BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 27, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“When the government’s boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence.” – Gary Lloyd

International Newsworthy

US Military Recommends Sending Training Teams to Lebanon, Iraq on Syria, al-Qaida Concerns

US Spooks Stockpile Arms for Syrian Rebels in Jordan for August Onslaught – Report

Are Al-Qaeda’s Lebanese Affiliates Opening a Lebanese Front in the Syrian War?

Lebanon Slipping Into the Syrian Fire?

Henry Kissinger: Balkanized and Broken-Up Syria “Best Possible Outcome”

Rep. Scott DesJarlais Introduces Bill to Ban U.S. Arming of Syrian Rebel Groups

Kuwaitis Campaign Privately to Arm Syrian Rebels

Iraqi Army Controls Area Used by Terrorists as Passage to Smuggle Weapons into Syria

Iran Urges Qatar’s New Emir to Revise Syria Policy

Syria Rebels Lose Border Town

Syria’s Oilfields Create Surreal Battle Lines amid Chaos and Tribal Loyalties

Damascus Old City ‘Hit by Suicide Attack’

Tal Kalakh: Syria’s Rebel Town That Forged Its Own Peace Deal

Report Paints a Grim Picture for the Future of Christians in Syria

Syrian Government Deals with Currency Collapse

Syrians Add to Yemen Refugee Crisis

* * * *

Gezi Park Has Brought Down Illusion of Turkish Democracy

Foreign Journalists Called Conspirators in Turkish Protests

‘Half of Turks Disapprove of Leaders’

Erdogan’s Carrot-and-Stick Approach to Protests a Loser

Facebook Denies Sharing User Information with Turkish Government

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New Dynamic in Iran’s European Ties

Japan’s Oil Imports from Iran Double

Afghanistan: New UN Report Says Afghanistan Remains Top Opium Producer

Afghan Party Slams US Military Base Plan

Pakistan: Sharif Drops Plan to Prosecute Musharraf for 1999 Pakistan Coup in Apparent Nod to Military

HRW Says India Must Stop Misuse Of Counterterrorism Laws

* * * *

Citigroup Opens in Iraq to Tap $1 Trillion of Oil Spending

UNSC Votes to Lift Sanctions against Iraq

Kurdish List Wins Largest Bloc in Ninevah

Lebanon’s Assir Gone, but Problems Remain

Palestinians Look to Anti-Apartheid Tactics

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Egypt on the Precipice? Moving Beyond the Crisis

Report: 4 ‘Mossad Men’ in Egypt Charged With Espionage

Morsi: Divisions Threaten to Paralyze Egypt

Morsi Proposes Constitutional Reform Ahead of Mass Protests

Clashes Erupt in Libya’s Tripoli, Blast Kills Officer in Benghazi

Minorities Harnessing the Arab Spring

South Sudan Moves Closer to New Oil Pipeline

Nigeria to Slap Hezbollah Men with Terror Charge

* * * *

27 Die in Fresh Xinjiang Violence

Russia to Build 100 New Military Bases & Airfields

Beyond the Russian Reset

Dagestan: 2 Militants Killed, 4 Police Wounded in Dagestan Village Shootout

Georgia: NATO Chief Harshly Criticizes Russia over South Ossetia

U.S. Congress: Georgia Military Aid Imperiled By Human Rights Concerns  

The ‘Big Game’ in Central Asia is Long Over

US Loses Lone Base in Central Asia

Uzbekistan: US Senators Make Unusual Case for Political Prisoners

Tajikistan: Intelligentsia Feud Flares in Dushanbe

Kyrgyz President Meets Chinese Defense Minister on Military Exchanges

Nabucco Loses Key Azerbaijan Gas Supplier

Gas from Azerbaijan will Use Tap Pipeline

Azerbaijani Defense Minister Receives U.S. Colonels

U.S. Praises Turkmenistan’s Contribution to “Regional Projects”

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Energy Companies Pull a Blackwater; Entering War on Terror

Germany Charges Dual-Citizen with Membership of Terror Group

Germany Probes UK Spy Program Revealed by CIA Whistleblower

National Newsworthy

NSA Collected Email Records in Bulk Under OBAMA Administration

OBAMA Anti-Whistleblower Program Requires Federal Employees to Report Suspicions of other Employees or Risk Punishment

Leaked: CIA Aims Crackdown on Leaks Inside OBAMA’s CIA

72% Say NSA May Have Monitored Congress, Military Leaders, Judges

NSA Deletes Fact Sheet on NSA Spying After Senate Points Out It’s Actually NSA Lying

* * * *

With Snowden Gone, Hong Kong Focuses on US Surveillance

Obama Says US Won’t Barter For Snowden

Ecuador Minister Says Statement on Snowden Imminent

The Propaganda & Yellow Journalism Which Undermines Snowden’s Whistleblowing

EFF Sues NSA, DoJ Over Secret Surveillance Program

Obama: US Won’t ‘Wheel and Deal’ Over Snowden

* * * *

CIA Rebuffs Congress on ‘Torture’ Findings

GOP Rep. Threatens to Impeach Obama over Syria if Americans Die

House Votes Unanimously to Ban Funding for UN Gun Grab

New York City ‘Now Flooded With Drones’

License-Plate Readers Let Police Collect Millions of Records on Drivers

FBI Reports Drop in Crime in Denver…Because Crime Statistics Were Left Out

Medicare Pays $31 Million per Year for Unauthorized Prescription Drugs

Painkillers, Profits & Politics

* * * *

US First-Quarter GDP Gets a Haircut, Rises 1.8%

The Single Largest Driver of the US Economy is about to Collapse

Risk of 1937 Relapse as Fed Gives Up fight against Deflation

Unprecedented Carnage Happening in the Bond Market?

Noteworthy Editorials

William Blum: The Leading Whistleblower of All Time- Philip Agee

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: The Tale of a Turkish Summer

Glenn Greenwald: The Personal Side of Taking on the NSA: Emerging Smears

Andrew Napolitano: Government Criminals vs. a Truth-Teller

Washington’s Blog: Why Didn’t Snowden Go through “Proper Channels” to Blow the Whistle?

Paul Pillar: The Other Israelis

Stephen Lendman: Challenging US Lawlessness

When the Official Default is to Lie: In Us We Have to Trust

On NSA Leaks, It’s the Government Versus the People

Snowden in the U.S.-Russian ‘SpyWar’

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- How the National Security State Blackmails the Government

Video 1: Corbett Report- New World Next Week

Video 2: Funnies- NSA Agent Caught SNOOPING on Video

Video 3: Funnies- Funny Commercial about the Imperial Navy

BFP Podcast 1: The Reality Principle with Eric Draitser- Top NATO Export Rozoff on-“Syria, NATO & the Global Empire”

BFP Podcast 2: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “A Crisis of Empire”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report- Nile Bowie on the Trans-Pacific Partnership & Cyberwar

Podcast 2: Voice of Russia: For U.S. & NATO Self-Defense is Act of War

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