BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 10, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” –Albert Einstein

International Newsworthy

Military Coup in Egypt: A Recipe for Failure?

Exclusive: US Bankrolled Anti-Morsi Activists

The Blame for Egypt Goes to Morsi

Mohamed ElBaradei Appointed Egypt’s New PM

Hezbollah Uncertain about Morsi’s Ouster

Egypt Showered with Gulf Billions in Show of Support for Army

Saudi Arabia & UAE to Lend Egypt Up to $8 Billion

Kuwait Approves 4-bln-USD Aid Package to Egypt

US Encourages Muslim Brotherhood to Join Egyptian Political Transition

Obama Officials Won’t Even Mention the Word ‘Coup’

Israel Urged US Not to Halt Aid to Egypt, Says Top American Official

Egypt Interim Leader Offers Brotherhood Roles

Egypt Orders Arrest of MB Leaders

Egypt Takes Delivery of U.S. Fighter Jets

Egypt Coalition Nixes Mansour Decree

Egypt Summons Turkish Ambassador

Who is the New Egyptian Intelligence Minister?

Egyptian Army Takes Upper Hand in Media War over killings

Al Jazeera Staff Resign after ‘Biased’ Egypt Coverage

Israel Concerned by US Hesitancy in Egypt

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Syria Militants Made Sarin Gas: Russia

Russia Claims Syria Rebels Used Sarin in Aleppo Attack

US Rejects Russia’s Chemical Weapons Claim

Intelligence Panels Cut Off Aid to Syrian Rebels by Restricting Funds

Saudi Arms will Arrive Soon: Syria Rebel Chief

U.N. Chief Ban Appeals for Ramadan Truce across Syria

Syrian War Hits Beirut

Syria’s Oilfields Create Surreal Battle Lines amid Chaos & Tribal Loyalties

Questions Remain Over Syria “Massacre” Of Christians

Syrian Rebels Retract: Not Responsible for Beirut Blast

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Taliban Close Political Office in Qatar

Taliban Shuts Doha HQ over ‘Broken Promises’

White House: ‘No Decision Imminent’ on Afghan Troop Levels

Report of New Pullout Plans Bares US-Afghan Tensions

Children of War in Afghanistan

Report Reveals Pasha’s Admission of Pak-US ‘Understanding’ on Drones

US Raid That Killed bin Laden Was ‘An Act of War’, Says Pakistani Report

Pakistani President’s Chief Security Officer Killed in Bomb Attack

Musharraf to be Shifted to Jail if Not Produced on 30th

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Turkey’s Israel Problem

Erdogan Plays the Headscarf Card

Death Toll from Turkey Crackdown Hits 5

Protesters in Istanbul Break Ramadan Fast Along Pedestrian Street as Police Stand Watch

Turkey’s Gezi park Detainees Start Hunger Strike

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Lebanon: Bomb Shakes Hezbollah Stronghold

Saudi Arabia Says Won’t Tolerate Extremism

Israeli Lawmaker Confirms Second Prisoner Held in Secret

Israel Accused of False Flag Terror Car Bomb in Beirut by Lebanon’s Former PM

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Libya Oil Output Slides as Power Cuts Mix with Protests

New Evidence Links Benghazi Attack to Anti-Muslim Movie

Abu Qatada Deportation Sparks Fears of New Crisis in Jordan

Nigeria Deploys Vigilantes Against Boko Haram

Mali: Election Threatens to Exchange One Crisis for Another

Cameroon: NGOs Ask U.S. Govt to Investigate Palm Oil Venture

Somalia: British Bank Threatens Peace Efforts

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Rogozin Questions Survivability of Russia’s Nuclear Deterrent as Defense Industry Crisis Deepens

Russia Declassifies Oil Reserves to Lure Investment

Suitably Pacified, Rosneft to Invest in Chechen Oil Infrastructure

Russia: Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Muslim Headwear in Schools

Journalist Shot Dead in Russia’s Dagestan

Caucasus: Remembering Tsarnaev as a New Immigrant

The Three Evils of Narco-Policy in Central Asia

Azerbaijan to Hold Joint Military Drills with U.S., Turkey

Kashagan Deal Good for More than China

Statoil to Boost Presence in Azerbaijan through Caspian Field

Uzbek Government Shows Dark Side

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Kosovo: NATO Chief Hails Birth of Western Proxy Army

UK Lawmakers Recall Murdoch to Testify

Mideast Envoy Blair’s Adviser is Former Israeli Intel Officer

‘United Stasi of America’: Kim Dotcom ‘Defaces’ US Embassy in Berlin

US to Pay Spain $200 Million to Host Missile Shield

Revealed Documents Implicate Spanish PM in Graft Scandal

National Newsworthy

The NSA Has Inserted Its Code into Android OS, Or Three Quarters Of All Smartphones

The Price of Surveillance: Gov’t Pays to Snoop

Court Rejects State Secrets Defense in Dragnet Surveillance

Ex-Judge Says Intelligence Court Should Hear From Outside Parties

Obama FBI Nominee Defends NSA’s Dragnet Surveillance

NSA ‘Spied’ on Most Latin American Nations

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Interview with NSA Expert James Bamford

Snowden Has Not Responded to Venezuela Asylum Offer: FM

Snowden’s ‘Flight of Liberty’ Campaign to be Launched

Latest Snowden Poll Results: 55% Say Whistleblower; 34% Say Traitor

Two NSA IG Reports ST-09-0002 Reports Differ

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Insider Threat Program: Federal Workers Directed to Spy on Each Other

Obama Orders Fed Workers to Spy on Each Other

Obama’s Plan to Predict Future Leakers (Whistleblowers) Unproven, Unlikely to Work

‘United Stasi of America’ Projected on US Embassy in Berlin

Montana the First State to Pass Anti-Spying Law

Military Witness in Manning Trial: No harm to U.S. from Leaked Files on Gitmo Detainees

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Watered-Down I.G. Report on Pentagon’s “Zero Dark Thirty” Assistance Wins Government Award

Acting IRS Chief Looks to Cancel Staff Bonuses

GOP Lawmakers Charge Consumer Watchdog with ‘Veil of Secrecy’

‘The Good Lobbyist’ to Join Obama Administration

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Apple Found Guilty of Price Fixing

The Housing Unrecovered: Mortgage Application Drought Continues

U.S. Banks Seen Freezing Payouts as Harsher Rules Loom

Obama Pushes Case for Immigration as House Eyes Next Steps

Noteworthy Editorials

John Stanton: President Obama Channels Lord Cromwell- Great Statesmen Tamper with Packets

Norman Solomon: Denouncing NSA Surveillance Isn’t Enough — We Need the Power to Stop It

Washington’s Blog: Giant Banks Take Over Real Economy As Well As Financial System … Enabling Manipulation On a Vast Scale

Blowback from the White House’s Vindictive War on Whistleblowers

Snapshots from an American Dystopia

Egypt: A Pendulum of Chaos

Treatment of Palestinians Is Apartheid by Any Other Name

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- Why Government Regulation is a Lie (and what you can do about it)”

BFP EyeOpener Report Preview: Why Government Regulation is a Lie (and what you can do about it)”

Video 1: RT(Abby Martin)- Russ Tice on NSA Spying & Blackmailing

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Egypt’s Ongoing Revolution”

Podcast 1: Radio Liberty- Where is the Gold Going?

Podcast 2: Interview on Egypt- U.S. Has Role in All Camps

Podcast 3: Peter B. Collins Show- Senate Hearings Open for Comey FBI Nomination

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