BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 12, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair.” –H.L. Mencken

International Newsworthy

Revealed: What the West Has Given Syria’s Rebels

Russia’s Course in Syria Unchanged

Syria Splits Shiite Clergy in Iraq, Iran

Syrian Rebels Accused of Sectarian Murders

Syrian Rebels Attack Government Positions in an Attempt to Capture Eastern City

A Rare Welcome for Syria’s Kurdish Refugees

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Khamenei Warns Against Foreign Attempts to Create War in Region

Moscow, Tehran to Sign Agreement on Building New Nuclear Power Plant

Iran’s Ties to Hezbollah Unchanged

‘Iran Team Due in Yemen over Abduction’

Gay Men in Iran’s Military Can Seek Exemption

CIA ‘Free Baluchistan’ Op to Carve Pakistan under China’s Nose

Covert Drone War in Pakistan: The Return of Double-Tap Drone Strikes

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Turkey’s Secret ‘Ancestry Codes’ Track Non-Muslim Minorities

Iraq Bombing Wave Kills More Than 60

Qaeda Claims Deadly Attacks as Iraqis Blame Government

Sadrist MP: Maliki Will Open the Door to More Foreign Interference by Calling on EU’s Forces

Iraqi Kurdistan Opens Official Crude Oil Trade Route via Iran: Industry Sources

Is Maliki Considering Postponing Iraq’s Parliamentary Elections?

Hamas Security Forces Crack Down On Fatah in Gaza

Ahead of Bahrain Protests, a Sweep against Citizen Journalists

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Why Are We At War in Yemen?

For Fearful Yemenis, US and Qaeda Look Similar

Yemenis Call U.S. Drone Strikes an Overreaction to al Qaida

Sanaa Professor Predicts Imminent Military Coup in Yemen

5 Killed in Shootout in Southern Yemen

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Egypt Judiciary Extends Morsi Detention

Egypt’s Protesters Vow Persistence over Possible Police Crackdown

Egypt Postpones Dispersing Pro-Morsi Camps

Misrata’s Strength Raises Libyan Suspicions

In DR Congo, Rising Violence Triggers New UN Unit

Fighting in Sudan’s Darfur Kills 100

Nigerian Military on Mission to Rescue Crude Oil-Laden Barge

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The New Great Game Round-Up, August 11

Despite Wariness, China-Russia Relations Warming

Saudi Arabia & the Kremlin: The Strategic Significance of the Bandar-Putin Meeting

Russian Protest Leader Confronts Kremlin under Shadow of Jail

Russia Among Countries Atop NSA Surveillance Priority List 

New Cold War: U.S. Senators Demand Expanding NATO to Include Georgia

Georgia Wants a Tête-à-Tête with Separatists

U.S. Warship in Georgian Waters “Very Significant Event”

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Britain’s Foreign Aid has Fallen into Hands of al-Qaeda, DfiD Admits

Poland to Contribute To $1.73 Billion NATO Drone Program

Australians Call for National Debate on Privatization of Intelligence

National Newsworthy

The NSA is Turning the Internet into a Total Surveillance System

U.S. Government Forces Snowden’s Encrypted Email Service to Shut Down

Two Email Companies Close Shop rather than Reveal User Details to Government

How the Government Killed a Secure E-mail Company

Former NSA Director Not Expecting “Significant” Operational Changes

Secret Legal Opinion on NSA’s Associational Tracking Program

Obama Administration Uses 5-Year-Old Wire Transfer of $8,500 to Justify Phone Call Data Surveillance

Lawmakers and the Obama Administration Contradict Obama’s Statements At Press Conference

Press Fail to Ask Any NSA Questions at Obama’s NSA Press Conference

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Forget Apology: Eric Holder Owes the American People a Resignation

Federal Appeals Court Lets FBI off the Hook after It Lied to a Judge

Release of DEA Agent Kiki Camarena’s “Murderer” Is Game Changer for CIA

Boston’s Custom Designed Terror: “Operation Urban Shield”

Your Medical Records Are for Sale

35% of Food Additives Deemed Harmless were Evaluated by Manufacturer or Contractor Hired by Manufacturer

New York Issues Subpoenas to Bitcoin Firms

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BofA Put Toxic Debt in Bond as Staff Resisted

Americans Renouncing Citizenship Surge Sixfold As Tougher Tax Rules Loom

Record Percentage of Young Adults Living with Parents

Parents Losing Jobs a Hidden Cost to U.S. Head Start Budget Cuts

How the $1.2 Trillion College Debt Crisis Is Crippling Students, Parents & the Economy

Where the Fed’s Excess Reserves Are Going: 51% Foreign Banks; 49% Domestic

Noteworthy Editorials

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s Drive for Hegemony Is a Drive to War

Pepe Escobar: Vlad the Hammer vs. Obama the Wimp

John Kiriakou: Obama’s Abuse of the Espionage Act Is Modern-Day McCarthyism

Stephen Lendman- NSA Spying: Worse Than You Think

David Swanson: Her Name Is Jody Williams

Paul Pillar: A Terrorist Haven in Syria?

Washington’s Blog: Proof that the Government Spies On ALL AMERICANS

Doug Bandow: NATO’s Georgia Nightmare

How Secrecy Has Already Corroded Our Democracy in Concrete Ways

Which Shall It Be, Freedom of Speech or Not?

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: GRTV- 60 Years of Strife: Ending War in Korea

Video 2: Corbett Report- Geneva Business Insider

Video 3: RT-Kurds’ Cry for Help in Syria Falls on Deaf Ears

BFP Podcast- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez Presents Douglas Valentine: “Beyond Dirty Wars!”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report- The Asia-Pacific Perspective with Broc West

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality- Ben Swann on Truth in Media, Homeschooling, Life on the Border and Paulitics

Podcast 3: Lew Rockwell Show-Crypto-Anarchy

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