BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 28, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“It is sobering to reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence.”  – Charles A. Beard

International Newsworthy

U.S. Starts Sending Arms for Syrian Rebels

10 GOP Reps Introduce Bill Blocking Military Aid to Syria Rebels

Angela Merkel Warns Against Arms in Syria: ‘Incalculable’ Risks

Australia Lists Jabhat al-Nusra as Terrorist Organization

Blair Ramps Up Anti-Syria Pressure

Russia Pulls All Military Personnel Out of Syria

Russia Subs Military with Civilians at Syrian Base

Russian Defense Ministry Refutes Reports of Syria Evacuation

Saudi Arabia Funds Terrorists in Syria: Russia

Syria’s Rebels in Rift with Aleppo’s Civil Opposition

Islamists Auction Off Cars to Buy Heat Seeking Missiles for Syrian Rebels

Kurds Shoot at Protest in Northern Syria

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Annulment Case for Taksim Renovation Plan Underway

Turkey Investigates Social Media Postings That Allegedly Insult Officials

Turkey Takes Steps to Monitor Twitter Content, Users

Turkey’s Declining Image Alarms Gul

Turkey’s Erdogan Seeks to Further Curb Army Power

PKK Releases 2 Kidnapped Engineers in SE Turkey

PKK Pullout from Turkey to be Complete by End of Fall

The EU Bows to German Pressure to Delay Turkey’s Membership Talks

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Iranian Official Signals No Scaling Back in Nuclear Activity

Marc Rich, the Man Who Sold Iranian Oil to Israel

Kabul Foiled Plot against Afghans: Karzai

Safety Risks, Waste Identified in Three US-Funded Projects in Afghanistan

Afghan Refugees Dig Heels into Pakistan

Pakistan Engaged Taliban to Get Talks Back on Track

‘Pakistan Not Part of Doha Talks’

Bangladesh Loses US Trade Benefits

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Iraqi Official Says Baghdad would Welcome More US Military Help; Bombs Hit Cafes, Killing 16

Iraq Checkpoint Hit by Deadly Blasts

10 killed, 20 Wounded in Attacks on Gov’t-Backed Militiamen in Iraq

Exclusive: Hamas Official Discusses Decline of Iranian Support

Lebanese Shiites’ Divisions Intensify Over Syria

Saudis Hold Anti-Regime Demo in Qatif

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Obama Steps into China’s African Shadow

Egypt’s Opposition Front Presses Morsi for Early Presidential Election

Tense Egypt Set for Mass Rival Protests

Series of Protests Loom Large in Egypt amid ‘Growing Security Crisis’

Morsi Attacks Opposition, Further Infuriates Egyptians

Egypt’s Morsi Circles Wagons as Trouble Looms

Egypt’s Gas Shortage Fuels June 30 Protests

Algerian Army Kill 7 Militants on Libyan Border

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First Ever ‘Foreign Agent’ NGO Registered in Russia

Georgia and the European Security Architecture Conundrum

South Caucasian, U.S. Defense Officials Discuss Regional Security in Georgia

Ivanishvili Goes to Israel Hoping to Mend Ties

Consortium Turns Down Nabucco West Pipeline

Azerbaijan: Courting Enhanced Pakistani Support

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New EU Plan Will Make Every Bank Account in Europe Vulnerable to Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation

Tony Blair Seen Signing Albania Consultancy Contract after Socialist Victory

Protesters Fight Police as Kosovo OKs Serbia Deal

National Newsworthy

How the NSA Is Still Harvesting Your Online Data

Justice Department and NSA Memos Proposing Broader Powers for NSA to Collect Data

Telecoms Implicated in Bush-Era Domestic Spying Now Starting ‘Privacy Coalition’

New Privacy Coalition Cashes in on Relationships

Military Court Holds Session so Secret Defendant Can’t Attend

CIA Anti-Leaking Campaign Memo Leaked

CIA Agents Were Embedded With NYPD and Had “No Limits”

Top US General Leaked Cyber-Attack against Iran

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Officials Use the Media to Anonymously Make Case against Snowden

Snowden Could Request Asylum in Russia: Official

Russia Asks Snowden for US Spying Info

US Army Blocks Soldier Access to Guardian Website

Access to Newspaper Website about NSA Leaks Blocked for Govt Employees

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Top Official Admits F-35 Stealth Fighter Secrets Stolen

FBI Sued For Access to Facial-Recognition Records

WikiLeaks Volunteer Was a Paid Informant for the FBI

TSA’s 50 Most Dangerous Officers: The Criminals Keeping Us “Safe”

Revealed: US Diplomatic Cables That Bradley Manning Is Charged With Releasing

New York City Council Passes Measures to Put a “Leash” on Stop-and-Frisk

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Corzine will Face Civil Charges over Collapse of Financial Firm in 2011

Real Disposable Income is Falling at 2008 Rates

Paycheck to Paycheck and Food Stamp to Food Stamp

Retail Investor Nightmare: the Bond Fund Rout

Noteworthy Editorials

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Global Power Project Part 3- The Influence of Individuals & Family Dynasties

Pepe Escobar: Qatar’s Love Affair with Syria

Nile Bowie: Qatar’s New, Young Emir Won’t Lose Step with Washington

Sheldon Richman: Big Brother, Not Snowden and Greenwald, Is the Story

Surveillance and the Police State: Let Us Hold It to Account

America’s Edward Snowden Problem

If This Is a New Cold War, Who’s the Enemy Supposed to Be?

In Search of Enemies (and Creating Them for No Reason)

CIA Covert Ops in Central America: Nicaragua and the Road to Contra-Gate

Rural Tales of Afghan Despair

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- How the National Security State Blackmails the Government

Video 1: Corbett Report- Blowing the Whistle on Government Blackmailing

Video 2: RT- Iran Burns Tons of Narcotics

BFP Podcast 1: The Reality Principle with Eric Draitser- Top NATO Export Rozoff on-“Syria, NATO & the Global Empire”

BFP Podcast 2: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “A Crisis of Empire”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-We Are (Still) Winning

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show-CIA’s Anti-Leak Memo is Leaked

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