BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 3, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” – Goethe

International Newsworthy

Egypt Braces for Showdown: Army Vehicles Secure State TV Building

Egypt’s Army Says Has Not Set Time for Statements

As Morsi’s Power Slips, Muslim Brotherhood Prepares a Defense Force

The Muslim Brotherhood Fights for “Legacy”, Not for Morsi

US to Morsi: Call Early Elections

After Morsi, the Geopolitical Fallout

Morsi Defies Egypt Army’s Ultimatum to Bend to Protest

Egyptian Police on Fence in Confrontation with Morsi
Opposition Nominates ElBaradei to Negotiate with Government

Rebel Rejects Morsi Referendum Calls, Insists on Removal

18 Killed in Cairo University Clashes – Ministry

Egypt Headed for Civil War, Ex-Israeli Defense Minister Warns

Egyptian Protesters Blame Obama for Morsi Dictatorship

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Egyptian Nightmare for Erdogan

Turkish Jews Express Fears after Deputy PM Links Jewish Diaspora to Protests

Turkish Media a Casualty of Erdogan’s Policies

What Did Turkey Lose When EU Lost Nabucco?

Turkey’s Syria Refugee Crisis

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Iran, Russia Discuss Energy Cooperation

Iran Leader Asks Putin for Go-Ahead to Build New Nuclear Plant

Pakistan Rejects Afghan Allegations of ‘Controlling Taliban’

Pakistan Wants to Talk to Its Taliban, but Doesn’t Know What to Say

Drone Strike Kills Dozen in Pakistan

Pakistan Slams US Raid in Miran Shah

Musharraf Not Produced in Court

India Elbowed Out of Kashagan Oil Deal

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Syria is Jihad Central: 6,000 Terrorists Flood New al Qaeda Training Ground

Bahrain Salafists Increase Involvement in Syria War

Rouhani Considers New Approach to Syria

UN: Iraq Violence Kills 761 in June

10 Killed in Two Attacks in Iraq

Lebanon’s Sectarian Fall

Arms Ship Seized by Yemeni Authorities ‘En Route to Somalia’

Israel Seeks $5B in U.S. Loans to Buy Arms

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Obama to Militarize and Exploit Africa

Armed Group Forces Closure of Libyan Interior Ministry

Car Blast Hits Army Checkpoint in Benghazi

Jordan Blocks 254 News Websites

Tunisia’s Islamist PM Says Egypt Scenario Unlikely to Happen Here

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Chinese Authorities Crack Down on Knives in West, Allege Local Militants Are Fighting in Syria

Kazakhstan: Chinese Set for Stake in Super-Giant Oil Field

China to Join Russia for Largest Naval Drills with Foreign Partner

Mayor-in-Opposition to United Russia Ruling Party Detained

Gazprom One Winner from Demise of Nabucco

Amnesty Raps Post-Soviet States for Renditions

NATO Chief: Georgia Continues to be Corralled into Military Bloc

Georgia: New Government Struggling to Keep Police Reform Pledge

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Bug Found at Ecuador’s Embassy in London

Secret Documents: NSA Targeted Germany & EU Buildings

Friends or Foes? Berlin Must Protect Germans from US Spying

France Wants to ‘Temporarily Suspend’ Trade Talks with US over NSA Spying

Anglo Tapes: Department of Finance Records May Provide Answers to Disturbing Questions

Russia Spy Couple Jailed in Germany

National Newsworthy

US Military Study: Drones Kill More Civilians than Manned Aircraft

Reddit, Mozilla to Stage Fourth of July Protest against NSA Spying

US State Department Spent $630,000 on Facebook ‘Likes’

U.S. Intelligence Chief Apologizes for “Erroneous” Statement on Surveillance

Scandals at NSA and IRS Are Equally Alarming

In Worldwide Surveillance Age, US Has Big Edge

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In Spite of Obama Transparency Pledge, U.S. Silent on Yemen Drone Strike that Killed Child

AT&T Prepping Sale of Customers’ Anonymous Location Information and Web, App Usage Data

2001: FBI Trailed Anwar Al-Awlaki to Hookers, NPR, and Bertuccis

Immigration Reform Bill Gives Big Money Straight to Largest Defense Contractors

Sen. Durbin: Journalists Deserve Protection but We’ll Decide Who’s Actually a Journalist

City University of NY Is Paying David Petraeus $200,000 to Work Three Hours a Week

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Contradictory & Highly Troubling Questions on Guardian’s Snowden Coverage

Snowden Options Shrink after Asylum Rejections

Bolivian President’s Plane Forced to Land: Snowden Not Aboard

‘Act of Aggression’: Bolivia to File UN Complaint over Airspace Blockade

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HSBC Wins OK of Record $1.92 Billion Money-Laundering Settlement

Wall Street Banks Extract Enormous Fees from the Paychecks of Millions of American Workers

The Federal Reserve is Paying Banks NOT to Lend 1.8 Trillion Dollars to the American People

Secret NSA Deals Cast Doubt on All US Stocks

Mortgage Apps Plunge at Fastest Rate in Over 3 Years

US Factory Orders Rose in May on Machinery, Computers

Experts: Financial Market Volatility Isn’t Over

Noteworthy Editorials

Paul Craig Roberts: Has Washington’s Arrogance Undone Its Empire?

William Grigg: Edward Snowden’s “Safe and Dreary” Global Prison

Peter Van Buren: The Lonely Flight of Edward Snowden

Paul Pillar: Kerry’s Peace Diplomacy

Washington’s Blog: High-Level US Government Officials Have Warned for 40 Years that Mass Surveillance Would Lead to Tyranny in America

We Need More Like Snowden. Please.

Permanent Occupation: Imperialism in Afghanistan, Past and Present

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- Obama’s War on Whistleblowers (And What to Do About It)”

BFP EyeOpener Report Preview- Obama’s War on Whistleblowers (And What to Do About It)”

Video: RT-Military Coup Underway in Egypt, Tanks Deployed in Cairo

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Global Unrest: Is Indonesia Next?”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Pepe Escobar on the Salad Revolution

Podcast 2: Rick Rozoff Interview: Afghanistan to Remain Under Indefinite Foreign Military Occupation

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