BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 26, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“War is just one more big government program.” – Joseph Sobran

International Newsworthy

Global Arms Markets As Seen Through the Syrian Lens

Heavy Turkish Military on Syria Border for Deterrence, Not Intervention

Western Countries Face Dilemma on Syrian Conflict

Car Bomb in Damascus Suburb Kills Seven

Russia Carries Hezbollah Fighters to Syria, FSA Head Says

Dempsey on Syria: Think Before You Shoot

Homemade Grenades and Catapults: Introducing the DIY Arms of the Free Syrian Army

Al-Qaeda Hosts a Family Fair in Syria- Complete With Ice Cream & Jihad

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Egypt’s Ousted President Facing Espionage, Jailbreak Charges

Prosecutor Orders Ousted Egypt President Morsi’s Arrest over Hamas links

Egypt Islamist Leader Sharply Denounces Army Chief on Eve of Mass Rallies Called by Military

UN Chief Calls for “Maximum Restraint” by All Sides in Egypt

Egypt Army Gives Brotherhood 48 Hours to Join Roadmap

Obama Administration Won’t Use ‘Coup’ for Egypt

Senators Rebel against Obama on Egypt ‘Coup’

IMF Abandons Plan to Provide $4.8 Billion Loan to Egypt

‘Salafist Behind Tunisia Assassination’

Marathon Considers Selling Libya Oil Stake

Thousands Protest in Tunis after Secular Politician Slain

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Iran’s Civil Society Movement against Sanctions

US Makes It Easier to Sell Medical Supplies to Iran

Iran Denies Message for Talks with US

Taliban Seize Entire Police Force in a Hamlet

Mazar-E-Sharif Suicides: Poisonous Freedom for Afghan Women

Blasts Kill 15, Injure 45 in NW Pakistan

India: Al Qaeda’s Call to Muslim Youth

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Shooting the Arbiter in Turkey: How Sabah Fired Its Ombudsman

Turkey Warns PYD Leader Against Any Unilateral Move

Iraq’s Barzani Urges Dialogue as Kurds Prepare for Grand Conference

Iraqi Ambassador Says Iraq Willing To Help Bridge US-Iran Divide

Does Hezbollah Seek Cold Peace With EU?

Arrests in Attacks on Hezbollah: Lebanon Closing in on Rebel Group

EU Fuels Blowback with Hezbollah Blacklist

Amnesty Slams US for ‘Blatant Attempt’ to Influence Journalist Case in Yemen

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U.S. Senate Advances Law Pressuring Russia Not to Give Snowden Asylum

Moscow Says No Snowden Extradition Request from U.S.

U.S. Congressional Committee Looks At Central Asian Resource Wars

Kazakh Dictator Renews Friendship with David Cameron

Uzbekistan’s Only “Critical” Website Suspended

Tajikistan Tries to Hide Embarrassing Remittance Data

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Romania: Pentagon Advances NATO Missile System Deployment

Special Hearing Committee on NSA Scandal in Germany

Snooping Fears: German Firms Race to Shield Secrets

Ireland Refuses to Probe US Firms

Ex-MI6 Head ‘Might Air Memoirs’ to Set Iraq War Record Straight

Assange Launches WikiLeaks Party, to Run for Australian Senate

Imaginary Threats’Justify New Zealand Spy Bill – Dotcom 

National Newsworthy

NSA’s New Spy Facilities Are 7 Times Bigger Than the Pentagon

Feds Tell Web Firms to Turn Over User Account Passwords

How Nancy Pelosi Saved the NSA Surveillance Program

House Vote Reflects Growing Revolt over NSA

Senate Panel Votes Sanctions on Any Country Taking in Snowden

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The FBI Has Flown Drones Ten Times in US

Pentagon to Deploy Huge Blimps over Washington, DC for 360-Degree Surveillance

Afghanistan Audits Reveal Billions in US Taxpayer Waste

U.S. Army Foresees Robots Becoming Squad Members

US Navy Defends New Warship, Warns Against Slowing Production

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In Closing Argument, Government Casts Bradley Manning as ‘Anarchist,’ ‘Hacker’ & ‘Traitor’

Manning Trial Sets Execution Precedent for Future Whistleblowers

Cryptome: US DoJ Writes RU MoJ About Snowden Asylum   

Russia Not to Hand over Snowden to U.S.: Kremlin

Snowden Faces Another Six Months in Limbo: Official

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Hedging Bets in Washington? SAC Employees Gift Cantor, Others

Halliburton Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence in 2010 Gulf Oil Spill

Commodity Scams: Barclays, Goldman & JP Morgan Under Fire

Consumer Confidence Surges to Six Year High Boosted By Soaring Gas Prices & Mortgage Rates

Durable Goods: Seen and Unseen

Noteworthy Editorials

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Two Faux Democracies Threaten Life on Earth

Glenn Greenwald: Democratic Establishment Unmasked- Prime Defenders of NSA Bulk Spying

John Pilger: How We Are Impoverished, Gentrified and Silenced – And What to Do About It

Dr. James Petras: Do “Peace Accords” Lead to Peace, Justice & Security for the People?

M K Bhadrakumar: Russia and Iran- A Postmodern Dance

Urban Warfare Training” and the Militarization of America

The Popular War on Terror

Where Have All the Dreamers Gone?

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: How Gaza & the West Bank Became Israel’s Weapons Testing Lab

Video 2: US Threatens Nations Aiding Snowden

BFP Podcast 1: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Reflecting on Revolution”

BFP Podcast 2- De-Manufacturing Consent W/Guillermo Jimenez: “Stateless Order-Libertarian Solutions to Real World Problems

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