BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 24, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Liberty has never come from Government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it.” – Woodrow Wilson

International Newsworthy

“Friends of Syria” Conference Draws Condemnation

Fighting Rages after Doha Meeting on Syria

Deepening Ethnic Rifts Reshape Syria’s Towns

Thousands of Shi’ites Ready to Fight in Syria: Iraq MP

Hezbollah Creates Staging Grounds in Syria

Military Source: Most Salafis Fighting in Syria Come from Afghanistan

Syria: Peace Talks NOT for Transferring Power

Putin: Iraqi Chemical Weapons Produced for Syrian Rebels

Syria’s Rebel Leader Urges Extremist Fighters to Unify in Return for Weapons

In a Turnabout, Syria Rebels Get Libyan Weapons

Why Did Egypt’s Brotherhood Break Off Ties with Syria?

* * * *

Tahrir to Taksim: West Interferes

2.5 Million People Partook in Anti-Government Protests across Turkey: Report

Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree: Turkish Protesters’ Park-Forums

Turkey’s Sunni Identity Test

Turkey Probes “Foreign Links” to Gezi Park Protests

Turkish Protesters Accused of Terror Links

Erdogan: Turkey, Brazil Hit by Same Conspiracy

Turkey’s Declining Image Alarms Gul

Turkey: Will Tourism Prove Another Victim of Police Violence?

* * * *

Israel Tries to Game Rouhani

Iran Denies Cyber-Attack on Oil Ministry

Iran to Inaugurate 14 Fuel Projects

Iran: Supporters of New President-Elect Rohani Arrested in Tabriz

NY Regulator Sets Tough Bank Fine over Iranian Transactions

Iranian Currency Buoyed by Rohani Victory

Iranians Want Country Put before Cause

Afghanistan Seeks “Explanation” for Taliban Office

Try Musharraf for Treason: Pakistan PM

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Iraqi Shiite Cleric: ‘Extremism in Iraq Is Transitory Phase’

Iraq to Receive Russian Military Helicopters

Iraq Oil Exports Dip on Weather, Sabotage

Suicide Bomber Kills Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Official

Violence Spreads as Troops Killed in Lebanon

Lebanese Army Storms Mosque as Clashes Spread

Hamas Holds Contacts with Jihad to Avoid More Tension

US to Provide Training for Yemen Police Force

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400 US Troops About to Be Deployed to Egypt

ElBaradei Calls on Morsi to Step Down

Egypt Army Will Intervene to Prevent Internal Strife – Defense Minister

Four Shia Muslims Killed in Egypt

Libya: Benghazi Attack Highlights Media Peril

Boko Haram Regroups, Invades Borno Towns

Malian Gov’t Mission Arrives in Rebel Stronghold Kidal

Tunisian Parties Sign Charter against Terrorism

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The New Great Game Round-Up (June 23)

Russia Raises Questions on Non-Nuclear US Weapons

Further Nuclear Arms Cuts to Involve More Countries: Russian FM

Eni and Rosneft Sign Completion Deed for Joint Exploration in Russian Barents Sea & Black Sea

The Great Pipeline Face-Off

Georgian President Declares Creation of Secret Arms Storage

Tajikistan Deviates from CASA Script

Kazakhstan Claims US to Stay Involved in Afghanistan

Armenia & Azerbaijan: A Caucasus Space Race is On!

* * * *

How Brits Set Out to Spy on the World Wide Web

UK Spies Tap Fiber-Optic Cables to Access World’s Communications

UK Tapping Europe’s Sata Flows is Like ‘Hollywood Nightmare’ – Germany

Australian Government Shelves PRISM-Like Scheme

National Newsworthy

Mysterious Privacy Board Touted by Obama Has Deep Government Ties

Facebook Security Officer Moves to NSA

Snoop Valley: Facebook Ex-Officer ‘Signs Up’ with NSA

Now the Government’s Cracking Down on Privacy Tools

Meet the Man in Charge of America’s Secret Cyber Army

PRISM and the Rise of a New Fascism

After Bragging about Using Surveillance Law to Catch Terrorists, Government Balks at Proving it in Court

Bill Clinton on NSA: Americans Need to Be on Guard for Abuses of Power

Surveillance Contractors Gave Millions in Campaign Cash to Congressional Lawmakers

* * * *

Snowden Becomes 8th Person to Be Charged with Violating the Espionage Act Under Obama

USA v. Edward Snowden Complaint

Snowden Seeks Asylum in Ecuador Amid Storm

Snowden’s US Passport Revoked

US Warns Countries against Snowden Travel

White House Asks Russia to Expel NSA Leaker Snowden

Offering Snowden Aid, WikiLeaks Back in the Game

Snowden’s Plane Leaves Moscow, NSA Leaker Not Seen Aboard 

Snowden Whereabouts Unknown as Russia Defies U.S. Pressure

* * * *

Leahy: Border Security Measure Reads ‘Like a Christmas Wish List for Halliburton’

Immigration Agency Accused of Holding 834 U.S. Citizens

Obama Rewards Top Fundraisers with Plum Diplomatic Posts

Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to Obama’s Recess Appointments

USA Today, Maddow & Iran Misinformation

* * * *

Supreme Court Supports Companies Forcing Arbitration as Alternative to Class Action Suits

California Sends a Cease & Desist Order to the Bitcoin Foundation

US Weighs Doubling Leverage Standard for Biggest Banks

Banks Go after Homeowners Years after Foreclosure

How Booz Allen Hamilton Swallowed Washington

Fed Continues Printing Money Until it Implodes

US Stocks Fall Sharply on China Jitters

Noteworthy Editorials

Paul Craig Roberts: Stasi in the White House

Pepe Escobar: Our Man in Quito

Stephen Lendman: Obama: The Worst of Nixon/Bush II Writ Large

Ron Paul: What We Have Learned from Afghanistan  

Trust Us: A Brief History of Govt Spying

How Leaks Advance Liberty and Resist Tyranny  

America’s Surveillance Net

Citizens and the State: the Problem is Bigger than you Think

Obama Tracking Whatever You Say & Do. You’re Americans?

Edward Snowden and the Security State Laid Bare

The Downing of TWA Flight 800

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: RT-.Assange: Snowden, Manning Victims of Obama’s War on Whistleblowers

Video 2: Corbett Report-Solutions: Sousveillance

BFP Podcast Show – NSA Whistleblower Goes on Record -Reveals New Information & Names Culprits & Targets!

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “The World is Rising”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Sibel Edmonds Blows the Whistle on Government Blackmailing

Podcast 2: Lew Rockwell Show-Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out

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