The Berlin Truck Attack False Flag And Hoax: BOMBSHELL REPORT! Berlin Attack Truck Owned By Israel Supporting Jew Ariel Zurawski!

I have come under attack by some "commentators" from my last few articles exposing the Berlin "truck attack" as a fraud.... I am a man of logic and reasoning, and everything about this "attack" in Berlin smells like complete and utter bullshit.... This entire "attack" just simply does not make any sense at all, and the evidence coming out since that "attack" clearly shows that it was a set up from the word go......But today, I was alerted to the following article from Target Freedom USA, that absolutely blows this entire "attack" to smithereens and exposes it as not only a set up, but has the fingers of the criminal Jews all over it.... Here is the link to that important article from Target Freedom USA for everyone to see for themselves that this was indeed a set up, and I have my own thoughts to follow: Notes:  Well, there you have it..... It is bad enough that the truck owner was almost certainly involved in this mockery, but we also have that scumbag Rita Katz, and her "SITE" group of scoundrels and criminals all over this "attack" as well.....And as the article shows.. What are the odds that this truck would have been "hijacked" at around 345PM in the afternoon, and that the owner would NOT know that the truck was being driven by someone other than his relative until 4 full hours after that "hijacking".... Honestly, with GPS alone, he would have indeed known, and if this was indeed a "hijacking" he would have contacted the German police immediately...  THAT type of inaction should have everyone indeed asking questions!And as many have suspected all this time, we now have the "tribe" involvement in this false flag attack and hoax.... Honestly, I had my suspicions that this attack was possibly a Mossad operation, but now the smoking gun evidence clearly presents itself here....And to those "commentators" that have been attacking me for calling this one a hoax, explain this!More to comeNTS