BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 19, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first,  and then corruption, its necessary consequence. ” -Thomas Jefferson

International Newsworthy

US Preparing for Military Action in Syria, Top US General Says

Syria’s Rebel Commander Expected to Visit United States

White House: Assad will Never Rule ‘All of Syria’ Again

Obama Administration’s Syria Problem: U.S. Can’t Find Non-Al Qaida Rebels

British Army Boss: Syria No-Fly Zone Requires Ground Control

Iran Adds Military Aid to Syria as Russia Gives Money

The Syrian National Coalition’s Saudi Makeover

Hezbollah Regions Targeted as Syria War Spreads to Lebanon

Turf Wars: Syrian Kurds Battle al-Qaeda-Linked Islamists for Control of Oil Fields

NGO: 29 Dead in Syria Clashes between Kurds, Jihadists

Syrian Kurds Consolidate In Clashes on Turkish Border

Turkey Alarmed at Syrian Border Fighting

The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham Expands into Rural Northern Syria

Syria Army Controls Aleppo District

Syria Militants Blast Gas, Fuel Pipelines

* * * *

Egypt’s Brotherhood Proposes First Crisis Talks via EU Envoy

Egypt’s Brotherhood Calls for More Protests

Egypt Military Warns Against Violent Protests

UAE Transferred $3 Billion in Aid to Egypt, Saudi to Follow Shortly

GOP Budget Includes Egypt Aid – for Now

Turkey Probes Arms Transfer to Egypt

Egypt Risks Civil War if Islamists Shut Out of Power: African Union

Egypt Punishes Gaza During Ramadan

Al Jazeera Employees Resign over Network Siding with Muslim Brotherhood

* * * *

Stalemate in Afghanistan Talks: Uncertainty Looms

In Ramadan Quiet, Afghans Jockey for Post-Karzai Era

US, Pakistan Plot to Split Afghanistan

Blast Kills Two FC Personnel in Khyber Agency

Burma Arrests Six Buddhists for Role in Muslim Massacre

* * * *

A Turkish Reading of PKK Leadership Changes

Iraqi MP: Maliki and Barzani Are Close to Solving Oil Dispute

12 Killed, 62 Wounded in Bomb Attack at Mosque in Iraq’s Diyala

Iraq’s Doctors are Subject to Humiliation and Murder

Lebanon to Request EU Not to Put Hezbollah on Terror List

Hezbollah Ups Security after Being Targeted by Violence

French President Pledges Military Aid to Lebanon in Call to Sleiman

* * * *

Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni Meets Algerian Minister of Energy Youcef Yousfi

Security Fears Delay Algeria Desert Comeback for BP, Statoil

Tanzania Farmers Accuse Biofuel Investors of Land Grab

Nigeria to Pull Out Troops from Mali

Zimbabwe’s Mugabe Lashes Out at ‘Insane’ Washington

* * * *

Arrests As Navalny Conviction Ignites Russian Protests

Russia: The Untouchables?

Russia ‘to Buy Two UAE-Made Drones’

Russia’s Financial Police State

Russia will be Europe’s Largest Car Market by 2016

Russia Jails Top Opposition Leader; Putin Denounced as Dictator

Russian Protest Leader Freed Temporarily

Dagestan: the Religious Policy Vector

SCO Contemplates Expanding Membership

Satisfaction Expressed over Progress on TAPI Gas Pipelines Project

Georgia: Saakashvili Condemns Navalny Conviction

Tajik Court Sentences Two for Membership In Militant Group

Tajikistan: Bad Days for President’s Critics

Uzbekistan: Karimova Plots Life After Diplomacy

Uzbekistan Seizes 5.5 kg of Heroin on Train from Tajikistan

* * * *

UK Parliament to Hold Inquiry to See if Spy Laws are Adequate

UK: Protesters Charged for Symbolic Breach of Secrecy on British Armed Drones

Germany Backs Away From Claims NSA Thwarted Five Attacks

European Parliament Wants Snowden, NSA Chief to Testify on Spying

US Authorities to Access Swedish Fingerprint Info

Australian War Games: U.S. Military Machine Out of Control

National Newsworthy

Are There Really Two PRISMs, or Just One PRISM with NATO Involvement?

Documents Show Undersea Cable Firms Provide Surveillance Access to US Secret State

Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged the US Telecommunications Grid for the NSA

NSA Implements New Security Measures after Snowden Case

White House Stays Silent on Renewal of NSA Data Collection Order

TSA Searching Parked Cars at Airports

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Gag Order Issued for Police and Firefighters Responders to Scene of Michael Hastings Crash

FBI Orders Florida Medical Examiner to not Release Autopsy of Chechen Killed by FBI

Judge Refuses to Drop Charge of Aiding the Enemy Against Manning

Significance of Military Judge’s Decision to Not Acquit Bradley Manning of ‘Aiding the Enemy’

Ex-NSA Stewart Baker Testifies on Snowden

Kerry Vows to Put the Screws to Venezuela over Snowden

MIT Trying to Block the Release of Aaron Swartz’s Secret Service File

* * * *

Supreme Court Justice Alito’s Worth Surges Past $2 million

Judge Sent Text Messages during Trial to Help Prosecution

Convicted Ex-CIA Chief ‘Detained’ in Panama

Arrested CIA Station Chief: The Inside Story

Hackers Post Alleged Passwords of Hill Staffers; FBI Probing Breach

* * * *

Congressman: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

Despite Pentagon Claims, Marine Colonel Sought in Benghazi Investigation Not Yet Retired

Defense Firms Dive into Georgia Senate Primary

Obama Makes New Bid to Install Bundler as an Ambassador in Europe

Army Releases May 2013 Suicide Information

* * * *

Detroit Files for Record Bankruptcy

Muni Retirees Face 90% Loss Under Detroit’s Pending “Free-Fall” Bankruptcy

Philly Fed Surges to Highest Since March 2011

Morgan Stanley Stock Traders Rebuild Burned Bridges

What Do Gloomy CEOs See that Giddy Stock Market Investors Don’t?

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Georgia- The New CIA-NATO Arab Terrorist Training Center

John Stanton: Profiting from Food Stamps, Student Loans, Unemployment

Peter Dale Scott: Drug-Financed Salafi Jihadism

Pepe Escobar: Magic Carpet Ride

M K Bhadrakumar: Snowden: Moment of truth for Russia, US

Money Laundering and the Global Drug Trade are Fueled by the Capitalist Elites

Prometheus Among the Cannibals

The Permanent Rebellion

The Language of Power

ProPublica and the Fear Campaign Against Iran

The World Without Qatar

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- How to Boycott Big Tech

Video 1: Pro-Navalny Rallies Sweep Major Russian Cities

Video 2: Charlie McGrath- Media Whores Want You Divided

Video 3: Governor Rick Snyder Authorizes Detroit Bankruptcy Filing

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Egypt: From Revolution to Counter-Revolution”

Podcast 1: Traces of Reality- Cartoon Villains and the Politics of Violence

Podcast 2: Corbett Report-The Power of the Boycott

Podcast 3: Global Research- Edward Snowden & the Emerging Police State

Podcast 4: Peter B. Collins Show- “Rolling Stone” Cover Photo Triggers Censorship Efforts

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