BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 26, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.” - John Hay

International Newsworthy

Tripartite Meeting on Syria Ends without Concrete Outcome

Gulf Monarchies Fuel Syrian Storm

Saudi Arabia Presses Kerry for Hard Line on Syria

All Personnel Withdrawn from Russian Navy Base in Syria – Diplomat

Syrian Bus Passengers Stabbed in Beirut

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Turkey’s Erdogan Says Protesters Part of Conspiracy to Harm Country

Harsh Turkish Political Language Getting the Red Card in Europe

Turkish Police Break Up Demo in Ankara

Turkey: Exercise with NATO AWACS, 50 Fighter Jets

Turkey’s PM Erdogan: Protests Delayed Gaza Visit

Turkey “Strongly Leaning” Toward Chinese Air Defense: Report

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Rouhani’s Outlook Riles Israeli Hardliners

Iranian Kurdish Activists, Parties Split Over Engaging With Tehran

‘Iran Navy Protects Ships in Free Waters’

Iranian Supreme Leader Says “Obstinacy” Obstacle to Solving Nuclear Issue

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Obama, Karzai Back Taliban Talks

Taliban Talks Renew Specter of Civil War

Taliban Thriving on Afghanistan’s Opium Economy

Afghanistan Unhappy with UK-Run Jail

Pakistani Taliban Says Option for Talks Possible, but Not Under Present Circumstances

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16 Killed, 33 Wounded in Fresh Bomb Attacks in Iraq

Iraqi Politicians Find Common Ground Elusive

Hamas Deploys Forces to Prevent Rocket Fire

Lebanese Troops Secure Hardline Cleric’s Complex

Yemen’s Young Face Grim Future

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U.S Trying to “Play Catch-Up” with China’s Strong Presence in Africa

African Union Warns Libya has Become ‘Important’ Terrorism Transit Hub

Egypt Protesters Look to Army Backing

Islamists Deliver Ultimatum in Northern Nigerian Town

UN to Deploy Peacekeepers to Mali

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NATO Chief Reaffirms Support for Georgia’s Membership

New UN Drug Report Underscores Central Asia’s Addiction

Sheepnapped? More Friction on the Tajik-Uzbek Border

Uzbekistan Destroys 1,537 kg of Drugs

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UK Spy Agencies Get $154mn Bonus amid Sweeping Cuts

Islamist Raids: German Police Shoot Down Model Plane Terror Plot

Norway Overtakes Russia as Europe’s Biggest Gas Supplier

Australia Fears Asia Backlash over PRISM Surveillance Revelations

Mandatory Data Retention Defeated in Australia, for Now

National Newsworthy

U.S. Surveillance Is Not Aimed at Terrorists

The NSA Pays Contractor to Hack Your Cell Phone

Senators Say NSA Is Still Feeding Us False Info

Spy Marketing: CIA Rolls Out New and Improved Website

Booz Allen Hamilton: Far Worse Than Blackwater

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Police Chief Wants Robot Drones to Patrol over St. Louis

Activists the US Military Targeted & Spied Upon Were Designated ‘Domestic Terrorists’

California Seeks to Protect Journalists from Gov’t Secret Monitoring

Obamacare will Share Personal Health info with Federal, State Agencies

Obama Press Secretary Didn’t Have Answer 1,905 Times in 16 Months

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GOP Lashes Out at ‘Weak’ Obama amid Snowden Furor

Snowden Hid Copies of Secret NSA Documents in Case Something Happens to him 

Putin: Snowden at Airport, Won’t Be Extradited

Extradition Demand of Snowden “Groundless & Unacceptable”: Russian FM

Snowden May Be Stuck in Russia: WikiLeaks

Snowden Stuck in Moscow Airport, ‘Can’t Buy Ticket with Invalid Passport’

Ecuador Demands Obama Make a Written Request for NSA Leaker * * * *

Congress Quickly & Quietly Rolls Back Insider Trading Rules for Itself

Boehner Staffers in Demand on K St.

Report: Friendship May Have Greased Wheels for IRS Contracts

IG: IRS Credit Cards Used for Wine, Pornography

‘Lavish’ IRS Confab Cost $2.4M

Boeing Overcharges Pentagon Again, by $13.7 Million…Including $2,286 for a $10 Spare Part

Goldman Sachs Gets Into Public Education

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The 441 Trillion Dollar Interest Rate Derivatives Time Bomb

Economy in US Grew Less than Projected in First Quarter

Going Dark! Economic Cycles Point Downward

Mortgage Applications Collapse to Lowest In 19 Months

Noteworthy Editorials

Paul Craig Roberts: A New Beginning Without Washington’s Sanctimonious Mask

Pepe Escobar: We are all Qataris Now!

Chris Floyd: Follow the Money- The Secret Heart of the Secret State

Jacob Hornberger: Freedom Versus the National-Security State

Ron Paul: The Death of Daniel Somers

Is ‘The Five Eyes Alliance’ Conspiring to Spy on You?

The Warrior & Democratic Society

The American Dictatorship

The Land of the Blind: the Illusion of Freedom in America

The Asia Pivot: Making an Enemy of China

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- How the National Security State Blackmails the Government

Video 1: Corbett Report- Sibel Edmonds Blows the Whistle on Government Blackmailing

Video 2: RT-Domination Over? New Rating Agency to Fight US Big Three

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “A Crisis of Empire”

Podcast 1: Blacklisted Radio- James Corbett on Shadow Government & Police State

Podcast 2: Interview- U.S. Courts Taliban To Keep Nine Bases In Afghanistan

Podcast 3: Lew Rockwell Show- Dr. Feelgood