BFP Report- Whistleblower: NSA Wiretapped Obama, Petraeus, Alito & Others

*This is a preview to our coming Full Video Report(s) this week.
 Last week, during exclusive interviews with Boiling Frogs Post and Corbett Report, NSA whistleblower Russell Tice revealed first-time-ever shocking new details of the NSA spying scandal. In addition to detailing how the NSA is collecting and storing the content of all electronic communications passing through the United States, he also revealed for the first time some of the specific targets of past NSA wiretapping operations, including senior Congressional leaders, the former White House Press Secretary, high-ranking military generals, the entire Supreme Court, and even then-Senator from Illinois and future President, Barack Obama.

Listen to the full-length revelatory interview: Click Here
Listen to Sibel Edmonds’ commentary on Tice revelations and more: Click Here

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