BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 21, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.” – Edward Abbey

International Newsworthy

How Syria’s Islamists Govern With Guile & Guns

Report: Syrian Rebels Take First Shipment of Foreign Weapons 

Syrian Rebels ‘Receive’ New Types of Weapons

Russia: West ‘Not Sure’ it Can Bring Syria Rebels to Peace Meet

Yak-130 Jets for Syria Awaiting ‘Political Decision’ – Source

France’s Fabius Wants More Talks with Syria Rebels Before Arming

Germany Will Not Supply Weapons to the Syrian Opposition – Merkel

Suleiman: I Oppose Any Lebanese Intervention in Syria

Syria Rebels Seek Arms, No-Fly Zone to Avert Disaster

Syria No-Fly Zone Would Cost Billions, Say Analysts

Syrian ‘Coalition’ Rejects G8 Call to Fight Qaeda

Syrian Rebel General Grapples with Disarray in his Ranks

Syriac Christians, Kurds Boost Cooperation in Syria

Alawites and Christians in Syria–United in Uncertainty

Next Phase of Syrian Invasion Begins — The Central Bank Connection

Central Bank of Syria Fights to Stabilize Currency

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Taliban Office Row Puts Talks with US on Hold

Taliban’s Qatar Office Stokes Karzai’s Ire

IG: US Companies Stiffing Afghan Subcontractors

Pakistan Keeps Away from Taliban’s Doha Office Row

Anti-Taliban Leaders Killed in Pakistan

Afghanistan, Pakistan Trade Accusations at UN Over Extremist Havens

The Harrowing Impact of Deadly US Drone War in Pakistan

Suicide Bomber Kills 14 at Peshawar Mosque

Pakistan Army Will Stay in Waziristan

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Turkish Government, Protesters Seek to Draw Sting from Unrest

Istanbul to Vote for Gezi Park if Court Gives Green Light

Paranoid Nationalism Changes Hands in Turkey

Turkey: Lessons (Not) Learned from the Caucasus

Turkey Warns Germany Not to Play Politics Over EU Entry Talks

The Great Stand-Off of Istanbul: An Impact of Flash Mobs on Revolution

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Iran ‘Seizes UAE Fishing Boats in Gulf’

Iran Oil Exports to China Up 50% in May

Rouhani Leads Iran’s New Soft Power

‘Israel Behind Intelsat Ban on Iran Media’

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Foreign Oil Companies in Basra Caught in Political Crossfire

Iraqi Militias Make Comeback Amid Surging Sectarian Violence

Iraqi Kurds Fear Rise of Military Threat from Baghdad

The United Arab Emirates and the Muslim Brotherhood

Palestinian Children Tortured, Used as Shields by Israel: UN

* * * *

China Discovers the Mediterranean

Russia & China Oil Cooperation Estimated at the Unprecedented $270bn

Russia’s Arctic, NATO and Norway: A Post-Kirkenes Political Landscape

Russia’s Shadow Economy Accounts for 15-20% of GDP

Central Asia: South Asia Energy Project a Pipe Dream?

Kyrgyz Parliament Sets Date for Manas Transit Center Closure

Rumsfeld’s Visit to Kyrgyzstan Sets Tongues Wagging

Kyrgyzstan Protests to Uzbekistan over Killing on Border

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Owen Paterson: UK Must Become Global Leader on GM Crops

Kosovo’s First Envoy to Serbia Quits After Two Days

Brazilian Protests Escalate, Threatening Government Buildings

National Newsworthy

BFP Breaking News- “MSNBC Censors NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice- Minutes before the Interview”

Indefinite Surveillance: The National Defense Authorization Act of 2014

New Documents Suggest NSA Can Spy Without Warrant

The Top Secret Rules that Allow NSA to Use U.S. Data Without a Warrant

Booz Allen, the World’s Most Profitable Spy Organization

Skype’s Secret Project Chess Helped NSA Access Customers’ Data

Secret NSA Exceptions Allow ‘Inadvertently’ Collected US Information to Be Retained for 5 Years

The Numbers Game Muddies NSA Surveillance Debate

Whistleblower Says Spy Agency Targeting Top American Leaders

Senators Say NSA Phone Records Played “Little” Role in Stopping Terror Plots

* * * *

FBI Has Received Aviation Clearance for at Least Four Domestic Drone Operations

When FBI Shoots Someone, It’s Always Justified…According to the FBI

Government Could Use Metadata to Map Your Every Move

Secrets Piling Up Faster Than Government Can Declassify Some

U.S. Military to Shred Thousands of Million-Dollar Armored Vehicles in Afghanistan

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Obama’s Crackdown Views Leaks as Aiding Enemies of U.S.

WikiLeaks May Publish More Revelations Promised by Snowden – Assange

Iceland in ‘Informal Talks’ About Snowden Asylum

Snowden Invited To Iceland By Founder Of Payment Provider DataCell

Snowden’s Background Checker Under Scrutiny

* * * *

Congress “Surprised” by Drone Use on US Soil? It Shouldn’t Be

Federal Nullification Efforts Mounting in States

Experts: Tough to Stick Perjury to Holder

Rep. Issa Decries Release of Full IRS Transcripts that Undercut His Selective Leaking

McConnell Blames Public Worker Unions for Tea Party Targeting

Veteran of CIA, K Street Opens Consulting Firm

Washington Times: Government Contractors Getting ‘Fat’

U. S. Weighs Doubling Leverage Standard for Biggest Banks

Noteworthy Editorials

Linda Lewis: A Former President Suggests Self-Censorship; What Does That Mean for America?

John Pilger: Understanding the Latest NSA “Security Leaks” is Understanding the Rise of a New Fascism

Dave Lindorff: Who knew? The government snoops have been keeping us safe?: Cranking Up the Washington Lie Machine

Michael Rozeff: The Public’s Demand for Force

Paul Pillar: Revolts in Democracies

David Swanson: Prisons Full of Innocents

M K Bhadrakumar: US ‘Rebalancing’ in the Hindu Kush

Motives Aside, the NSA Should Not Spy on Us

Snowden and the Three Wise NSA Men

Iraq, Libya, Syria, Extensive US-NATO War Crimes. How the Media Buries “The Evidence”

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: Corbett Report-Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Fear

Video 2: Corbett Report- New World Next Week

Video 3: Charlie McGrath- Manipulated, Drugged Up, Dumbed Down & and Spied on

BFP Podcast Show – NSA Whistleblower Goes on Record -Reveals New Information & Names Culprits & Targets!

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew G. Marshall- “Power, Ecology & Society”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report- Russ Tice Reveals the Truth About NSA Spying

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