BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 6, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The vast majority of human beings dislike and even actually dread all notions with which they are not familiar… Hence it comes about that at their first appearance innovators have generally been persecuted, and always derided as fools and madmen.” – Aldous Huxley

International Newsworthy

Russia Considers Saudi Angle in Syria

PYD Leader: Turkey Continues to Support al-Nusra Front against Kurds

Kurdish Organization in Iran is Prepared to Send Fighters to Syria

British Charity Supplies al-Qaeda-Affiliated Terrorists in Syria with Money

Syrian Opposition Accuses Assad of Recent Use of Chemical Weapons

Rebels Capture Military Airport Near Turkey

Syrian Rebels Push into Assad’s Alawite Mountain Stronghold

Al Qaeda-Linked Militia Attacks Kurdish Villages in Aleppo, Syria

Kurds Call on Youth to Cease Cooperation with Jabhat al-Nusra

Syrian Gunmen Kill Pro-Regime Family- A Man, His Wife & Their Three Daughters

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Why Egyptians Don’t Like America

Egyptians Flock to White House Petition to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a ‘Terrorist Group’

US Official Visits Senior Egypt Islamist in Jail

Egypt’s Government Won’t Find It Easy to Clear Pro-Morsi Encampment

Egyptian Unrest Rattles Rafah Palestinians

Algerian Opposition Leader Calls Egypt Coup Worse Than 1992

How Iraqis Assess Egypt’s Coup

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US Senators Demand Tougher Iran Sanctions

Stumbling to the Sanctions Exit

How Much Influence Will Iran Have in Post-US Afghanistan?

Iran Says Canada’s Shallow Positions Merit No Response

Rouhani’s US-Educated Chief of Staff Knows East and West

Rohani and US Strategic Suicide in the Middle East

Rouhani Grapples Nuclear Mules

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Post-Afghan War, NATO Prepares For Next Decade of Combat Operations

Afghan Government in Secret Talks with Taliban

Mullah Omar Dismisses Afghan Elections as ‘Waste of Time’

UK’s First Muslim MP Now Pakistan Governor

US Blacklists Pakistan-Based Insurgent Leader

Lawyers across Balochistan Boycott Courts

India Eyes Chabahar Port Development

Bangladesh: Ban on Jamaat May Not Affect Political Fortunes of BNP

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Turkey: Ergenekon Case Ends with Heavy Sentences and Big Questions Unanswered

Ergenekon Trial Shows Turkish Govt Fears Outside Support for Military, Secularists

Border Clashes Confront Turkey with ‘Afghanistan of the Levant’

Turkey: Police No Longer Make Excuses for Brutality

Greek Terrorism Arrests Rattle Turkey

Murder, Menace Stalk Istanbul’s LGBT Community

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Iraqi Government Suppresses Baghdad Demonstrations

Peshmerga Visit to Baghdad Comes to Strengthen the Cooperation in Security Field

US Drone Kills 4 in Yemen as US, Britain Evacuate Embassy Staff

Yemen Releases Names of 25 Wanted al-Qaeda Men

Britain Withdraws Yemen Embassy Staff

Illegal Israeli Settlements Expanding Rapidly

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U.S. AFRICOM, NATO Train Libyan Proxy Armed Forces

Jordan’s Brotherhood Stands Divided over Election Boycott

International Prosecutor Accuses Nigerian Islamist Group of Possible Crimes against Humanity

Tunisia’s Ennahda Leader Offers Referendum

Tens of Thousands of Tunisians Rally against Islamist Government

Somali Gov’t Signs Oil, Gas Exploration Agreement

Can Mali Reunite?

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China Parades Hardware at Joint Drills with Russia

Chinese Troops Exercise in Russia, but Where’s Rest of The SCO?

Russia: Competitors Question Navalny’s Fundraising Campaign, Allege Foreign Ties

Snowden Could be Offered Consultant Job at Russian Parliament

U.S. Marines Train Georgian Instructors for NATO’s Afghan War

Hagel Hosts Azerbaijan’s Defense Minister at Pentagon

Azerbaijan: Sex, Blacklists and Audio

‘Iran to Expand Ties with Armenia’

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HSBC Asks Foreign Diplomats to Close Accounts

National Newsworthy

US Covers Up Program That Investigates Americans

DEA Repeatedly Covered Up Massive Surveillance Program

NY Times Admits: Al-Qaeda Terror Threat Used to “Divert Attention” from NSA Uproar

Waiting for the Supreme Court to Decide if Cell Phone Use can be Private

FBI Pressuring Internet Providers to Allow Government Surveillance Software

Air National Guard Unit Authorized to Fly MQ-9 Reaper Drones in Syracuse Region

Resurgent al Qaeda Casts Doubt on Obama’s National Security Record

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The Secret CIA Mission in Benghazi

Father of Slain Chechen Plans to Sue FBI for Son’s Wrongful Death

Anti-Fracking Gag Order Imposed on 7-Year-Old

The Manning Verdict: Obama’s Defining Injustice

Judge Agrees to Reduce Maximum Sentence for Manning to 90 Years

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FEC Commissioner: New Emails Could Tie Agency to IRS Targeting

Censored EPA Pennsylvania Fracking Water Contamination Presentation Published

Senators Call for End to Afghan Helicopter Deal

Ex-Obama Chief of Staff Uses Bin Laden Situation Room Photo in Campaign

Presidential Super PACs Dying?

Home Depot Founder Funds Ultra-Hawk Thinktank

Amazon Boss Buys Washington Post for $250m

What Will Bezos Do with ‘AIPAC All-Stars’ of the Washington Post?

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Swaps Probe Finds Banks Rigged Rate at Expense of Retirees

America’s Urban Distress: Why the Public Pension Problem Is Worse than You Think

How Citi is Hedging against the Foreclosure Settlements

S&P 500 Profit Margins Plunge to Three Year Lows

US Debt Six Times Greater than Declared – Study

The US Student Loan Problem – Facts, Charts, Thoughts

Noteworthy Editorials

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The New Economy Is the No Jobs Economy

John Kiriakou: Obama’s Abuse of the Espionage Act is Modern-Day McCarthyism

Christian Sorensen: Heeding the War Secretary’s Advice

Ron Paul: The Government Is a Cabal of Liars

Peter Van Buren: Welcome to the Post-Constitution

Jacob Hornberger: Egypt and the Corruption of American Values

Paul Pillar: Iran’s Nuclear Legal Obligations

The Secret Court: Is it Constitutional?

We Have the Basics of A Police State – How Much Farther Should We Go?

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- “How to Boycott Wall Street”

BFP EyeOpener Video Report (Preview)- “How to Boycott Wall Street”

Video: War Photographers on Iraq & Afghanistan

BFP Podcast 1: WikiLeaks Party Candidate Dr. Binoy Kampmark on “the Quest for Transparency-Accountability & Justice”

BFP Podcast 2: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “The Notion of School as a Mechanism of Control”

Podcast: Eric Draitser’s Stop Imperialism- Episode 66

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