BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 5, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Sometimes a man wants to be stupid if it lets him do a thing his cleverness forbids.” – John Steinbeck

International Newsworthy

Stiff Sentences for Writers, Military & Political Leaders in Turkish Coup Plot Trial

Turkey Ex-Army Chief Gets Life in Prison

Clashes Erupt after Turkey Trial Verdicts

Turkey’s Twitter ‘Fenos’ Work to Marginalize Critics

Turkey: Gezi Park Coverage Costing Journalists Their Jobs

An Anatolian Tiger Gives Fair Warning to Erdogan

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Egypt’s Military Shows No Restraint

Fresh Diplomatic Efforts to End Egypt Crisis

Egypt Sets Trial for Brotherhood Top Leaders for Aug. 25

Report: Morsi’s Allies Plot to Fly Him into Exile

Egypt Denies Entry to Yemen Laureate

Why Sisi Can’t Imitate Nasser’s Model

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Rouhani and the Luck of the Mullahs

Rouhani’s Post-Populist Foreign Policy

Ahmadinejad Appointed to Top Iran Council

White House Spokesman: US Willing to Work with New Iranian Government

Iran Arrests Man as Israeli Spy: TV

In Afghanistan, a Second Guantanamo

US Has No Plan to Close Bagram

Attack on Indian Mission in Afghanistan Raises Specter of Regional Struggle

Four Power Transmission Lines Destroyed in Balochistan Attack

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Saudi Arabia Tries to Cut a Deal with Russia Regarding Syria

Syrian President Calls for National Dialogue

Syria Limits US Dollar Use, Threatens Traders with Jail

Israel’s Iraq Channel

Spiraling Violence in Iraq

Iraqi Politician Calls on Maliki to Step Down

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Eni Announces Important Oil & Gas Discovery Offshore Congo

Liberia: China to Deploy Riot Police As UN Mission Draws Down

Libya Oil Strikes Cause Power Outages

Islamist Militants Attack Somali Capital, Plan More Before Ramadan Ends

Algerian Army Kills 3 Tunisian Militants Near Border

Mali Tuaregs Threaten Fresh Uprising if No Autonomy Deal

South Sudan, Ex-Rebels in Talks to Integrate Over 5,000 Fighters

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The New Great Game Round-Up (August 4, 2013)

Russian, Chinese Neighbor: U.S., Britain Lead NATO Exercise in Kazakhstan

Chinese Military Hardware Hits Russia for Joint Anti-Terror Drills

Russia May Resume Proton Rocket Launches in September

Putin Opposes Communist Initiative for Government Dissolution

Gazprom Eyes Latin American Bonanza

Rahmon, in Moscow, Promises Tajikistan Will Ratify Long-Delayed Military Base Deal

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Georgia: Saakashvili Tells UNM to ‘Rally Around’ Bakradze for Presidency

Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania: The Bug Pit Interview

Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey Military Cooperation to “Protect Pipeline”

As Armenia Walks Tightrope between Russia & EU, Public Opinion May Be Shifting

Khaan Quest: Pentagon Begins Military Exercises in Mongolia

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NSA and Britain’s GCHQ – Too Close for Comfort

UK Warns Spain over Gibraltar Threats

Extent of NSA’s Use of Military Bases in Germany Remains Murky

Why Italy’s Destiny is Tied to Berlusconi

National Newsworthy

FBI Adopts Hacker Tactics to Spy

FBI Pressuring Telecoms to Install Undisclosed Surveillance Technology

FBI Software Suspected of Compromising Tor Anonymity in Porn Hosting Takedown

FBI Informants Authorized to Break the Law 5,600 Times in One Year

Up to 600,000 Job Seekers a Year Hurt by Flawed FBI Background Records

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U.S. Directs Agents to Cover Up Program Used to Investigate Americans

Terror Threat Opens New Front in NSA Debate

Is the Government Exaggerating the Threat of Terror for Political Reasons?

Congress Denied Access to Basic Info About NSA

Sen. Feinstein Says Only Salaried Journalists Should be Protected by Shield Law

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US Grand Jury Probing Contractor That Vetted Snowden

Ending 25-Year Precedent, Federal Judge Rules Prosecutors in Leak Cases do not have to Prove Potential Damage to National Security

Rep. Amash: Snowden Is Whistleblower, Not Traitor

US Senator’s Office Edited Edward Snowden’s Wikipedia Page to Change His Description from ‘Dissident’ to ‘Traitor’

Petition to Serve Bradley Manning’s Jail Time Has Hundreds of Signers in Hours

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Oakland’s Creepy New Surveillance Program Just Got Approved

States Consider Regulation of Drones in US Skies

After Kingpin’s Capture, New Battlegrounds Emerge Along Texas-Mexico Border

Colorado Foreclosure Firm on Hot Seat

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Senator’s Attempt to Define ‘Real Journalism’ Blasted by Journalists

Oversight Committee Subpoenas IRS Communications With White House; Cites ‘Ongoing Obstruction’

Dead People Donate to US Campaigns

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How a Big US Bank Laundered Billions from Mexico’s Murderous Drug Gangs

Banks Threaten to Punish Cities that Use Eminent Domain to Help Underwater Homeowners

Judge Rules Federal Reserve Ignored Law to Help Credit Card Companies over Retailers

JP Morgan Pays $410 Million for Enron-Style Manipulation of Energy Market

Regulators Confirm the Mega Banks are Robbing Your Pension Funds

5 Years after Contributing to Financial Meltdown, S&P is Back to Giving Inflated Credit Ratings

Bond Losses at Federal Reserve Top $192 Billion

Treasury Sell-Offs in Context & Why There is Much More Room to Fall

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Keeping the Score: Fat Cats vs. Whistleblowers

Paul Craig Roberts: Bradley Manning Verdict Convicts Washington

Pepe Escobar: Al-Qaeda to the Rescue

Peter Dale Scott: US Government “Protection” of Al-Qaeda Terrorists & the US-Saudi “Black Hole”

Stephen Lendman: Fake Washington Terror Threat

M K Bhadrakumar: A Spy Who Tried to Scale Kremlin Wall

Pat Buchanan: Last Hurrah of the Interventionists

America’s War on Patriots

Our One-Sided War on Terror

Resisting the Surveillance State

How Britain Turned Tribe against Tribe

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: GRTV- Mercenaries & Private Security Companies on Contract with the UN

Video 2: RT-Turkey Hands Out Life Sentences in Shadow Govt Coup Plot

BFP Podcast 1: WikiLeaks Party Candidate Dr. Binoy Kampmark on “the Quest for Transparency-Accountability & Justice”

BFP Podcast 2: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “The Notion of School as a Mechanism of Control”

Podcast: Traces of Reality- Police Captain Peter Christ on Ending the War on Personal Freedom

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