BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 20, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” –Friedrich Nietzsche

International Newsworthy

Egypt: A Military Dictatorship Takes Shape on the Nile

How Obama Is Tacitly Supporting Egypt’s Military Government

US-Egypt Military Relationship Built to Last

Sympathy for the Devil: Israel’s Efforts on Behalf of Cairo’s Generals

Israel Behind Egypt Coup: Turkey PM

Report: Obama Secretly Halted Egypt Military Aid

White House Denies Reports of Suspended Egypt Aid as ‘Incorrect’

US Companies & Egypt Military Aid

Allies Thwart Washington’s Agenda for Egypt

Cairo Threatens to Ban Muslim Brotherhood

In Egypt, Flickers of a New Islamist Insurgency

Islamist Mob Parades Nuns in Cairo as Prisoners of War

Egypt Arrests Muslim Brotherhood’s Top Leader

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Appoints New Top Leader

Has Hamas Abandoned Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood?

Cairo Court Sets Trial Date for ElBaradei

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Top Iran Adviser Reaches Out to West

Obama Administration Has Options for Iran Sanctions Relief

Iran: Rohani Vows Government to Be More Inclusive

Iran Naval Fleet to Secure Oil Tankers

Musharraf Charged with Benazir’s Murder

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Al-Qaeda’s Internal Divide Grows in Syria

The Brotherhood Starts Anew in Syria

Presence of al-Qaeda-Linked Groups in N. Syria Complicates Rebellion

Al-Qaeda Tortured and Killed Prominent Syrian Cleric – Report

Syria’s Civil War Comes to the Kurds

Kurdish Militias Clash with al-Qaida-Linked Rebel Faction in NE Syria

Syrian Army Routs Rebels from Assad Home Province

Syria’s Alawites Torn Between Regime, Opposition

3 Members of Free Syrian Army Captured in Iraq

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Despite New Security Measures, Violence Persists in Iraq

WHO Is Delaying Release of Iraqi Birth Defect Data?

Najaf Seminary Plays Role of Iraqi Opposition

Turkish Protests Lead To Boom in Water Cannon Exports

Are US Drones al-Qaeda’s Strongest Weapon in Yemen?

Saudi Guards Kill Yemeni Tribesman

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US, China Seek to Bolster Military-to-Military Relations

Serbia Freezes $273 Million Berezovsky Assets

Putin Picks Candidates to Lead Ingushetia and Dagestan

Russian Police Kill Nine Suspected Militants in North Caucasus

Russia Bests Kazakhstan, Armenia in CSTO Tank Biathlon

Georgia Warns Russia for “Territorial Integrity”

Georgia, Sweden Discuss EU, NATO Integration

‘‘The New Times’’: Moscow Saved Aliyev from Imminent Crash in 2005

NATO Trains Kazakh Battalion for Overseas War Zones

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EU Privacy Watchdogs Seek Details on NSA Spying

UK Govt Destroyed Guardian’s Snowden Docs

Greenwald to Publish UK Spy Secrets

UK Ignores Russian Request on Former Magnitsky Boss Browder

Report: Al-Qaeda ‘Targeting European Rail Network’

Gold Is Flooding Out of London to Switzerland at an Alarming Rate

National Newsworthy

Obama’s “Quiet” Move to Limit Intelligence Oversight

Key Loophole Allows NSA to Avoid Telling Congress about Thousands of Abuses

Administration Keeps Chipping Away at the Fourth Amendment

New Utah NSA Center Requires 1.7m Gallons of Water Daily to Operate

Obama Administration Petitions Supreme Court for Warrantless Cellphone Search Powers

US Government Tracks Your Snail Mail, Too

Feds Threaten to Arrest Lavabit Founder for Shutting Down his Service

Groklaw Legal site Shuts over Fears of NSA Email Snooping

* * * *

Investigating Journalism under ‘Terrorism’ Laws Is a Hallmark of Authoritarian Regimes  

Virginia State Police Recorded License Plates at Political Events

Homeland Security to Assume Control of Surveillance Blimps

Feds Seized $2.9 Million in Bitcoin Funds from Mt. Gox

Is Having a National Drug Czar a Waste of Taxpayer Money?

Former JAG Who Served Sentence for Violating Espionage Act Comments on His Case & Bradley Manning’s Trial

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Declassified Secret Documents: CIA Confirms Role in 1953 Iran Coup

State Dept. Reinstates Officials Disciplined after Benghazi Review

Issa Vows to Expand Benghazi Probe, Faults State’s Accountability

Issa Tops the Hill’s 50 Wealthiest

Investors, Companies Fuel Super PAC Tied to Boehner

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US Prepares to Detonate Market Bubbles

U.S. Bond Yields Hit Two-Year High-Emerging Currencies Slide

$2,001,093,000,000: Fed’s Ownership of U.S. Debt Breaks $2T for First Time

The Atlantic Magazine Downplays America’s Debt Burden

Federal Student “Aid” Demand Soars

Noteworthy Editorials

Pepe Escobar: A Message from our (Saudi) Sponsors

Jonathan Turley: Ten Reasons the US Is No Longer the Land of the Free

John Whitehead: The Abyss from Which There Is No Return

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Growing Up In America

Norman Solomon: Oiling the War Machinery, From Oslo to Heathrow to Washington

Stephen Lendman: Obama’s War on Yemen

Washington’s Blog: Biting Our Tongues Doesn’t Keep Us Safe … It Only Increases Danger in the Long Run

Time for Answers from the NSA

Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Remove What is Left of American Democracy

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- “Constitution-Free Border Zones” with James Corbett

BFP EyeOpener Report (Preview)- “Constitution-Free Border Zones”

Video 1: Corbett Report- 5 GMO Myths Busted

Video 2: Exclusive Video of British Spies Destroying the Guardian’s Computer to Try to Stop Spy Stories!

Podcast 1: Corbett Report- Bill Still on the Jekyll Island Conspiracy

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show-White House Denies It Asked British to Detain Greenwald’s Partner

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