BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 15, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation,
 nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.” -Mohandas Gandhi

International Newsworthy

Egypt Announces Criminal Investigation of Morsi

Egyptian Military Plans Crackdown in Sinai

Army’s Role in Fall of Mohamed Morsi Stirs Fears Among Egyptian Protesters

Egyptian Parliamentarians Demand Morsi’s Return

Morsi Backers Vow to Continue Cairo Rallies

Egypt’s Opposition Refuses to Meet with Obama Officials

Egypt’s Islamists Refocus Their Protest Message

More Brotherhood Leaders Arrested, Assets Frozen

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Admits it Has Been Negotiating with Army

Erdogan: Morsi Sole Legitimate President

Iran’s Mixed Feelings about Egypt

Hamas Official Lambasts New Egyptian Regime

Kuwait Sends $200 Million Worth of Oil to Egypt

Jordan Relieved at ‘Downfall’ of Egypt Islamists

HRW Calls for Investigation into Republican Guards Massacre

5 ‘Terrorists’ Killed in Egypt’s Sinai

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China Claims Uyghurs Trained in Syria

Pentagon’s Central Command Targets Syria, Iran

Israel Airstrike on Syria was Aimed at Russian-Made Missiles

Israeli Strike on Syria was Carried Out from Turkish Base

Turkey Denies Reports of Israel Using its Airbase in Syria Attacks

Russia to Defy US by Selling Anti-Ship Missiles to Syria

Tensions Increase within Syria Rebel Ranks

Syrian Troops Advance Against Rebels in Damascus

Pakistani Taliban Claim Joining Syria War

Pakistani Taliban Sent Hundreds to Syria to Fight Shoulder-to-Shoulder with Rebels

Northern Syria: Syrian Part of the Kurdistan Workers Party will Announce Autonomy?

Egypt, Jordan, Iraq Seek to Stem Syrian Refugee Flood

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Israel Says Might Go “Solo” to Strike Iran

Israeli PM Calls Int’l Community to Toughen Sanctions on Iran

Rouhani Stresses Regionalism in Iranian Foreign Policy

IP Gasline to Foster Iran-Pakistan Ties

Anti-Malarial Drug Linked to Afghan Massacre

Pakistan-China Developing “Economic Corridor” Transport Link to Arabian Sea

Pakistanis Protest US Drone Strikes

What the Abbottabad Report Didn’t Reveal

Firing Kills Four in Quetta: Police

India-China Relations and the Importance of Diplomatic Signaling

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Turkey Redefines Armed Forces’ Duties

Kurdish Separatist Organization in Turkey Names New Leader

PKK Militants Raid Military Construction Site in Southeastern Turkey

47 Die as Carnage in Iraq Continues

Saudi Arabia: AREVA and EDF Sign Agreement with National Institute of Technology to Develop Nuclear Skills

Israeli Fighter Jets & Saudi Missiles

Israeli Military Invests in Cyber Warfare

Israeli Forces Attack Negev Protesters

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Nigeria Islamist Militant Leader Denies Ceasefire Deal

Nigerian Extremist: Burn Schools, Kill Teachers

Army Chief Criticizes Zeidan for Not Building Libyan Army

Mugabe Plotted Jacob Zuma Assassination, Document Claims

Algeria Signs Energy Agreement with EU

Security Forces Vote Early in Zimbabwe

200 Civilians Injured in S Sudan Clashes

Mauritania Struggles to Address Legacy of Slavery

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The New Great Game Round-Up, July 14

Russia Says Kills Bodyguard of Islamist Insurgent Leader

Russian Military Stages Biggest War Games Since Soviet Times

Russia Readies Strategic Bombers in Snap Far East Military Drills

NSA Leaks Stir Plans in Russia to Control Net

Russia Considers Exchange of Convicted Spies with Germany

Gunmen Kill 4 Russian Police Officers

Ukraine: 19 Injured in U.S.-Led 19-Nation Military Exercise

Georgia Conducting Intensive Upgrading of Military Bases

Azerbaijan Objects to Armenian Acquisition of European Missiles

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Suicide Kills More British Soldiers & Veterans than Afghan War

32 Police Officers, Lawmaker Hurt in Belfast Riots

Harsh Criticism Follows US-German Talks on NSA

Canada Intelligence Agency Warns Officials of Espionage, Honey Traps

National Newsworthy

Obama’s Secret Kill List – the Disposition Matrix

Obama Administration Hiding Details of Presidential Policy Directives

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans

The Psychotic Militarization of Law Enforcement

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ECHELON Today: The Evolution of an NSA Black Program

Prism: Everybody was in on the Act

New Utah NSA Center Requires 1.7M Gallons of Water Daily to Operate

Documents Reveal How the NSA Cracked the Kryptos Sculpture Years before the CIA

Report: Greenwald Warns Snowden Holds NSA ‘Blueprints’

Swedish Professor Nominates Snowden for Nobel Peace Prize

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Only 1 Percent of ‘Terrorists’ Caught by the FBI Are Real

In ‘Chilling’ Ruling, Chevron Granted Access to Activists’ Private Data

Justice Department Adopts New Rules after AP Scandal Blowback

Final Report Card on US Efforts to Rebuild Iraq Show Massive Waste

White House Petitions Call for Federal Charges against Zimmerman

Largest Debt Collector Gets away with Minor Fine for Harassing Citizens

* * * *

Fed Puzzle: the Massive Collapse in Money Velocity

Hedge Funds Bought Gold in Biggest Rally Since 2011: Commodities

Bernanke Boom Signaled by Yield Surge as Market Recalculates

Lew: Debt Limit Increase Not Up for Negotiation

Bernanke’s Challenge Clear as Fed Officials Diverge on QE

Retail Sales Slide, Miss: Biggest Drop And Miss In 12 Months

Noteworthy Editorials

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Unspoken Truth- Coup d’etat in America

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Egypt under Empire- Working Class Resistance & European Imperial Ambitions

Alfred McCoy: Obama’s Expanding Surveillance Universe

Eric Margolis: Will the World Revolt Against Its Overlord?

Washington’s Blog: The NSA Is Doing What King George Did to Colonial Americans

Secret Intelligence Court a Precursor to Tyranny

America’s “Intelligence-industrial Complex”

Conning Americans to Give Up Privacy

The Horrible Psychology of Solitary Confinement

The Rise and Fall of Al-Jazeera

Who Controls Syria’s Oil?

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: James Corbett- Israeli Strike on Syria an Act of War

Video 2: Edward Snowden Russia Airport Conference

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Dr. Albrecht on the Startpage Private Search Engine

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show-Corporate Media Go Light on Manning Trial, Heavy on Zimmerman Trial

Podcast 3: W.A.N. Radio- Interview with Doug Owen

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