BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 19, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“We need to revitalize the American spirit. People are always asking ‘What would the founding fathers do,’ but I have yet to witness a single séance.” –Bauvard, Evergreens Are Prudish

International Newsworthy

Syria Rebels Move HQ from Egypt to Turkey

Two Turkish Intelligence (MIT) Agents Killed in Syria

Irish Mercenaries Training Syrian Death Squads

Nasrallah Threatens To Double Hezbollah Forces in Syria

PYD Prepares Draft for Autonomy in Syria Kurdish Regions

Syrian Army Recaptures Countryside of Assad’s Heartland in Latakia

In Raqqa, Islamist Rebels Form a New Regime

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Brotherhood Members Killed in Egypt Jail

The Aftermath of 72 Tumultuous Hours in Cairo

Egyptian Bloodbath Threatens Crucial Routes for Oil & Gas Supplies

Israel Worried by Any Signs of Wavering in U.S. Support for Egypt’s Military

Obama under Pressure to Cut Egyptian Military Aid 

Pharaoh al-Sisi Sits Tight on the Nile

Egypt’s Mubarak Released in Corruption Case

Threatened, Harassed, Killed: Journalists in Egypt

Egypt Seen as Graveyard of Islamist Ambitions for Power

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Israel Obsessed with an Iranian Bomb

Iran’s Nuclear Chief Says 18,000 Centrifuges Installed

YouTube Bans Press TV ‘Upon ADL Order’

Iran’s Bank Mellat Sues UK over Bans

Iran Struggles to Restore its Share in Oil Market

Rouhani May Go to Bishkek, But Unlikely To Focus On SCO

Anger Rises after Taliban Jailbreak

Pakistan Ponders Army Chief Choice

Report Reveals Secret US-India Cold War Collaboration

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Gulenist-AKP Clash Is Now in the Open

Al-Qaeda Looks to Build Support among Iraq’s Sunnis

Iraqi Bloc Accuses Baghdad of Military Crackdown in Sunni Provinces

‘Record Number of Syrians Going to Iraq’

Kirkuk Strains Iraqi, Kurdish Security Forces

Iraqi Kurdistan’s Silent Revolution

Iraqi Kurdish Forces Help Defend Baghdad

Fall of Moderates Seals Lebanon’s Fate

Did an 8-Year-Old Yemeni Boy Spy for America?

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The New Great Game Round-Up, August 18

Russia Prepares to Tighten Borders if Ukraine Signs on with EU

Georgian Defense Chief Gets Orders from U.S. Commanders

The Reluctant Conflict Mediator: EU-Georgia Relations under the Neighborhood Policy

Central Asia Getting Dragged into Russian-Ukrainian ‘Trade War’

Azerbaijan’s Karabakh Ban ‘Overzealous’

After Getting Kicked Out Of Manas, Where Will U.S. Go?

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UK Detains, Questions Partner of NSA Leaks Reporter Greenwald

British Warships in Gibraltar amid Row

President: Romania (And NATO) to Absorb Moldova

National Newsworthy

NSA Revelations of Privacy Breaches ‘The Tip of the Iceberg’

NSA Revelations Prove Abuse Is the Rule, Not the Exception

NSA, DEA, IRS Lying About Spying

Amash Criticizes NSA, ACA

NSA Blames 3,000 Leaked Privacy Violations on ‘Employee Mistakes’

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NDAA Nullification Bill Headed to Floor of California State Senate

Obama Administration Revives SOPA Anti-Streaming Provisions

Militarized Police: Overkill is becoming the Norm as Officers Shoot First and Ask Questions Later

Yearning for Assassination of Julian Assange Puts “Journalist” Under Fire

4 Cases of the US Sheltering Vicious Criminals That Reveal Total Hypocrisy on Snowden

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5 Companies That Make Money by Keeping Americans Terrified of Terror Attacks

Chertoff Group and the Fear Industry

Military Contractors See Climate Change: Civil Unrest as Good for Business

Defense Contractors View Climate Change as “Business Opportunities”

Three-Quarters of Members of “Expert” Medical Guideline Panels Have Ties to Drug Industry

Regulation Nation: Obama Expands the Regulatory State

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Oil Industry Avoids Paying Landowners for Drilling Rights

Latest JPMorgan Probe: Jobs for Contracts

The Trends Few Dare Discuss: Social Security and the Decline in Full-Time Employment

Detroit: Government Chooses Big Banks over the American People Once Again

Treasury’s Tank; 10-Year Yield Up 75% Since May

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Bruce Fein- A Bad Penny That Is Always Turning Up

Dr. James Petras: Obama Regime’s Fabricated “Terror Conspiracy” in Defense of the Police State

Pepe Escobar: Hi, I’m Your New Axis of Evil

Eric Margolis: The Nile Runs Red with Blood

Stephen Lendman: Institutionalized US Spying- More Than NSA’s Involved

Washington’s Blog: Spy on Me, I’m Innocent!

All in the Family: America’s Big Brother

Let’s Give Every NSA Employee an Anonymous Whistleblowing Opportunity

Guantanamo Bay Is Here to Stay

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: Corbett Report- New World Next Week

Video 2: RT-Germany under Fire as Arm Exports to Gulf Nations Triple

Video 3: NMA World Edition- I always feel like somebody’s watching me: Rockwell parody

Podcast 1: TOR Radio – John Whitehead on Fighting Back Against the Police State

Podcast 2: Lew Rockwell Show- Did the Secret Service Help Kill JFK?

Podcast 3: Stephen Lendman interviews Rick Rozoff on Egypt

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