BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 14, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.” – Ayn Rand

International Newsworthy

US Offers ‘Military Support’ to Syrian Rebels

U.S. Plans Direct Military Interference In Syria: Russian MP

With Chemical Weapons Allegations, Syrian Conundrum Shifts

U.S. Falsifies Reports on Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria: Syrian Diplomat

Russian Lawmaker: Obama ‘Fabricated’ Evidence on Syria

UK Backs US Chemical Weapons Claims

Why Arming the Syrian Opposition Could Be as Dangerous as Putting U.S. Boots on the Ground

Syria Opposition “Hails” US Arms Supply

Moscow Unconvinced by US Evidence of Syrian Chemical Weapons Use 

U.S. Military Proposal to Arm Rebels Includes No-Fly Zone in Syria

Carney: Obama ‘Welcomes’ Advice from Bill Clinton on Attacking Syria

UN Warns of Israel-Syria Escalation

US Decides to Keep Fighters in Jordan

Jordan Shuts Down Border Crossings from Syria

Egypt Says Citizens Free to Join Fight in Syria

Syria War Turns to Homs

Syria Rebels Seize Key Army Position in Hama: Activists

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Istanbul Protesters Reject Ultimatum to Evacuate Park

Why Turks Are Good at Protesting

Turkey: Resistance Park

The Only Win-Win for Erdogan and Turkey

Erdogan Backers: Use Guns, Not Tear-Gas on Protesters

No Clear Result after Turkish PM, Protesters Meet

Turkish PM to Delay Istanbul Park Project

Turkey Bids for Afghan Withdrawal Transit Business

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Big Question as Iran Picks a President: Will Reformists Turn Out to Vote?

Iran Says Voter Turnout to Hit 70%

Afghanistan Frees Bagram Prisoners

Karzai Seeks UK Explanation on Drones

Pakistan Military Technology Row ‘Threatens Israel’s Strategic Relationship With India’

Al Qaeda Activist Arrested in Murder of Benazir Case Prosecutor

India: Delhi Bill to Criminalize Opposition to GM Food

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Allawi: Maliki’s Visit to Kurdistan Is to Calm Tensions Because of His Failure to Run the Country

Yemen’s ‘Verbal’ Recognition of Kosovo Fuels Confusion

Israel Minister Says There Will Never Be A Palestinian State

Palestine Decries Israel’s New Outposts Plan

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Libya: No Impunity for ‘Black Saturday’ Benghazi Deaths

TV Channel Offices Attacked in Libya’s Benghazi

Morsi’s Rule Said Threatened by Impending Protests

Ethiopia Ratifies Controversial Nile Accord

The UN Prepares to Go to War for the First Time, with a 3,000-Strong Task Force Sent to Fight Rebels in the Congo

Khartoum Says Rebels Based in South Sudan Caused Oil Pipeline Blast

General Wanted Over Ugandan Memo Leak Now Hiding in Britain

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Russia’s Upgraded Nuclear Cruiser to Rejoin Navy In 2018

Internet Sector Sounds Alarm over Fresh Russian Anti-Piracy Bill

Rosneft Enters Norwegian Continental Shelf in Barents Sea

Georgia: Russia Flashes Territorial Appetite

Georgia: Jihad in the Backyard

Kyrgyzstan: Parliament Failing Public-Faith Test

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Drive East: NATO Shifts Command From Spain to Turkey

France Launches Probe into ‘Vulnerable’ Nuclear Base after Media Disclosure

Source: Poland, Czechs Balk on Blacklisting Hezbollah

‘American Dictate’: Swiss Parliament Split on Banking Secrecy Law

U.S. Troop Training Numbers in Australia to Reach 1115 in 2014: Defense Minister

National Newsworthy

US Cyber Force Ready to Unleash Hell

Surveillance Programs Reveal U.S. Hypocrisy

Secretive US Cyber Unit Has Been Spying on China for 15 Years

Inside the NSA’s Ultra-Secret China Hacking Group

US-China Ties Further Complicated By Snowden Charges

Pressure Builds on US over Hong Kong Civilian Hacking Allegations

* * * *

Inside the NSA: Peeling Back the Curtain on America’s Intelligence Agency

NSA Leaks Hint Microsoft May Have Lied about Skype Security

Thousands Of Firms Trade Confidential Data With The US Government In Exchange For Classified Intelligence

NSA to Release Details of Attacks It Claims Were Foiled by Surveillance

FBI Director Says US Will Hold Snowden Responsible on NSA Leak

Snowden on US Govt: ‘If They Want to Get You, They’ll Get You in Time’

NSA Whistleblower Barred from UK

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Lawmakers Planning Bill to Limit Contractor Access to NSA Secrets

Senators Challenge NSA’s Claim to Have Foiled ‘Dozens’ of Attacks

NSA Leaker Snowden is Lying, Say Leaders of House Intelligence Committee

Confidence in Congress Falls to Lowest on Record: 10%

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Pentagon Five-Year Cybersecurity Plan Seeks $23 Billion

Report: President’s Africa Trip Expected to Cost $60 to $100 Million

Coburn Blasts Holder over $58 Million in DOJ Spending on ‘Junkets’

State Department Has Hired Agents with Criminal Records, Memo Reveals

Nepotism Considered Normal at Energy Dept.

Undercover CIA Agent Sues Agency over Stalled Probe of Alleged War Crimes

Supreme Court Bans Protests on Its Grounds

* * * *

Foreclosures Jump 11 Percent as Banks Bet on Rising Home Prices

Current-Account Deficit in US Widens 3.7% in First Quarter

Treasury Sales by Foreigners Hit Record High in April

Noteworthy Editorials

M K Bhadrakumar: Obama’s Monica Moment

Paul Pillar: The Commitment Ploy

Washington’s Blog: Bipartisan Skepticism of America’s War in Syria

Stephen Lendman: Turkey- Epicenter of Police State Violence

Why I Don’t Care About Edward Snowden

Obama Speaks With Forked Tongue on Surveillance

Why You Should Worry About the NSA

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report: NSA Spying: False Hope vs. Real Solutions

Video 1: Escobar- “Obama Starts Syria War to Deviate from Snowden Scandal”

BFP Podcast Show 1- Cryptome.Org’s John Young: “Why is Edward Snowden Censored by Craven Media?”  

BFP Podcast Show 2-The Reality Principle with Eric Draitser-“ Elections in Iran” with Yassamine Mather

BFP Podcast Show 3- Pepe Escobar on Police State USA, Apathy America, Uprising in Turkey & More!

Podcast: Corbett Report- Douglas Valentine on Scahill’s Dirty Wars

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