Syria Link

Uzbekistan: Russian Telecom Giant’s Assets up for Grabs

Uzbekistan’s Move Away from Regional Afghan Response

Eight Sentenced on Terrorism Charges in Kazakhstan

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The Euro Hawk Scandal: A Chronicle

NATO Agrees On Cyber Warfare Quick Response Teams

Spain: U.S. Marines Arrive for African, Eastern Mediterranean Missions

Italy Leads Charge against EU Move to Blacklist Hezbollah

Latvia Gets Approval to Join Eurozone

National Newsworthy

The Lawlessness of Obama’s Drone Policy is Coming Home

Obama Aides Use Secret E-Mail Accounts

No Action on 2008 Obama Promise to Investigate Afghan Massacre

Poll: Obama’s Job Approval Collapsing

Senior US Intelligence Official Gets Personal Email Hacked

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Bradley Manning’s Legal Duty to Expose War Crimes

No Signs of Hatred in WikiLeaks Soldier’s Laptop: Investigator

Manning Never Talked About Aiding US Foes: Hacker

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DOJ Defends Not Telling AP of Subpoenas in Letter to Lawmakers

IRS Victims Testify as New Agency Scandal Emerges

Congress Looks to Revise, Expand President’s War Powers

Lawmakers Defend the FBI amid Russian Allegations over Boston Marathon Attack

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Top Schools for Federal R&D Grants Are Big Spenders on Lobbying, Campaign Contributions

Pentagon Has No Idea What 108,000 Contractors Are Doing

Senator Feinstein’s Husband Stands to Make Millions from USPS Contract

Lobbyists Helping Banker Recoup Land Saddam ‘Stole’

Susan Rice to Replace Donilon as Obama’s National Security Adviser

The Return of the Liberal Hawks: Susan Rice and Samantha Power

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The Feds Seized another Bitcoin Site

Morgan Stanley: Rising Junk-Debt Loads Erode Credit Quality

Illinois Pensions: Fallout Felt in Pension Deadlock

Noteworthy Editorials

Francis Boyle: Bradley Manning- Prisoner of Conscience

Norman Solomon: Bradley Manning Is Guilty of “Aiding the Enemy” — If the Enemy Is Democracy

Stephen Lendman: Bradley Manning Court-Martial- Secrecy & Injustice on Trial

Pepe Escobar: Meet the ‘Friends of Jihad’

Robert Higgs: State Power and How It Might Be Undermined

M K Bhadrakumar: Et Tu, Gul? Then Fall, Erdogan

The US Base on Diego Garcia: An Overlooked Atrocity

Erdogan’s Sin of Hubris

Independent vs. Mainstream News: Informed vs. Re-Educated

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- Bilderberg Exposed: Leaks, Whistleblowers & Secrets

Video 1: RT-Bitcoin Crackdown? US Laws Choke Digital Cash Flow Anonymity

Video 2: George Galloway on Syria

Video 3: RT-US Cashes in on Teargas amid Turkey Brutal Turmoil

Video 4: Charlie McGrath-The Death of Free Speech, Most Will Cheer

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “A Turkish Uprising?”

Podcast 1: Lew Rockwell Show- Suppressing the Truth about the Boston Bombings

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality- Phil Giraldi

Podcast 3: Radio Liberty- European Crisis & American Bubble

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