BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 7, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession – their ignorance.” ― Hendrik Willem van Loon

International Newsworthy

Washington’s Syria Policy: A Repeat of Afghanistan?

Saudi Arabia Offers Russia Economic Incentives to Cut Syria Support

Prince Bandar’s Syria Ambitions Troubles Riyadh

Russia: Syrian Rebels Massacre 450 Kurdish Civilians, Mainly Women & Children

Syria’s Assad “Legalizes” Private Security Firms

Rebels in Homs Look to Nusra for Help

Syrian Troops Kill 70 Armed Rebels in Ambushes Near Damascus

Latakia Offensive Inflames Syria’s Sectarian Wounds

12 Groups Leave FSA Ranks in Syria

Syria Militants Cut Drinking Water

Syria Seeks to Tap Frozen Bank Accounts for Food Supplies

Kurdish Civilians Fear Reprisals in Northern Syria

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Iran’s President Ready for “Serious” Talks over Nuclear Issue

Iran’s Rohani Says U.S. Sending Mixed Messages

US to “Reevaluate” Iran’s Influence in Latin America

France Wants New Chapter in Iran Ties

Iraqi Kurdistan Opens Official Crude Oil Trade Route via Iran

Germany to Stay Longer in Afghanistan

Taliban Kill Officers Probing Massacre of Foreign Climbers

Indictment of Musharraf Adjourned over Security Fear

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Turkey’s Ergenekon Verdicts: Justice or Vengeance?

8 Turks Arrested over Death of Young Protester

No ‘Tangible Moves’ on Turkish-Kurdish Peace

Six Killed in Fresh Iraq Bombings

Biden “Assures” Maliki al-Qaeda Is Common Enemy

Yemen ‘Foiled’ Plot to Seize Oil Facilities

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Seized Documents Suggest Fatah Plotted to Frame Hamas in Egypt

Egypt’s Leader to Declare Crisis Resolution Has Failed, Says Report

Egypt Announces Failure of Foreign Mediation over Political Deadlock

Arab Elites Push Back Political Islam

Thousands Demand Tunisia Government’s Ouster

Guinea: Will Country Be Africa’s Next Narco State?

Sudan Ejects UN Refugee Agency Staff from North Darfur

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Russia Expects No Swift Progress in Arms Control Talks with U.S.

Behind Russia’s Migrant Raids, a Vast Network of Bribes & Opportunism

Turkmenistan Supplying over Half of Chinese Gas Imports

Report: U.S. Plans NATO Base in Azerbaijan

Top U.S. General Visits Central Asia, But Skips Kyrgyzstan

Kazakhstan: The Oligarch, the Bank, and the Battle with Astana

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European Union Seeks Drone & Spy Satellite Network

Uproar over New Details on German NSA Ties

German Arms Sales in 2013 to Gulf States to Top 2012 Record

National Newsworthy

Obama Tells (Jokes!) Leno: ‘We Don’t Have a Domestic Spying Program!’

Embassy Closures Used to Bolster Case for NSA

NSA Pricked the “Cloud” Bubble for US Tech Companies

Information Requests from Congress and Federal Agencies Fall on Deaf Ears at NSA

Obama Cancels Moscow Summit with Putin

Snowden Wikipedia Page Edited From a Senate Computer to Say ‘Traitor’

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Feds Are Suspects in New Malware That Attacks Tor Anonymity

Military Tests Data Mining of Social Media for Special Operations

TSA Expands Role Beyond Airports amid Growing Cases of Misconduct

The Pentagon Wants to Sell $2.7 Billion in Weapons to a Country on the Verge of Collapse

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US Files First Criminal Charges in Benghazi Attack

CIA: More Libyan Secrets Coming Out

US DEA Unit to be Investigated for Wiretapping, Lying About Evidence Sources 

Pentagon’s Exiting Guantánamo Prison Architect Reverses Position on Detainee Policies

FBI Arrests 2 South Florida Mayors

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Lawmakers Issued License Plates That Make Them ‘Invisible’ to Traffic Cams & Parking Tickets

Unknown GOP Senator Blocks Bill Requiring Email Search Warrants

Chris Christie Uses $2 Million of Hurricane Sandy Relief Money for Quasi-Campaign Ads

$586,000 in Political Donations Made Since 2009…by 32 Dead People

D.C. Thinktank Pushing Iran War Got $19 Million in One Year from Israel Supporters

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US Govt Sues Bank of America for Defrauding Investors Prior to Housing Crash

“Market Parasite” JPMorgan Added to Goldman Aluminum “Cartel” Lawsuit

The $600Bn US Bank Deleveraging No One is Talking About

Feds Reap $4.4B in Freddie Mac Profits

Chicago Sees Pension Crisis Drawing Near

Nine Cities’ Debt Ratio Exceeds 100%

Noteworthy Editorials

Peter Edel: Turkey- The Repression Continues

Nile Bowie: Will Rouhani Bring a Tectonic Shift to Iran’s Political Landscape?

John Glaser: Obama’s Secrecy Agenda

David Swanson: Harry Truman and Memory of Mass Murder

Stephen Lendman: New York Times Editors Support Police State Persecution

America’s Hypocrisy on Russia

The Real Days of Infamy

Obama’s Terrorism Hoax is Simply a Tool to Justify his Continued Tyranny

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- “How to Boycott Wall Street”

BFP EyeOpener Video Report (Preview)- “How to Boycott Wall Street”

Video 1: RT-Islamists Massacre 450 Kurds in Syria, Including 120 Kids

Video 2: Charlie McGrath- Welcome to Terrorland ~ Check Your Freedom at the Door

BFP Podcast 1- Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall: “The Art of Irrelevance: Pop Culture in Modern Society”

BFP Podcast 2: WikiLeaks Party Candidate Dr. Binoy Kampmark on “the Quest for Transparency-Accountability & Justice”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Leon Pittard on How to Grow Your Own Food

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show- Exposing Ridiculous Government Claims of Secrecy

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