BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 30, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.” – Adolph Hitler

International Newsworthy

Al-Qaeda Syrian Recruits: The Case of ‘Abu Majed’

Egypt Arrests More Islamists as EU Official Visits

Russia Asks UN to Consider its Inquiry of Syria Chemical Arms Use

Syria’s Kurds Fight Jihadists amid Growing Doubts of Their Real Intentions

Syrian Kurds Want Transitional Administration Now

Syrian Kurd Leader Says Turkey Vows Aid

Kurd Politician Killed in Syria Blast

Turkey’s U-Turn on Syria’s Kurds?

Turkish Forces Fire Teargas on Syrian Smugglers on Border

Shiite Seminaries Divided on Fatwas for Syrian Jihad

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Egypt: Bodies Near Pro-Morsi Camp Show “Signs Of Torture” – Interior Ministry

Egypt Restores Feared Secret Police Units

Islamists Urge a Million to March in Egypt

Egypt’s Big Struggle Obscures All the Little Battles

EU’s Ashton Seeks Mediation to End Egyptian Division

Hamas Goes on Offense against Egyptian Media

France Calls for Morsi’s Release

Aide: Paul Egypt Plan Could Get Vote

* * * *

Iranian Patients Still Suffer from Sanctions on Medicine

Rouhani Pick Sends Positive Signal

Aiding the Enemy? ‘US Won’t Stop Paying Afghan Contractors with Militant Links’

Pakistan Taliban Prison Raid Frees Scores

Benazir Murder Case: Musharraf to beIndicted on Aug 6

Balochistan CM Announces Peace Talks with Militants

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Yasin Kadi Enters Turkey Despite Ban  

July Iraq Toll Tops 780 as Car-Bomb Spree Kills 48

Bomb Attack Halts Oil Flow Through Kirkuk-Ceyhan Pipeline

Surging Violence in Iraq

UN Urges Dialog among Iraqi Leaders

Al Qaeda’s Play for Lebanon

UN to Improve Int’l Assistance to Lebanese Army

Islamic Jihad, PFLP Slam Renewed Peace Talks

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Tunisia PM Defies Calls to Dissolve Ennahda

Mali Election Challenges Loom as Rivals Stake Claims

French Leaders Claim Peaceful Mali Vote Justifies Military Intervention

136 People Killed in Tribal Clashes in Sudan’s Darfur

* * * *

Moscow Subway to Use Devices to Read Data on Phones

Rosneft Posts Strong First Half Results

Outside the System, Islamists Test Ground in Ukraine

Pentagon Official Threatens Russia over Finland’s NATO Membership

Scotland Sees Nordic Spy Agencies as Post-Independence Models

New Zealand Military Collected Phone Data of Reporter

National Newsworthy

Americans More Concerned about Privacy Than Terrorism – Pew Study

Activists Storm Office of Congressman Who Voted for NSA Spying

What the Ashcroft ‘Hospital Showdown’ on NSA Spying Was All About

Ron Paul: House Leadership Voted for ‘Police State’

Who Voted in Congress to Defund the NSA Domestic Spying Program and Who Didn’t

Congressman Adam Schiff’s Plan to Rein in Out-Of-Control Secret FISA Courts

Army to Deploy Anti-Missile/Surveillance Blimps over Washington D.C.

* * * *

Bradley Manning to Be Convicted on a Day of Significance in Whistleblower History

European Parliamentarians Call on President Obama to Free Bradley Manning

Manning Judge Alters Charges to Assist Govt Ahead of Verdict

Snowden Not Eligible for Fast-Track Russian Citizenship: Authorities

* * * *

Another Investigation Turns Up Taxpayer Waste in Afghanistan

GAO: Dead Farmers Might be Reaping Millions in Federal Subsidies

Another Banking Regulator Goes through the Golden Revolving Door

How Rich is the US Congress?

Issa Expanding Probe into IRS Scrutiny of Conservative Groups* * * *

U.S. Federal Gov’t to Borrow $444 Billion in Second Half

Philadelphia Latest U.S. City to Sue Big Banks in Libor Scandal

Federal Mortgage Bailout Program Sees a Quarter of Homeowners Re-Default

JPMorgan Accused by FERC of Manipulating Power Market, to Be Fined $400 Million

Fed’s Bernanke Should Testify in AIG Bailout Lawsuit, Judge Rules

Income Inequality & Outsourcing of Manufacturing Leads to Growing Poverty for White Americans

Consumer Confidence Slips in July as Outlook Dims

Noteworthy Editorials

William Blum: That Most Charming of Couples- Nationalism and Hypocrisy

Mark Mondalek: Last Thoughts on Helen Thomas: American Icon – Part I

Peter Dale Scott: US Government Protection of Al-Qaeda Terrorists & the US-Saudi Black Hole

Norman Solomon: The Moral Verdict on Bradley Manning- A Conviction of Love in Action

Stephen Lendman: Lies, Damn Lies & US Promises

America: The Powerful & the Powerless

How America’s Top Tech Companies Created the Surveillance State

Playing the Pollard Card

America as Detroit

The Battle over NSA Surveillance Just Beginning

Egypt: Divide and Conquer?

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: RT- James Corbett on China’s Coming Credit Crisis

Video 2: GRTV- Nazemroaya: Political Turmoil and Chaos in Egypt

Video 3: RT- The Unexplained FBI Assassination of Ibragim Todashev

Video 4: FOX TV- Ron Paul: The U.S. “Can’t Buy Friendship”

BFP Podcast Show: Author-Journalist Peter Lance on “TWA 800 Crash & The ‘Unholy Alliance’ of FBI and Mob”

Podcast 1: Smells Like Human Spirit- Carne Ross on the Occupy Money Cooperative

Podcast 2: Manning Verdict Expected Tomorrow