BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for April 2014

DOD spent $29,177,364,278+ on 238 individual contracts in April 2014
The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form.
The Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $29,177,364,278 on 238 individual contracts during April 2014.
General Atomics received $141,444,171 for engineering development of the Block 50 ground control stations (GCS) and production of two system test and qualification system integration laboratories (SIL), one technical order development SIL, two fixed GCS, two mobile GCS, two software developer kits, and the associated spares for the Block 50 configuration. Block 50 tries to create an ergonomic crew workstation, enhanced situational awareness, and reduced/eliminated deficiencies in legacy GCS. Block 50 includes six 24” touchscreen displays, an enhanced heads-up display, primary control display, F-16 modeled stick and throttle, and new one-touch control panels. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Insitu Inc. received $10,222,289 to support the RQ-21A, including organizational level support during planned and surge flight operations.
iRobot Corp. received $59,220,496 for Man Transportable Robotic System [MTRS - (PDF)] production, repairs, parts, spares, training, enhancements, configuration management, and approved accessories.
Longbow LLC received $25,197,219 for seventeen radar electronics units and unmanned aerial system tactical common data link assemblies, a P4.00 software upgrade, and associated gold standard hardware for production testing.
Northrop Grumman received $43,781,216 for five MQ-8 Firescouts and one GCS.
Northrop Grumman received $40,691,060 for 94 Small Tactical Radar – Lightweight (STARLite) Synthetic Aperture Radar/Ground Moving Target Indicator (SAR/GMTI) systems for the U.S. Army. One bid solicited, one received. 
Northrop Grumman received $6,567,841 for radar system development and demonstration schedule extension; for Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program (MP-RTIP) development and alignment with the Global Hawk (RQ-4) Block 40 program schedule.
Raytheon received $15,844,476 for R&D support for the Tactical Control System (TCS), continuing the transition from the TCS baseline into the Unmanned Aerial System Control Segment architecture, integrating modern intuitive controls, automating testing procedures, and supporting the software baseline operating in the field. This was not competitively procured pursuant to FAR 6.302-1.
URS Federal Technical Services Inc. received $15,815,983 for program support for ACC’s UAS Operations Center Support. This includes 8 percent FMS to the UK.
FOREIGN MILITARY SALES – Through Foreign Military Sales (FMS), the U.S. government procures and transfers materiel to allied nations and international organizations.
Boeing received $9,901,126 to train Saudi Arabia’s Air Force on the F-15SA.
Hellfire Systems LLC received $28,408,525 to supply Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Jordan with 372 Hellfire II air-to-ground tactical containerized models: AGM-114R, AGM-114R-3, and AGM-114P-4A.
Raytheon received $17,034,929 for AN/SPY-1 Radar Transmitter Multi-Mission Signal Processor Capability ordnance alteration kits, RF Coherent Combiner ordnance alteration kits, Kill Assessment System ordnance alteration kits, High Volt Power Supply Sidewall Capacitor ordnance alteration kits, 10 kW Traveling Wave Tube monitoring circuit ordnance alteration kits, Aegis Weapon System Modernization requirements for Japan, and installation and test services in support of the AEGIS modernization effort.
Thales Defense & Security Inc. received $11,704,727 to provide Saudi Arabia with equipment to implement an air traffic control system on two SAG airbases: Khashm al-Aan and Dirab.
McCann World Group Inc. received $196,034,789 for professional marketing and advertising services in support of a nationwide campaign of Army recruitment and retention.
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory received $283,126,264 for ongoing acquisition of Trident (D5) MK 6 Guidance System Repair Program with failure verification, test, repair and recertification of inertial measurement units, electronic assemblies, and electronic modules. This is a sole source acquisition pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1).
Georgia Tech Applied Research Corp. received $19,999,676 for Systems Engineering, Modeling & Simulation, and Scientific Studies & Analysis Support on Emerging Threats Affecting National Security and DOD Acquisition Process. Georgia Tech will provide recommendations for specified areas of study, U.S./allies capability gaps concerning the threats, “and how the U.S. should posture itself to counter these threats in order to favorably shape the battlespace.”
DynCorp International received $49,898,634 for mentoring and training in support of the Afghanistan Ministry of Interior and Afghanistan National Police. DOD continues to award contracts to DynCorp, despite the corporation’s track record [PDF] of mismanagement, scandal, fraud, waste, and abuse.
Cyberspace Solutions (Reston, VA) received $35,556,730 for intelligence analyst support, in support of U.S. Special Operations Command.
Qinetiq received $7,750,000 for the Battlefield Air Targeting Man-Aided Knowledge II (BATMAN II)-Advanced Technology Demonstration Program. The BATMAN II program is designed to focus on advancing technologies relevant to Air Force special operators.
Alliant Techsystems Operations LLC received $83,399,073 for full rate production Lot III of the advanced anti-radiation guided missile, including conversion of 110 AGM-88B high-speed anti-radiation missiles to AGM-88E all-up-rounds and captive air training missiles.
Ball Aerospace Technologies Inc. received $23,933,170 for “Stalker” or long range electro-optical/infrared/laser range finder (SLREOSS) production. SLREOSS is used with NATO’s Seasparrow Missile System MK 57 on the MK 9 Tracker Illuminator System. This was not competitively procured, per 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c)(1), as implemented by FAR 6.302-1.
Boeing received $80,000,000 for JDAM technical support — studies and analysis, product improvement, upgrades, aircraft/software integration, and testing.
Lockheed Martin received $21,319,984 to provide the UK with engineering/technical support and materials for the UK Trident II Missile System. United Kingdom contract funds ($21,319,984) were used. This was a sole-source acquisition, per 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(4).
Lockheed Martin received $9,085,206 for services to continue support of the AN/TPQ-53 radar fleet.
Raytheon received $36,964,090 for Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IB engineering support.
Raytheon received $9,778,372 for up to 52,473 hours of advanced technology insertion and integration support of weapons systems (include AIM-9 Sidewinder, AIM-120 AMRAAM, AGM-65 Maverick, AGM-154 JSOW, R/UGM-109 Tomahawk, XM982 Excalibur, BGM-71 TOW, Standard Missile, Evolved SeaSparrow Missile, Talon, Pyros and Griffin). Also included are line of sight/non-line of sight technologies for seekers, multi-mode seekers, tube-launched UAS, autonomous weapons employment and precision targeting, and similar applications. This was not competitively procured pursuant to FAR 6.302-1.
Raytheon received $9,595,524 for AIM-9X Sidewinder mission support and sustainment for the U.S. Air Force & Navy, Singapore, Australia, Denmark, Finland, Turkey, South Korea, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, and Poland.
Raytheon received $6,553,058 for (calendar years 2014-2016) Evolved Seasparrow Missile maintenance, re-certifications, and special maintenance tasks. This was not competitively procured, per 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c)(1), as implemented by FAR 6.302-1.
Tower Industries Inc. received $6,598,704 to acquire 500-pound practice bombs. 
El Dorado Engineering received $8,912,643 for engineering and demilitarization of munitions by providing analytical engineering and technical support services.
General Dynamics received $9,248,770 for improved mechanical remote fuze disassembly kit (I-MRFDK ) production units, training, system maintenance and spare and depot level repair parts. The I-MRFDK is a portable inerting/disassembly system operated by EOD techs to safely render fuzes inert.
SAIC received $9,422,253 for engineering and demilitarization of munitions by providing analytical engineering and technical support services.
Sierra Nevada Corp. received $46,500,000 for dismounted counter radio-controlled IED electronic warfare spares and services to sustain the Thor III and Baldr CREW systems.
Lockheed Martin received $45,351,395 for Aegis Weapon System MK 7 equipment sets.
Lockheed Martin received $13,684,749 to work on advanced concepts initiatives by the ABMD Program Office to identify technology for introduction into present and future Baselines/Spirals.
Agilent Technologies, Inc. received $9,607,650 for signal generators. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Alutiiq Security & Technology; Atlantic CommTech, Corp.; Forward Slope Inc.; The Cameron Bell Corp.; Mandex Inc.; and Systems Applications & Solutions received a cumulative $9,980,000 for Ashore Systems engineering services. Initial contract arrangements involved exclusion of sources under small business set-aside provisions (10 U.S.C. 2304 (b)(2)). 
CDW Government received $22,982,965 for 19,073 laptops.
COLSA Corp. received $25,607,908 and Engineering Services Network Inc. received $24,530,896 to support the Space & Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) Integrated Voice Networks Branch to provide telephony network support.
DLT Solutions received $35,664,115 to provide Symantec brand-name software licenses and maintenance renewal for the Navy and Marine Corps.
Exelis Inc.; General Dynamics; Harris Corp.; and Thales Defense & Security Inc. received  $988,000,000 for SRW Appliqué Radio Systems for use by brigade combat teams.
Lockheed Martin received $13,362,252 to incorporate new add work, Phase 3, to the DARPA Behavioral Learning for Adaptive Electronic Warfare (BLADE) program. Phase 3 aims to refine/mature algorithms and software developed during Phase 2 and to apply them in tactically relevant environments and timeframes on tactical military electronic attack platforms.
NetCentrics Corp. received $11,486,816 for IT operations, back office support for the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Washington Headquarters Services (WHS), WHS-supported organizations, and the Pentagon Force Protection Agency. SRA International Inc. received $7,349,801 to provide IT network support services for the Pentagon Force Protection Agency.
Northrop Grumman received $98,000,000 for sustainment/maintenance of the Global Adaptive Planning Collaborative Information Environment (GAP CIE) software system.
SAIC/LEIDOS Inc. received $9,499,534 for professional engineering “to support the warfare area of developmental, test and evaluation.”
Savi Technology Inc. received $102,000,000 for Active RFID hardware, software, documentation, and incidental services (training, warranty, technical engineering) to authorized government users worldwide.
BAE Systems received $47,352,248 for transmitter countermeasures T-1687A/ALE-70 (V) in support of the Joint Strike Fighter program. This was non-competitive, per 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c)(l).
Lockheed Martin received $54,574,234 for production technical assistance on F-35 Lot VII. Services include manufacturing technology transfer and planning tasks required to ensure a manufacturing base with sufficient technical knowledge to support F-35 production. Purchases: U.S. Navy ($21,912,810; 40 percent); U.S. Air Force ($21,053,484; 38.7 percent); and international partner governments ($11,607,930; 21.3 percent).
Alion Science & Technology Corp. received $14,138,642 for operational safety, suitability and effectiveness materials improvement program with the aim of increasing C-5 safety and mission readiness while reducing maintenance requirements and cost.
ARMTEC Countermeasures Co. received $11,450,440 for 390,800 M206 decoy countermeasure flares (389,300 for U.S. Air Force and 1500 for U.S. Army) for protection of helicopters and low altitude aircraft. Kilgore Flares Co, LLC. received $10,176,036 for 318,600 flares for U.S. Air Force and 1,200 for U.S. Army for protection of helicopters and low altitude aircraft.
Boeing received $6,632,674 for eight Reconfigurable Transportable Consolidated Automated Support System – Depot (RTCASS-D) conversion kits.
Boeing received $8,747,003 for software updates in support of the P-8A Poseidon aircraft. Northrop Grumman received $8,900,000 for two sets of AN/ALQ 240 (V) 1 weapons repairable assemblies in support of the P-8A AN/ALQ 240 Electronic Support Measures Repair Depot standup at NSWC Crane Division.
Boeing received $43,340,932 to support fielding new equipment and training for units receiving the CH-47F. Boeing received $18,962,520 to integrate improved drive train development with CH-47 Block II engineering. Boeing received $8,857,000 to provide additional production Lot 13 long lead funding and additional production Lot 12 over-and-above funding on CH-47F helicopters. Columbia Helicopters Inc. received $30,552,180 for Chinook aft & forward rotor heads. Minimum quantity (combined for the rotor heads) ten; maximum quantity 198.
Boeing received $26,725,000 to provide seven engineering changes proposals for fracture and maintenance areas on F/A-18 A-D under the Service Life Extension Program Phase C1 effort.
Boeing received $103,800,000 for advance procurement funding for purchase of long lead items as part of AH-64E Apache Full Rate (Lot 5).
Delta Industries received $37,177,882 for turbine exhaust engine cases.
Dynamic Aviation Group Inc. received $22,359,136 for continued operations, sustainment, and integration of three communications electronic attack with surveillance/recon aircraft, currently deployed in support of OEF. One bid was solicited, one received.
Elbit Systems received $12,255,000 for helicopter improved signal data converter. This is a sole source acquisition.
Hamilton Sundstrand Corp. received $7,354,035 to repair the V-22 Osprey aircraft constant frequency generator.
Kearfott Corp. received $8,628,628 for the Actuator, Electro-Me (minimum 120; maximum 1,440) for the Blackhawk weapons system. Lockheed Martin received $7,265,034 for the repair of 12 items of the common cockpit for H-60R/S helicopters. This was not competitively procured, per 10 U.S.C 2304(c)(1).
L-3 Communications received $18,086,317 for logistical, administrative, and base operations support to include data input and data gathering for the Corpus Christi Army Depot mission to overhaul, repair, modify, retrofit, test and modernize helicopters, engines and components for all services and foreign military customers.
L-3 Communications received $24,728,566 for labor skilled in the inspection, maintenance, and repair of the CH-47, UH-60, UH-1, AH-1, AH-64 and OH-58 aircraft and components.
Lockheed Martin received $14,713,606 to provide initial spares for the C-130J program on 64 aircraft (42 delivered C-130J and 22 HC/MC-130J). Lockheed Martin received $27,370,337 to provide extended service life center wing box on five C-130J aircraft.
Lockheed Martin received $24,449,293 to install a VADER system and an aerial precision geolocation kit on a King Air 350ER aircraft. One bid solicited, one received.
Lockheed Martin received $80,663,444 for Lot 9 Modernized Target Acquisition Pilot Night Vision Sensors (eight systems with one spare and four additional systems with four war replacement spares for USA; eight systems with one spare for Indonesia).
Midwest Air Traffic Control Service Inc. and Readiness Management Support LC received $109,874,600 for management and equipment maintenance to support air traffic control operations, airfield management, air to ground comms and maintenance, surveillance and precision radar operations and maintenance, voice communications systems operations and maintenance, and aviation C2 operations and maintenance. “Work will be performed in Southwest Asia.”
Northrop Grumman received $17,150,542 for testing/support during the Common Aviation Command & Control developmental & weapons tactic instructor test events.
Northrop Grumman received $31,135,442 for depot maintenance on 44 Navy/USMC Reserve F-5N/F aircraft. One percent of work will occur in Emmen, Switzerland. This was not competitively procured pursuant to FAR 6.302-1.
Northrop Grumman received $234,134,172 for Large Aircraft Infrared Counter Measures (LAIRCM) 2014 base hardware and support. Thirteen percent relates to unclassified FMS including: Germany, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and Strategic Airlift Capability-NATO Airlift Management Program.
Phoenix Air Group Inc. received $16,320,996 for contractor owned and operated aircraft for range clearing services for missile testing and fleet training in support of CNAF and DOD agencies.
Raytheon received $12,635,487 for developmental efforts in support of the Technology Development Phase of the Next Generation Jammer Program, which will replace the aging ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System for integration on the EA-18G aircraft.
Raytheon received $14,393,119 for aircraft radar receivers, circuit card assemblies, electric synthesizers, and electronic components. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Rockwell Collins-ESA received $10,307,718 for items in support of the joint helmet mounted cueing system. This is a sole-source acquisition. Locations of performance are Texas, Oregon, and Israel. This contains FMS elements for Iraq.
Sikorsky received $7,927,579 for organizational, selected intermediate, and limited depot-level maintenance for aircraft operated by adversary squadrons — NAS Key West (40 percent); NAS Fallon (30 percent); and MCAS Yuma (30 percent).
Sonoran Technology & Professional Services LLC received $49,000,000 for F-16 weapons system support, F-16 academic instruction, F-16 aircrew training devices (ATD) instruction/console operations, and ATD cockpit operations, courseware development, and training support. This includes less than one percent unclassified FMS to Singapore.
Strata G Solutions received $6,743,271 to incorporate the revised Smart, Wireless, Internal Combustion Engine Spiral 3 Technical Data Package, including increased quantity prices for each contract line item number.
Textron received $38,409,418 for yoke assemblies. This is a sole-source acquisition.
Thales Defense & Security received $38,527,000 for Optimized Top Owl (OTO) Helmet Mounted Sight and Display (HMSD) Sustainment Capability services for the H-1 Aircraft program. This includes the facility, parts, and labor required for the OTO repair capabilities transition plan from Bordeaux, France to the United States.
Thales-Raytheon Systems Co. LLC received $17,743,765 to acquire Sentinel Mode 5 IFF kits and spares.
Booz Allen Hamilton; Battelle Memorial Institute; Jacobs Technology Inc.; MacAulay-Brown Inc.; MRI Global; National Security Information Associates; Strategic Analysis Inc.; Leidos Inc.; Scitor Corp.; TASC Inc.; URS Federal Services Inc.; and Wyle Laboratories Inc. received $900,000,000 for Homeland Defense and Security Technical Area Tasks (HD TATs). These corporations will provide R&D, test and evaluation, and advisory and assistance services related to R&D efforts for TATs within the CBRN  defense, homeland defense and security, critical infrastructure protection, WMD, biometrics, medical, cultural studies and alternative energy focus areas.
L-3 GSS received $50,925,735 for Automated Installation Entry hardware and software for up to 35 military installations.
Austal USA received $6,726,406 for fabrication and assembly of a live fire test module in support of the Navy’s Independence variant LCS survivability testing program which is critical to class qualifications and ships eventual deployment.
General Dynamics (Bath Iron Works) received $28,697,034 for LCS class design services, which provide engineering, program, and technical support. This includes class baseline design services, class documentation services, class engineering studies and interim support services.
3 Phoenix Inc. received $7,263,632 for two TB-29A Inverted Passive Electrical Network (iPEN) Towed Array production representative units, associated spares and test equipment. iPEN telemetry acts as a data fusion point for integration of TB-29A handling system sensor data.
3 Phoenix Inc. received $9,116,551 for engineering services for development, integration, testing, and logistic support of the torpedo warning system (TWS), which allows surface ships to detect torpedoes and employ defensive measures (including maneuver and countermeasures).
Aegisound LLC received $10,135,882 for flight deck cranial double hearing protection headsets.
Alion Science & Technology Corp. received $25,002,968 for professional services in support of the Surface Warfare Directorate.
American Overseas Marine LLC received $32,668,153 for the operation and maintenance of seven large, medium-speed, roll-on/roll-off ships.
AMSEC LLC received $187,795,398 for engineering, technical, repair and logistics to afloat Navy surface ships and aircraft carriers.
BAE Systems received $6,715,693 for sixteen AN/UPX-41 (C) Digital Interrogators for the U.S. Navy (14) and Japan (2) and 45 Mode 5 IFF field change kits for the U.S. Navy (33) and Japan (12). This was not competitively procured (FAR 6.302-1). Purchases: U.S. Navy ($5,399,417; 80.4 percent) and Japan ($1,316,276; 19.6 percent).
General Dynamics received $11,000,000 to incrementally fund (non-nuclear) repairs on subs assigned to the Naval Submarine Support Facility, New London, CT, under the New England Maintenance Manpower Initiative (NEMMI).
General Dynamics (Bath Iron Works) received $28,716,385 for fleet maintenance sustainment support in San Diego, CA.
General Dynamics (Electric Boat) received $17,645,580,644 to build ten Virginia-class submarines from FY2014 to 2018. This was sole source (10 USC 2304 (c)(1) & FAR 6.302-1).
Huntington Ingalls Inc. received $7,674,064 for engineering and technical design services to support R&D of advanced submarine technologies for current and future submarine platforms.
L-3 KEO received $14,982,884 for the production of 16 universal modular masts (UMM), which are non-hull penetrating masts installed on Virginia-class submarines.
Lockheed Martin received $8,537,634 for Low Cost Conformal Array production units, spare modules and spare outboard electronics canisters. The Low Cost Conformal Array is a passive planar array mounted on the aft submarine sail structure that is integrated with the AN/BQQ-25 [PDF] to provide situational awareness and collision avoidance.
Northrop Grumman received $25,000,000 for repair, maintenance, engineering, change kits and integrated logistics documentation for the AN/AQS-14A Sonar Detecting Set, AQS-24 Mine Hunting System, ALQ-141 Acoustic Minehunting/Minesweeping System, USM-668 Intermediate Level Test Equipment, the Modified USM-668A ILTE, and the Swivel Slip-Ring Assembly.
Northrop Grumman received $88,153,800 for integrated bridge systems and steering/ship control systems, related hardware and associated services. Systems include chart servers, network interface boxes, flat panel displays, radar systems, navigation software, ship control software and displays, GPS, weather sensors, depth sensors, speed sensors, digital compass systems, and sonar systems. This was not competitively procured under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1).
Progeny Systems Corp. received $9,589,064 for engineering/technical services in support of the Navy’s AN/UYQ-100 Undersea Warfare Decision Support System. This was not competitively procured in accordance with FAR 6.302-5.
Raytheon received $8,347,097 for Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) for two AN/USG-2B Shipboard System, one DDG Mod Kit, and one DDG Mod INCO-R Kit. CEC is a sensor netting system that improves anti-air warfare capability/effectiveness by enhancing situational awareness and enabling longer-range, cooperative, multiple/layered engagement strategies.
Raytheon received $29,521,981 for production of the AN/SPY-1D(V) Radar Transmitter Group, Missile Fire Control System (MFCS) MK 99 and site support.
RFD Beaufort Inc. received $8,101,410 for 1,900 submarine escape and immersion equipment MK11 suits. This was not competitively procured [10 U.S.C. 2304 (c)(l)].
RPR Industries received $11,601,492 for life preservers and component parts.
Timken Gears & Services Inc. received $55,327,134 for two DDG 51 class main reduction gear (MRG) shipsets. MRG is the set of gears that transmit power from two main propulsion power turbines to the propulsion shaft. Each DDG 51 has two gear sets, one for each propulsion shaft.
Flight Safety Services Corp. received $11,787,928 to teach aircrew initial qualification courses, refresher courses, upgrade courses and others to fully qualify C-5 aircrews in all mission design series versions at Dover AFB, Travis AFB, Lackland AFB, Westover Air Reserve Base, and Martinsburg Air National Guard Base.
Northrop Grumman received $25,220,493 for Army Knowledge Online (AKO) Enterprise Services web-based enterprise information services.
URS Federal Inc.; Raytheon;Technical Software Services Inc.; Camber Corp.; General Dynamics; Northrop Grumman; Logistic Services International Inc.; Sonalysts Inc.; and Kratos Defense & Security Solutions received $33,079,710 to provide education training products and services to the Naval Education Training Command (NETC) in conjunction with Naval Education Training and Professional Development and Technology Center.
Airborne Systems North America of N.J. received $30,000,000 for 110 Joint Precision Airdrop Systems of 10,000 pounds, to include the Parachute and Autonomous Guidance Unit.
Air Liquide Industrial US LP received $25,310,221 for gaseous nitrogen.
Allied Tube & Conduit; Cobra Systems; and Iris Kim received $41,000,000 for concertina barbed tape.
Allison Transmission Inc. received $51,444,025 for ninety-nine X1100-3B transmissions for M1A2 Abrams tanks. L-3 Communications received $8,746,150 for 37,948 hours of systems technical support on the Bradley transmission. L-3 Communications received $10,533,875 for 26,752 hours of systems technical support for the Bradley transmission.
American Rheinmetall Munition received $12,811,540 for 66mm vehicle launched infrared smoke grenades in support of the U.S. Navy.
Carter Industries Inc. received $12,761,280 for flyer’s coveralls. Golden Manufacturing Co., Inc. received $54,873,720 for ACU coats. Omega Apparel received $7,499,520 for men’s trousers.Wolverine World Wide Inc. received $14,955,649 for safety boots.
Dayton Bag & Burlap Dayton received $74,098,240 for acrylic sandbags. NYP Corp. received $74,383,433 for acrylic sandbags.
Design West Technologies Inc. received $9,470,626 for a maximum of 650 filter fan housing assemblies for Army collective and protection units which clean and purify air.
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense Co. received $26,977,402 to test, manufacture, package and deliver M21/M23 blasting cap assemblies.
Hutchinson Industries Inc. received $28,168,596 for wheel and tire assemblies.
JCB Inc. received $39,446,851 for an estimated 90 High Mobility Engineer Excavators-Type-I (HMEE-I) and vehicle attachments.
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace received $29,702,000 for depot support for the Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS).
Oshkosh received $8,583,960 for 39 medium tactical vehicles (MTV) and applicable federal retail excise tax.
Lockheed Martin received $9,387,611 to develop a ground-based wind profiler to meet the functional, performance, and environmental requirements for precision airdrop, the objective of which is to develop an affordable, rugged, set-and-start solution for precise wind measurement for precision air drop (PAD) at forward operating bases that shall enable the government to achieve 50 meters drop accuracy.
Logos Technologies Inc. received $23,648,907 for field service representatives, operators, and analysts required to support Persistent Ground Surveillance Systems Kestrel systems. This was not competitively procured pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1).
Truetech received $8,071,865 for M256A2 chemical agent detector kits.
Calumet San Antonio Refining received $36,393,732 for aviation turbine fuel.Dennis K. Burke Inc. received two separate installments of $65,282,707 for fuel.Foster Fuels Inc. received $8,268,245 for fuel.Global Montello Group received $36,202,002 for fuel. Indigo Energy Partners LLC received $20,745,146 for fuel.Mansfield Oil Co. received $14,541,401 for fuel. Naughton Energy Corp. received $18,217,525 for fuel. Papco Inc. received $37,197,905 for fuel.
Petroleum Traders Corp. received $66,882,605 for fuel. Ports Petroleum Co. Inc. received $7,126,629 for fuel. Riggins Oil received $9,735,913 for fuel. Signature Flight Support Corp. received $15,088,634 for fuel. Sprague Operating Resources LLC received $34,898,134 for fuel.Talley Petroleum Enterprises Inc. received $9,504,864 for fuel. United Metro Energy Corp. received $57,449,285 for fuel.
Computer Sites Inc. received $47,057,000 for emergency maintenance/preventive maintenance of DOD power conditioning equipment and “uninterruptable” power supply systems.
Direct Energy Business, LLC received $11,918,926 for electricity.
River Trading Company Ltd. received $16,871,250 for bituminous coal.
1st American Systems & Services received $42,000,000 for Family Advocacy Program and Domestic Violence Counseling in the Pacific Region.
Atlantic Diving Supply received $66,783,068 for medical/surgical products.
Brasseler USA received $22,335,309 for distribution of general dental supplies. Dental Health Products received $38,436,832 for distribution of dental supplies.
Contracting Solutions International LLC; Distinctive Spectrum Healthcare JV; Protégé Health Services LLC; Saratoga Medical Center Inc.; and TIST Corp., Inc. received a cumulative $27,693,133 for various nursing services.
Exelan Pharmaceuticals received $8,509,384 for pharmaceutical products. Golden State Medical Supply received $22,512,293 for pharmaceutical supplies. Heyltex Corp. received $43,292,852 for pharmaceutical products.
Express Scripts Inc. received $33,800,000 to provide pharmacy benefit management services to DOD’s TRICARE pharmacy program.
Henry Schein Inc. received $26,602,450 for laboratory supplies. PerkinElmer Genetrics, Inc. received $9,700,000 for shipping of laboratory and pharmaceutical supplies.
Hologic Inc. received $78,910,453 for radiology systems, subsystems, and components.
MedImmune Biologics Inc. received $23,274,000 for intranasal influenza vaccine spray.
Rosenbauer America received $382,500,000 for fire and emergency vehicles.
AAA General Contractors; Blackhawk-MILCON JV; Briston Construction LLC; Cerrudo Services, Inc.; Charpie Construction Co.; Cherokee General Corp.; Direct Project Inc.; E-Corp.; Fortis Networks; IEC-ALL Star LLC; Komada; KWR Construction, Inc.; Loven Contracting, Inc.; Marsh Development, Inc.; MIE, Inc.; Menco Pacific, Inc.; MW Services Inc.; Northern Construction, LLC; Northwind Engineering, LLC; OP Solutions; Pace Pacific; Pacific Tech Construction; Power Services, Inc.; PRE CON Industries; RCDS Contractors, Inc.; R-CON Construction, Inc.; Rore, Inc.; Sigma Services; Shanks Electric Corp.; S & L Construction; Sun Eagle Corp.; Southwestern Dakotah, Inc.; TMG Services, Inc.; Total Team Construction Services; Vernadero Group Inc.; and Women’s Empowerment Partnership, Inc. received a cumulative $20,000,000 to support sustainment/repair and maintenance construction and new military construction projects for the Arizona Army and Air National Guard.
ABM Government Services LLC; Brasfield & Gorrie LLC; Hoar Construction LLC; ITSI Gilbane Co.; J&J Maintenance Inc.; John J. Kirlin Special Projects LLC; and United Excel Corp. received  $249,000,000 to design and build Army medical facilities.
Adira Construction Inc.; Contract & Purchasing Solutions Inc.; Greenland Enterprises Inc.; Locke-Lane Construction Inc.; Patriot Construction LLC; Turner Strategic Technologies LLC; and Sampson Contracting Inc. received a cumulative $50,000,000 for general construction projects located at Camp Lejeune, MCAS New River, MCAS Cherry Point, and other outlying facilities in North Carolina. Some work includes removing asbestos materials and lead paint. 
AECOM Technical Services Inc.; Baker-Stanley-Cardno JV; OTIE-RS&H JV; Parsons Brinkckerhoff-FSB-H&A JV; Parsons Government Services Inc.; and LEIDOS Inc. received a cumulative $950,000,000 to support military construction (MILCON), military family housing (MFH), and sustainment, restoration and modernization (SRM) programs worldwide. This is the result of a qualifications-based selection process in accordance with FAR 36.6 and the Brooks Act, Public Law 92-582.
Alessi Keyes Construction; AMR Construction LLC; Oren Atchley Co.; BES Design/Build LLC; Beshears Construction Inc.; C&M Contractors Inc.; Charpie Construction Co., Inc.; CWR Construction Inc.; DAV Construction Co.; Flynco Inc.;Haralson Property Resources; Hernandez Consulting LLC; HGL Construction; Hollon Contracting LLC; J&S Construction Company; Jack Helms Construction Co.; Jack Morgan Construction; Jane Construction LLC; K&E Construction Inc.; LJB Construction Inc.; Lobina Construction; McCormick Asphalt Paving & Excavation; Precise Concrete Works; Primestar Construction Corp.; RHI Inc.; Roederer Construction Inc.; Ross Sparks Builders; Structural Systems Inc.; and Wilkins Construction received a cumulative $20,000,000 for sustainment/repair and maintenance of National Guard military construction projects at Little Rock AFB, Camp Joseph T. Robinson, and Fort Smith Regional Airport.
Architura Corp.; Bailey Edward Design, Inc.; and Integrated Design JV; received a cumulative $10,000,000 for architecture-engineering services (design and rehab) for the Illinois Air and Army National Guard.
ARMTEC received $9,900,000 to design, develop, maintain and manufacture systems using combustible and consumable type products technology for the Army Research, Development and Engineering Command. One bid was solicited and one received.
Baldi Bros. Inc.; Coffman Specialties Inc.; Flatiron West Inc.; Granite Construction Co.; Kiewit Infrastructure West, Co.; and Reyes Construction Inc. received a cumulative $99,000,000 for airfield paving and heavy duty paving projects at various locations within NAVFAC Southwest. Projects may include, but are not limited to: paving of airfield runway, taxiway, apron, and support areas for aircraft; and heavy duty paving of areas intended for heavy military and other heavy operational vehicles and equipment.
Bates Engineers/Contractors Inc. received $46,000,000 for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District’s North Alabama Regional Construction Program.
Caddell Construction Co., Inc. received $34,311,000 for construction of the Waterfront North Land Water Interface at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay.
Cherokee General Corporation; Pease Construction, Inc.; Performance Systems, Inc.; Alutiiq-Mele, LLC; and Pease & Sons, Inc. received a cumulative $100,000,000 for multi-disciplinary maintenance, repair, construction, and incidental design work for Joint Base Lewis-McChord.
C.J. Mahan Construction Co. received $11,801,329 for the Olmsted Major Lock Rehabilitation, Olmsted, IL.
Contrack International Inc. received $6,749,291 for constructing a power plant to power the Army prepositioned stocks-5 warehouses, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.
EMCOR Government Services Inc. received $45,000,000 for operations, maintenance, repair and minor construction for the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital.
FTSI-Phelps JV received $13,961,000 for design and construction of a low-rise composite shop and Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS) Ground Support Equipment (GSE) holding shed at Marine Corps Base Hawaii.
Global-Pacific Tech JV $45,000,000 to design and construct projects related to building electrical systems and control and industrial processes for the Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division.
Guam MACC Builders A JV received $25,692,000 for the design and construction of an emergent repair facility at Naval Base, Guam.
The Haskell Co. received $6,883,727 for the mitigation of unsuitable soils under the taxiway apron for apron expansion, Phase II, parallel taxiway, hangar, and Marine vertical 22 maintenance hangar at MCAS New River.
Health Facility Solutions Company received $7,000,000 to support construction management activities for the Mobile District and South Atlantic Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Herner Construction Inc.; Lee Grover Construction; The Wilson Group Inc.; Roederer Construction Inc.; Lehr Construction Co.; Limbaugh Construction Co.; K & K Industries Inc.; J.M.L., Inc.; HC JV; Lawhon Construction; E L Crawford Construction; Berco Construction; Bartels & Missey Siding & Insulations; Brooner & Associates Construction; Sterling Excavation & Erection; J & S Construction; Glasgow Construction Co.; J.E. Novack Construction; Hof Construction Inc.; Bayshore Contractors LLC; Charpie Construction Co.; St. Louis Design & Construction Inc.; and Mechanical Service Inc. received a collective $20,000,000 for sustainment/repair/maintenance and construction for: Lambert International Airport; Jefferson Barracks, ANG; Kings Highway Reserve Center; Rosecrans Memorial Airport; Whiteman AFB, Fort Leonard Wood; Camp Clark Training Site; Camp Crowder Training Site; and Wappappello Training Site.
Infrastructure Defense Technologies received $20,000,000 for metal revetments.
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. received $9,000,000 for architect/engineer services, and design for Army Reserve projects nationwide and projects within the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division Boundaries.
Jacobs Government Services Co.; MWH-Cardno TEC Baker-A JV; and Zapata Inc. received $500,000,000 for architect-engineering services, including environmental projects (planning and programming, restoration, quality, and conservation) as required by the Air Force Civil Engineering Center. This is the result of a qualifications-based selection process in accordance with FAR 36.6 and the Brooks Act, Public Law 92-582.
Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.; Manson Construction Co.; Marathon Construction Co.; Nova Group, Inc.; Triton Marine Construction; and Watts Construction LLC received a cumulative $99,000,000 for construction of marine waterfront facilities located primarily within NAVFAC Northwest.
Midland Surveying, Inc. received $9,000,000 for architect-engineer surveying and mapping of shallow water habitat, floodplain changes and vegetation cover at various nationwide locations.
Mirador Enterprises Inc.; Mesa Verde Enterprises Inc.; R-Con Construction Inc.; Dawn, Inc./McTech Corp., JV; and E-Corp received $75,000,000 for a broad range of maintenance, repair, minor construction/alteration and renovation work on at Holloman AFB and federal property within a 100 mile radius.
Pacchiosi Drill USA Inc. received $8,918,970 to construct cutoff walls along the waterside slope of Sites R3A and L10 on the American River, Sacramento, CA.
PAT GD JV received $24,400,000 for piers and dredging in Umm Qasr, Iraq to include the design and construction of an approximately 165 meter floating pier for the Iraqi Navy and dredging of the adjacent harbor and navigational channel. PAT GD will ensure the harbor and channel remain dredged to the required depth for one year following the initial dredging.
Patricia I. Romero Inc.; Peter Vander Werff Construction; Dimensions Construction Inc.; I.E.-Pacific Inc.; and Halbert Construction Co. received $99,000,000 for construction at various locations within the NAVFAC Southwest.
Rand & Jones Enterprises, Co., Inc. received $8,000,000 for a Simplified Acquisition of Base Engineering Requirements contract for completion of minor, non-complex construction projects requiring minimum design. Typical projects involve a number of general construction disciplines including, but not limited to, plumbing, masonry, electrical, mechanical, architectural, painting, HVAC, and abatement.
RSP Architects received $9,000,000 for the design, construction of various Air Force Reserve projects.
Sylvan Forest Products Inc.; S&S Forest Products; R.D. Buie Enterprises; and Forest Products Distributors Inc. received a cumulative $60,796,669 for wood products.
TMG Services; Aerostar SES LLC; and Zieson Construction Co., LLC received $200,000,000 for repairs to the infrastructure for U.S. Air Force Medical Service healthcare facilities nationwide.
Tunista Construction received $9,525,000 to build a company operations facility at Fort Wainwright, Alaska.
UNIT Co. received $25,546,700 to build a warm storage hangar at Fort Wainwright, Alaska.
Value Management Strategies Inc. and Strategic Value Solutions Inc. received $9,000,000 for architectural/engineering management service for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District Military, Environmental and Civil Works programs throughout the North Atlantic Division.
Watermark Environmental Inc.; Blackhawk-MILCON, JV; Custom Mechanical Systems Corp.; Krempp Construction Inc.; and Howard W. Pence received a cumulative $50,000,000 for construction projects at Naval Support Activity Crane located primarily within NAVFAC Midwest.
Whitman, Requardt & Associates LLP received $15,000,000 for multi-discipline architect-engineering services in support of projects primarily in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.
BCF Solutions Inc.; Booz Allen Hamilton; Bowhead Science & Technology; CommIT Enterprises Inc.; Deloitte Consulting LLP; TASC Inc.; and Whitney, Bradley & Brown Inc. received a cumulative $83,333,333 for program management and financial management support including non-inherently governmental services to perform analyses and research.
Interactive Process Technology received $8,257,570 to provide technical, analytical, and administrative support services to assist the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (AT&L).
Jacobs Technology received $20,689,631 to provide support services to the Aberdeen Test Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.
Jacobs Technology received $67,000,000 for additional diverse engineering, technical and acquisition support services. This includes 2.56 percent unclassified FMS to Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordon, Kuwait, Malaysia, Morocco, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, the UAE and the UK.
LEIDOS received $7,294,064 for mission support services for court room and case preparation. Services include translation, transcription, court reporters, and expert witnesses for commission hearings.
Logistics Management Institute received $7,031,240 for technical support to Defense Procurement & Acquisition Policy.
Lone Star Aerospace received $8,719,004 for additional predictive business and technical decision analysis services in support of Naval Air Systems Command and the Naval Aviation Enterprise.
Mirador Enterprises Inc. received $45,000,000 for the Holloman AFB Simplified Acquisition of Base Engineering Requirements program.
SOS International LLC; Mission Essential Personnel LLC; Digital Management Inc.; L-3 National Security Solutions; General Dynamics; and Decypher Technologies received a collective $33,000,000 to provide broad technical and analytical services to support and improve policy development, decision making, management/administration, and systems operations.
SupplyCore received $200,000,000 for maintenance, repair, and operations tailored logistics support prime vendor programs.
Oasis Systems LLC received $11,801,189 for professional acquisition support services. Oasis Systems LLC received $8,983,870.00 for professional acquisition support services in support of Air Force Life Cycle Management Center HB and HBAJ divisions including FMS (84 percent of the contract). FMS countries include Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, Belgium, Romania, Poland, and Colombia.
Odyssey Systems Consulting Group Ltd. received $11,445,617 for professional acquisition support services in support of Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, HBQ and HBD Divisions, including FMS (approximately 11 percent). FMS countries include Taiwan, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Israel, and Japan. Odyssey System Consulting Group Ltd. received $9,167,656 for professional acquisition support services in support of Air Force Life Cycle Management Center HBU and HNJ divisions.
P E Systems Inc. received $7,280,498 for professional acquisition support services in support of Air Force Life Cycle Management Center HNA and HBD Divisions, including FMS (approximately 13 percent). FMS countries include Jordan, Germany, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Oman, Greece, Thailand, France, Sweden, and the UK.
Quantech Services Inc. received $14,402,703 for professional acquisition support services. FMS accounts for approximately 38 percent. FMS countries include Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Japan, Australia, France, the UK, Egypt, Oman, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, and Jordan.
Battelle Memorial Institute received $15,000,000 for environmental services and technologies support at Naval Facilities Engineering & Expeditionary Warfare Center, Port Hueneme, CA.
Bers-Weston Services JVA LLC received $95,000,000 for remediation of various hazardous waste sites within the United States and territories.
Brady GCE II received $20,000,000 for comprehensive environmental response, Compensation Liability Act, Resource Conservation & Recovery Act, underground storage tank studies and environmental engineering support services at Navy and Marine Corps installations in NAVFAC Southwest.
Potomac-Hudson Engineering Inc. received $30,000,000 to help prepare Navy and Marine Corps environmental planning documents for upland and desert projects in NAVFAC Southwest. Work provides for data collection, natural resource survey, and resource effects analysis work related to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other environmental planning services.
RLB Contracting Inc. received $8,286,850 for deep draft maintenance dredging of the Houston Ship Channel from Carpenters to Greens.
The Source Group Inc. received $13,810,540 and $10,432,295 for environmental remediation, assessment, and emergency response services.
Brothers Produce Inc. received $6,666,666 for fresh fruit and vegetables. Dexters Farms received $47,961,211 for fruit and vegetables. Stern Produce Co. received $16,625,000 for fresh fruit and vegetables.
Labatt Food Service received $17,250,000 for food distribution.
Louisiana Workforce Commission received $9,580,960 to provide food services to training units at the 162nd Infantry Brigade and rotational training units at the Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Polk.
Sysco received $20,800,000 for food and beverages. Sysco received $12,000,000 for food and beverages. This is a sole-source acquisition.
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*Editing consolidated similar contracts. Italics indicate notes from the editor.
**Any clerical errors are the editor’s alone. Each month, Boiling Frogs Post presents a distillation of the previous month’s DOD Contracts. Check back regularly.
***To avoid competitive bidding, DOD invokes 10 U.S.C. 2304, FAR 6.302, and FAR 8.405-6. DOD also invokes 15 U.S.C. 638 to avoid competitive bidding when dealing with small businesses.
Christian Sorensen, a BFP Contributing Author & Analyst,is a U.S. military veteran. His writing has been featured in CounterPunch and Media Roots.