BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 31, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices.” –Aleister Crowley

International Newsworthy

Chief: Syrian Rebels to Form Govt Late August

Syria’s Moderate Rebels Wane as Extremist Forces Dominate

Syria Draws Radicals Seeking Military Experience

Syrian Army Strips Rebels of “Revolution Capital”

Syrian Kurds Urged to Rise Up against Jihadists

Ankara Holds Talks Between Al Nusra and PYD

Iran Grants Syria $3.6-Billion Oil Credit Line

Al Qaeda Group Kidnaps Italian Jesuit Paolo Dall’Oglio in Syria

Syria Rebels Say Hostages Iranian Guards

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Egypt Cabinet Orders End to Sit-in Protest

Egypt’s Precarious New Reality

Top Military Chief: NATO Keeping Close Eye on Egypt

Palestinian Bogeyman Resurfaces in Egypt

Egypt’s New Top General Stirs Echoes of Nasser

Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiya Says Morsi to Reject Ashton ‘Safe Exit’ Offer

Saudis Divided over Egypt

Obama Asks Graham, McCain to Travel to Egypt

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Ex-Envoy Sheds Light on Iran Nuclear Claim

US Lawmakers Try to Block New Iran Ban

More Women, Children Killed in 2013 in Afghanistan – UN 

Afghanistan Police Cite Increased Militant Threats on Uzbekistan Border

Afghanistan Supporting Fazlullah: Pakistan

SCO & Pakistan’s Aspirations

Pakistan’s Sectarian Meltdown

Pakistan’s Election Chief Resigns amid Poll Rigging Allegations

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Intimidation and Self-Censorship Rising in Turkey

Western States Concerned by Turkey’s Plan to Build Satellite Launcher

Iraq Seeks $2bn in US Military Equipment

Bombs Targeting Mosques Kill 9 in Iraq

Suicide Bomber Kills 45 in South Yemen City

EU Decision Leaves Hezbollah More Resolute Than Ever

PLO Rejects Peace Talks

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UN Mission Sets Up Security Zone in Eastern DR Congo, Gives Rebels 48 Hour Ultimatum

Nigeria Withdrawing Battalion of Troops From Mali to Fight Own Islamic Insurgency

Nigeria Arrests 42 Boko Haram Suspects in Lagos, Ogun

Security Headaches Dampen Investor Enthusiasm in Libya

Tunisian Police Union Unveils Existence of “Parallel” Police Force

Tunisia’s Leader Refuses to Step Down

UN Gives Ultimatum to DR Congo Rebels

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Terrorist Attacks in Dagestan Foiled by Russian Security Services

Moscow Police Detain Hundreds in Sweep Checks of Markets

Illegal Workers in Russia Reach 3.5 Million

Russia Attacks US Attempts to Broaden Magnitsky List

Putin to Ukraine: You Belong With Russia, Not Europe

NATO Praises Saakashvili for Herding Georgia into Military Bloc

Georgia: Hard Money, Hard Times

Kazakhstan Draws More Oil Interest

Azerbaijan: Consortium Formed To Build Trans-Adriatic Pipeline

Kazakhstan: Fugitive Oligarch Reported Captured in France

Armenian Forces Kill Azerbaijani Soldier: Baku

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EU Police Injured In Clash with Kosovo Serbs

NATO Global Strike Force to Hold Series of Exercises in Norway

Lockerbie Bomber Release Linked to Arms Deal, According to Secret Letter

Dutch Royal Shell Investigated for $1.3 Billion Money Laundering Scheme

Canada Continues Media Represses

National Newsworthy

Bradley Manning Found Guilty of Most Charges

Kevin Gosztola: What the Verdict in Bradley Manning’s Trial Means for Whistleblowers

Bradley Manning Verdict: What You Need to Know

CCR Condemns Manning Verdict, Questions Future of First Amendment

Statement by Julian Assange on Verdict in Bradley Manning Court-Martial

Senator Proposes National Whistleblower Day on Same Date as Manning Verdict

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NSA Collects ‘Everything a User Does on Internet’

Are the Feds Asking Tech Companies for User Passwords?

NSA Suspected of Spying on McClatchy Newspaper Correspondent

NSA’s XKeyscore Gives One-Click Real-Time Access to Almost Any Internet Activity

Justice Department to Declassify Key Yahoo Surveillance Orders

Lawmakers Protecting NSA Surveillance Are Awash in Defense Contractor Cash

OVERNIGHT TECH: Senate to Review NSA Spying

Greenwald: NSA Hearing Canceled

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Senate Panel Approves 2014 Defense Spending Bill

Lobby World: Pandora Taps Tech Policy Warrior

Ralph Nader Describes Clinton as ‘Poster Child for Military-Industrial Complex’

Internal EPA Report Conflicts with Agency’s Stance on Fracking Contamination in Pennsylvania Town

US Would Be Willing to Invest in Nicaragua Canal

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JP Morgan Accused of Manipulating Energy Markets, Wrist Slap Expected

US Rents Hit Record Highs as Homeownership Plunges to 18 Year Lows

How the US Just Added $550 Billion in “Growth”: Full GDP Chart Pre- and Post-Revision

Utility Companies Fight the Spread of Rooftop Solar Panels

Commerce Dept Revises Economy Numbers — Back to 1929

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Indeed, Whistleblowers Are Traitors- Traitors to the Traitors

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Egypt Under Empire, Part 3- From Nasser to Mubarak

Pepe Escobar: Manning Guilty, War Criminals on the Loose

Stephen Lendman: Bradley Manning- Guilty of Doing the Right Thing

Bradley Manning Case: The Slow Death of Democracy

Manning, the Media, and the Shame of American Journalism

Guilty of Aiding the American People

Philip Weiss: Bill Clinton is Weiner’s Role Model, Not his Boss

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

MUST WATCH Video: Pledge of Allegiance – The Whitest Kids U’Know on IFC

Video 1: RT- WikiLeaks on Manning Verdict

Video 2: Charlie McGrath- Your Freedom Has EXPIRED!

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Europe Under ‘Austocracy’”

Podcast: Lew Rockwell Show- The State Is Too Dangerous to Tolerate