BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 27, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The true danger is when Liberty is nibbled away, for expedients.”  – Edmund Burke

International Newsworthy

NATO to Hold Emergency Meeting on Syria

Syria Strike Due in Days, West Tells Opposition

Turkey Ready to Open İncirlik Base for NATO War on Syria

Warplanes Spotted in Cyprus as Tensions Rise in Damascus

U.S. Postpones Meeting with Russia on Syria

Congress Expected to Look the Other Way during Syria Attacks

Engel: Obama Should Attack Syria Before Congress Gets Back in Session

Assad Says Chemical Weapons Claims ‘Insult to Common Sense’

Syrian Kurdish Leader Says Assad Not to Blame for Attack

Hezbollah Fighters Exposed to Rebel Chemical Agents in Syria

Iraq Opposes Use of Airspace to Strike Syria

Saudi Prince with Close Ties to US at the Heart of the Push for War

David Cameron Recalls Parliament over Syria Crisis

Israelis Queue for Gas Masks over Syria War Fears

Syria Rebels Seize Strategic Town, Execute Alawite Cleric

Aleppo Christians Fear Iraq-Style Ethnic Cleansing

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Kurd Rebels Claim to Have Killed 7 Iranian Soldiers

Iran’s Parliament to Sue U.S. over 1953 Coup: TV

Landmark Chinese Copper Deal with Afghanistan at Risk

Taliban Warns against Karzai-Sharif Deal

17 Taliban Fighters Including Key Commander Surrender in E. Afghanistan

650 Cops Deployed at 60 Checkposts in Islamabad

Pakistan Reportedly Testing URL Filters, May Lift YouTube Ban

US Sparks Indonesia Arms Sale Concern

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Egypt’s Police State Resurgent in Sinai Tourist Haven

Gulf Islamists Irked as Monarchs Back Egypt’s Generals

Salafi Group Behind Tunisia Killings: PM

North African Terror Groups Merge

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Russian Official Ambushed in Caucasus

Russian Potash Chief Faces 2 Months in Custody while Belarus Probe Proceeds

Caspian Sea Energy Profile: Increasingly Important Source of Global Energy Production

Azerbaijan: Ibragimbekov Rejected as Presidential Candidate

National Newsworthy

72 Types of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” in Official Government Documents

Codename ‘Apalachee’: How America Spies on Europe and the UN

Why Did NSA Spy on UN? Not to Counter Terrorism, Secret Documents Show

Holder Pressed on US Drug Agency Use of Hidden Data Evidence

Is the NYPD Worse Than the NSA?

People Who Got Shorter Sentences than Manning: Spies Selling Secrets to Russians and Active Terrorists

Facebook: Governments Demanded Data on 38K Users

Reddit Co-Founder Sought Work with Shadowy Intelligence Firm

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CIA Shuts Down Office that Declassifies Historical Materials

CIA Files: US Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

Unmanned Now Undermanned: Air Force Struggles to Fill Pilot Slots for Drones

Court Rejects Military Contractor’s Attempt to Avoid Trial for Human Trafficking

United Tech, Pentagon in $1 Billion-Plus Deal for F-35 Engines

Bonus System to Clear Backlog of Veterans’ Claims Backfires for those most in Need

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Bitcoin Lobbyists Meet US Authorities amid Growing Scrutiny of Digital Currency

Margin Debt on the NY Stock Exchange (NYSE) is at a Record High

Dow Falls 100 amid Mounting Worries over Syria, All S&P Sectors Lower

Treasury Sells $34 Billion in 2 Year Notes in Lackluster Auction

Noteworthy Editorials

Paul Craig Roberts: Syria- Another Western War Crime in the Making

Pepe Escobar: Obama Set for Holy Tomahawk War

Jon Rappaport: Drugs, Steel, and MKULTRA- Engineering the Super-Soldier

Paul Pillar: The Age of Nationalism

Robert Parry: A CIA Hand in an American ‘Coup’?

Stephen Lendman: Imperial Madness

The NYPD Division of Un-American Activities

War on Syria and the West’s Skin-Deep Morality

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP Special Report on Syria: “Satellite Imagery Proves Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack Staged by Rebels”

BFP Special Report (Preview)- BFP Special Report on Syria: “Satellite Imagery Proves Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack Staged by Rebels”

Podcast 1: Radio Liberty- Syria and the Markets

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show- US and Allies Ready Shock & Awe Show for Syria

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