Bernie Won Wyoming Today-- His 8th State In A Row

The CNN anchor in the clip above told DFA executive director Charles Chamberlain to stop trying to talk about issues and just to get into the silly fight over whether what's-her-name is qualified or not, which CNN is loathe to give up on. Charles nailed it anyway by sticking to the contrast message and fending off the unrelenting CNN stupidity. I guess it's harder to sell ads if you talk about issues.Wyoming only has 23 precincts-- one for each county. Big state but few precincts for a caucus-goer. There were a lot of absentee ballots cast, many from nursing homes and that vote, of course, went for Hillary. There aren't all that many Democrats in the state either. Less than 600,000 people live there all in and not even 1% are black. At least 60% of the state's voters are Republicans. Wyoming had a Democratic governor not that long ago but hasn't elected a Democrat to the Senate since 1970 and the last Democrat they sent to the House was in 1976. The state Senate has 14 Democrats to 19 Republicans and the state Assembly has 36 Dems and 63 Republicans-- and those are big improvements from last year!Only the Democrats caucused yesterday and the turnout was pretty strong, especially down south. Bernie took it fairly handily 55.7% to 44.3%, his 8th win in a row against the establishment candidate of the status quo. There were just 14 delegates at stake and it'll either be a 7-7 tie or he'll get 8 and she'll get 6. That will be determined at a state convention of the delegates elected today. If other states' conventions so far are a guide, Bernie will walk away with either 8 or 9 votes, not 7.