BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 24, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of “Admin.” The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid “dens of crime” that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labor camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern.”– C.S. Lewis

International Newsworthy

Syrian Border: U.S., Israel Begin Two-Week Air Combat Exercise

Top US Officer Urges Caution on Syria Intervention

UK Organizing UNSC Meeting on Syria

Syria’s Opposition Leaders Lobby Paris for Advanced Weapons

Turkey’s Syria Policy in Shambles over Support for Jihadists

Iraqi FM: Only Full-Scale War Can Unseat Assad

Al- Nusra Asks Members to Kill Syria Kurds  

NGO: Syria Kurds Overrun Villages, Expel Jihadists

FSA Would Not Allow Kurds Autonomy: Commander  

Al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra Terrorists Confess to Perpetrating Terrorist Acts

Syrian Rebels Claim Control of Western Aleppo

Syrian Rebels Target Regime Supply Lines in North

Disillusioned Rebels Drift Back to Take Assad Amnesty

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US Targets Iran Oil Exports & Chinese Banks

Lindsey Graham Wants War With Iran at the End of the Summer

Partition No Panacea for Afghanistan

Pashtuns Rue Militant Image

Despite Promises to Talk, New Pakistan PM Gets Tough on Insurgents

Pakistani Taliban Claim Attack on SHC Judge in Karachi

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64 Turkish Journalists under Arrest: CHP

The Rise of ‘Cleric Militias’ in Iraq

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Targets Kurdish Neighborhoods

Al-Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Iraq Prison Attacks

Al-Qaeda Raids on Iraqi Prisons Raise Fears of Return to Civil War

American Weapons Linked to Outbreak of Birth Defects & Cancer in Iraq

US Drone Strikes in Yemen Cast a Long Shadow over Life on the Ground

Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation

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US Senate would Keep Aid to Egypt with “Conditions”

Egypt: Growing Anger with Western Opinion

Cairo Clashes Between Morsi Backers, Foes Escalate

Al Jazeera Accuses Authorities of Intimidation Campaign

How U.S. Drug Sting Targeted West African Military Chiefs

Libya Prepares Constitution amid Insecurity

South Sudan President Fires Cabinet

South Sudan Starts Closing Oil Wells in Unity State

3 Congo Helicopters Blast M23 Positions

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The Real Snap in Putin’s Military Inspection

Putin to Offer Advanced Antimissiles to Soothe Iran’s S-300 Grudge

Georgians Protest over Foreclosures

Kerry, Go Fix Karabakh!

Uzbekistan Begins Building Rail around Tajikistan

Kyrgyzstan: Is Chinese Investment Really Win-Win?

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The Future of Britain’s Nuclear Deterrent

Bulgarian Parliament Blocked by Protesters

Expansive New Zealand Surveillance Bill Expected to Pass through Parliament

National Newsworthy

White House: Amash Trying to ‘Dismantle’ Counterterrorism Tool

NSA Calls Secret Briefing to Block Measure Curtailing Its Power

White House Begs-Urges Congress to Bow to the NSA

FISA, NSA Spying a New Focus of Tech Lobby

Venture Capitalists View Electronic Surveillance as Attractive Growth Sector

NSA Can Track Phones even When they’re Turned Off?

NSA Claims Inability to Search Agency’s Own Emails!

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Poll: Obama Approval Nears Record Low

Only 1 in 5 Americans Trust the Government to Do What Is Right

Congress and the Justice Dept’s Dangerous Attempts to Define “Journalist” Threaten to Exclude Bloggers

McCain Will Not Block Dempsey Nomination

Bloomberg Vetoes Bills to Limit Stop-and-Frisk Policy

Urban Warfare Training Exercises Continue in Chicago Area

Arkansas Police Add Saliva Tests to Check for Drugs and Alcohol

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Hillary Clinton’s Brother & DHS Nominee under Investigation for “Cash for Visa” Program

Watchdog Finds IRS Executives Racked Up Six-Figure Travel Bills

About the Bay: The Perks of Being Janet Napolitano

Former Top SEC Enforcer Accepts $5 Million Salary from Wall Street Firm

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ACLU Calls for New Investigations into Todashev Death

Activists File Lawsuit to Overturn ‘Ag Gag’ Law

Bradley Manning Trial Transcripts

Cryptome: Bradley Manning FOB Hammer Facilities

Snowden Asylum Still Under Review, Stays in Airport for Now – Lawyer 

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Another Win for Monsanto: US Raises Allowable Levels of Company’s Pesticide in Crops

USDA Fast-Tracks ‘Rubber-Stamp’ Approval of ‘Dangerous’ GE Seeds

Obama Administration Sues Exxon for Polluting Pennsylvania Drinking Water with Toxic Fracking Waste

BofA, Barclays Sued by Houston for Libor Manipulation

Goldman Sachs Contains 4,000 Separate Corporate Entities

Goldman Sachs Aluminum Price Manipulation Scheme

‘Detroit will Start a Wave of Municipal Bankruptcies’

New Home Sales Rise as Average, Median Home Prices Drop to 2012 Levels

Noteworthy Editorials

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Role Reversal- How the US Became the USSR

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Egypt under Empire Part 2- The “Threat” of Arab Nationalism”

Dr. James Petras: Wall Street Take-Off: 2012 –2013

Andrew Napolitano: If We Are Subservient to Government

Senator Ron Wyden: The Truth Is Out, and Americans Are Angry

Kafka’s America: Secret Courts, Secret Laws, and Total Surveillance

Rise of the Warrior Cop

Liberalism and the National Security State

The Nour Party’s Perilous Gamble

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