BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 8, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” – Thomas Paine

International Newsworthy

Egypt’s Uncertain Transition

Islam’s Civil War Moves to Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Egypt Uprising

Egypt’s Army Chief & Coup Leader El-Sissi Trained at US Army War College

Egypt’s State Media Bows to Army’s Will

Egypt’s Presidency Recommends ElBaradei as VP, Financial Expert as PM

Arab Spring Countries Question if Morsi’s Fall Is End of an Era

Egyptian Ambassador to US Says No Military Coup

Law Requires Obama Administration to Cut Off Egyptian Aid

Iran Blames Morsi’s US Stance for Crisis

Muslim Brotherhood Says ‘We Must Raise the Stakes’

Sea of Flags as Anti-Morsi Crowd Packs Tahrir

New Egypt Appointments Going to Advocates of Military Rule

Tens of Thousands of Morsi Supporters Flock to Republican Guard HQ

43 Die as Soldiers Fire on Praying Morsi Backers

Heavily Armed Islamists Attack in Cairo

Egyptian Security Forces Raid Al Jazeera’s Cairo Office

* * * *

Syrian Opposition Chooses Saudi-Backed Leader

Election of New Head of Syrian Opposition Seen as Victory for US, Saudi Arabia

Syrian Opposition Head Expects Advanced Weapons to Reach Rebels

Head of Syria’s Exiled Opposition Offers Truce During Ramadan

Syria Rebels Clash with Qaeda-Linked Opposition

Syrian City of Raqqa Suffers Under Rebel Rule

Militants Fight Each Other in N Syria

Syria Rebels in Weak Position, Says SNC Chief

* * * *

The Rise of the Iranian Moderates

Afghans Leery of Taliban Plans

Insurgents Increasing in East Afghanistan, but Army Sees Gains

Afghan Spies Arrest US Translator for Torture

Pakistan: Findings of Abbottabad Commission- How US Reached Osama

New TTP Group Emerges to Avenge Drone Attacks

Militants Torch 3 NATO Containers in Quetta

IMF Agrees to Pakistan Bailout

* * * *

Turkey: Probe Urged Into Police Violence

Tracing the Roots of Social Rebellion

Italian Photojournalist Detained in Turkey

Turkey: Citizen Journalism under Attack; Facebook Collaborates

After Protests, Forums Sprout in Turkey’s Parks

Istanbul Witnesses Protest Festival

Turkey Reopens Istanbul Gezi Park

Coup in Egypt Strategic Loss for Erdogan

‘Majority of Finns Oppose Turkey EU Bid’

What Did Turkey Lose When EU Lost Nabucco?* * * *

Iraqi Kurdistan Chief in Baghdad for Talks on Disputes

15 Dead in Single Day of Iraq Violence

Iraqi Provinces Consider More Autonomy in Managing Oil Wealth

Saudi Arabia Cracks Down on 200,000 Yemeni Migrants

Yemen Seizes Turkish-Made Weapons

* * * *

Old Constitutional Controversy Ignited in Libya

Armed Group Shuts Down Second Libyan Oil Port in Days

Jordan Detains Deported Radical Islamic Cleric Abu Qatada

Algeria, EU Sign Strategic Energy Partnership Document

Morocco and Algeria: The Impossible Reconciliation?

* * * *

The New Great Game Round-Up, July 7

Russia Announces Upgrades to CSTO Military Presence in Armenia

Russia to Finance South Stream Gas Pipeline Construction in Bulgaria

World’s First Floating Nuclear Power Plant to Begin Operating in Russia in 2016

Prosecutor Demands 6 Years in Jail for Opposition Blogger Navalny

Rebel Warlord’s Bodyguard Killed in Chechnya

Tethys Petroleum Makes Move into Georgia

Georgia Hosts NATO Southeastern Europe Defense Meeting

* * * *

Controversial EU Data Protection Regulation May Be Negotiated In Secret In Breach Of Parliamentary Process

NATO Coordinates Absorption of Balkan, Caucasian Candidates

‘German Government Sells the Privacy of German Citizens to the US’

Eastern Europe on Fire: Any Changes?

Mafia Launders Dirty Money in Clean Energy – Europol

National Newsworthy

Tech Companies are Cooperating with US Intelligence Agencies More Than you Think

None Dare Call it FASCISM: How the NSA has (already) Privatized Tyranny

In Secret, Court Vastly Broadens Powers of NSA

Five Unanswered Questions about the NSA’s Surveillance Programs

How Innocent Citizens Become Terror Suspects

‘Facebook & Co. Ignore Fundamental Rights’

The NSA Comes Recruiting

* * * *

Hitting the Reset: NSA Spying Targeted BRICS

Snowden Says Western States ‘in Bed with NSA’

Snowden Reveals NSA Partnership with German Intelligence Service: Report

Snowden’s Venezuela Offer ‘Last Chance’ for Political Asylum – Russian official

Privacy Group to Ask Supreme Court to Halt NSA Phone Spying

Why MSNBC Defends NSA Surveillance

* * * *

Bin Laden Raid Files Reportedly Purged from Pentagon Computers, Sent to CIA

Border Patrol Set to Weaponize Drones

NYC Cases Show Crooked Cops’ Abuse of FBI Database

In Rare Third Amendment Lawsuit, Nevada Police Accused of Forcibly Occupying a Private Residence

Postal Service Photographs Every Piece of Mail Sent in U.S.

Big Oil Wins another One as Judge Bates Rules against SEC Rule Mandating Disclosure of Payments to Governments

* * * *

Defense Industry Hatches New Plot to Kill the Sequester

Investment Group Sues U.S. over Fannie, Freddie Bailout Terms

June Jobs Report Keeps Fed on Track for Tapering

Jobless About to Take a Big Hit from the Sequester

Another Breakdown for Bonds

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Villains, Heroes & the Villain-Made Heroes

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Banking on Influence with JPMorgan Chase

Ron Paul: America Lies About Its Colony Egypt

Philip Giraldi: How America Eavesdrops on Allies

Doug Bandow: The Democratic Way of Killing- The President as Judge, Jury & Executioner

Nick Turse: Touching Base(s): A Classic Runaround

Washington’s Blog: Government Spying Has Always Focused On Crushing Dissent … Not On Keeping Us Safe

The Surveillance State Isn’t Coming – It’s Already Here

Snowden Affair Exposed more than NSA Spying: US Corporate Media Shown to be Rank Propaganda Arms

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: Corbett Report-Crashes of Convenience: Michael Hastings

Video 2: RT-Snowden: ‘NSA in Bed with Germany’

Video 3: Charlie McGrath-Enemy You…

BFP Podcast: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez- “Drones Don’t Kill People, Governments Do!”

Podcast: Corbett Report- Tom Secker on Secrets, Spies and 7/7

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