BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 8, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” ― Thomas Paine

International Newsworthy

Turkey: When Erdogan Looks at Egypt’s Morsi, Does He See Himself?

Obama Holds Phone Talks with Turkish PM over Syria, Egypt

Turkey: Relations with Egypt Go from Bad to Bizarre

Ex-Turkish Minister: Ankara May Not Get Better Chance for Kurdish Peace

The White, Black and Gray of the Ergenekon Trial

‘Terrorist’ Trial Reveals Turkish Political Tensions

Turkey: Relations with Egypt Go from Bad to Bizarre

Turkey’s Tentative Iranian Spring

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Syrian Rebel Forces Set Sights on Latakia

Al Qaida Group Lead Syrian Rebels’ Seizure of Air Base in Sign They Continue to Dominate Anti-Assad Forces

Former al-Nusra Front Amir Returns to Civilian Life

PYD Leader to Turkey: Stop Arms to Jabhat al-Nusra

Jordan Foils Alleged Syrian Arms Smuggling Attempt

Russia: UNSC Should Condemn Crimes Committed against Kurds in Syria

KRG Warns al-Nusra over Attacks against Syria Kurds

Syria Pays Out $500 Million in Oil Subsidies

Food Crisis Grips War-Torn Syria

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Egypt at ‘Dangerous Stalemate’ in Political Crisis

Egypt: Mediation Has Failed, Presidency Faults Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt Coup Causes Rift inside Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt Extends Detention of Brotherhood Deputy Chief

Sisi Is Stumped – a Massacre on Eid Would Bring Too Much Infamy

60 Militants Killed in Sinai: Egypt Army

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Rouhani’s Cautious Pick for Defense Minister

Karzai Urges Taliban to Lay Down Arms

Afghan War Entering Final Chapter, Obama Tells Marines

Many Killed in Afghan Graveyard Bombing

Suicide Attack on Quetta Funeral Kills 30

Two Shot Dead in Balochistan

Sixth Drone Strike in Yemen: 29 Killed in 10 Days

Saudi Arabia Vows Zero Tolerance for Terrorism

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Russia: Silencing Activists, Journalists Ahead of Sochi Games, Says HRW

Reduction of Arms in South Asia: A Role for Russia?

Kremlin’s Potash War Picks its Prisoners

Russia “Disappointed” with U.S. Decision to Cancel September Summit

Russian Senator Starts Snowden Aid Fundraising Campaign

Police Kill Four Assailants in North Caucasus

Russia’s Medvedev Makes Nuclear Point to Demotivate Georgia’s NATO Cravings

Five Years after the War, South Caucasus Still Caught Between Russia, the West

Five Years Later: South Ossetia Doesn’t Rule Out New Georgian Aggression

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The Stans Stand Up

Mining the Gobi: The Battle for Mongolia’s Resources

Mongolia: U.S. Pacific Command Kicks Off Military Exercises

Reassembling the Evil Empire – Gazprom Moves into Kyrgyzstan

EU and Azerbaijan: Setting the Record Straight

Abiyev, Hagel Highlight Success of Growing U.S.-Azerbaijan Defense Ties

BP Says Azerbaijan Will Finalize EU Gas Sale Deals Next Month

Oil Reserves at New Kazakhstan’s Field Estimated at 880 Million Barrels

UK Accountants Helping to Shape the New Kazakhstan ‘Powerhouse’

Uzbekistan: Secret Trial for Father of Exiled Opposition Leader

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More Revelations on German Spy Agency Sharing Phone, Email Data with NSA 

Germany Boosts Arms Exports to Qatar

German Politicians Take Aim at the Euro

Bahraini King Visit to UK Faces Protest

National Newsworthy

Homeland Security Taps Generals to Run Domestic Drone Program: The Rise of Predators at Home

DHS ‘Constitution Free’ Zones Inside US Ignored By Media

Unhappy with U.S. Foreign Policy: Pentagon Says You Might Be a ‘High Threat’

Army Won’t Nix al-Qaeda-Tied Firms’ Contracts

IRS Gets Help from DEA and NSA to Collect Data

Children Given Lifelong Ban from Talking About Fracking as Water Activists Labeled Terrorists by Government

NFL Adopts TSA-Like Security, Bans Backpacks from Games

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Does NSA Avoid U.S. Legal Restrictions by Hiring British Intelligence to Gather Information on Americans?

NSA Appears to Be Tracking the Anonymous Internet

NSA Pricked the “Cloud” Bubble for US Tech Companies

Can NSA Director Keith Alexander Explain His Contradictory Claims?

Obama Pushed for Tighter Regulation of NSA Surveillance as a Senator

Former NSA Chief Warns of Cyber-Terror Attacks if Snowden Caught

Federal Government Launches Witch Hunt for Leakers

Manning Judge Rejects US Claim Leaks Had ‘Chilling Effect’

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Obama Nominates Defense Contractor Executive as Air Force Secretary

Brazen: Congress Exempts Themselves from ObamaCare Mandate

Issa Investigating Alleged Collusion between IRS & FEC

Trail of U.S. Criminal Investigations Altered to Cover up DEA Unit’s Role as Data Source

Bill Daley Cites “Key” Role on Osama Bin Laden

K Street Shop on Lookout for New Senior Democratic Lobbyist * * * *

Budget Deficit Reaches $606 Billion for the Year

June Consumer Credit Rises Less than Expected; Entire Increase Driven By Car & Student Loans

Pimco, BlackRock Seek to Bar California Mortgage Seizures

US Consumer Spending Flat since March

Steep U.S. Medical Costs Send Americans Overseas for Affordable Surgery

If Housing Is Booming – Why Do We Need Another Fix

Noteworthy Editorials

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Thinks You Are Stupid

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Egypt Under Empire, Part 4- Dancing Between Dictatorship & Democracy

Tom Engelhardt: The Spy and the Patriots

Eric Margolis: Shades of the Old Soviet Union

Paul Pillar: Unfounded Interpretations of This Week’s Terrorist Threat

Stephen Lendman: Obama Shoots Himself in the Foot

Washington’s Blog: U.S. Government May – On a Whim – Label ANY American a Terrorist

Why the Surveillance State Must End

Every Time the NSA Is Asked About Its Ability to Spy on Everyone… It Answers About Its Authority

The Toobin Principle

Low-Wage America

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- “How to Boycott Wall Street”

BFP EyeOpener Video Report (Preview)- “How to Boycott Wall Street”

Video 1: Constitution Free Zones in the United States

Video 2: GRTV- The Falsification of “UN Command” in Korea

BFP Podcast- Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall: “The Art of Irrelevance: Pop Culture in Modern Society”

Podcast: Smells Like Human Spirit- Michael Ruppert Answers Your Questions

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