The Battle For Yemen: My Take, And An Interesting Report From Dr. Ron Paul....

I have indeed been looking over what the hell has been going on in the southern Arabian nation of Yemen over the last week.... And I figured I would weigh in on what I do see happening there with my own take on the situation...OK, lets cut through all the Jew spew media bullshit reports about Yemen for starters... The fact is that the Yemeni government under the now deposed dictator, Hadi, was indeed a US/Israeli/Saudi controlled puppet regime that was absolutely brutal to the Yemeni people themselves.... The fact should be made clear to everyone that many innocent people were slaughtered in Yemen due to Hadi's American bought and paid for and fully supported brutal dictatorship, and it should not be a shock to anyone that finally the people themselves had enough and forced that lunatic out and sent him running for his very life to neighbouring Saudi Arabia.....Then we have the interesting fact that so much US bought and paid for military hardware has over the last few months mysteriously "vanished" in Yemen and has supposedly fallen into the hands of the "Iranian supported" Houthis that have now seized much of the nation..... (It comes as no shock to me what so ever that the media is suddenly vilifying these Houthis due to their supposed "Iranian" support.....)  To me, this supplying of American weapons to the supposed "opposition" makes this whole thing smells of a set up, and lo and behold we find right now the Saudi Arabian government garnering up a "coalition" of forces to invade Yemen itself to "restore order"..... Yemen is indeed about to explode into full blown war...But before I get onto other aspects of this "Yemen Crisis", I want to present the following very important report that comes from Dr. Ron Paul, through the Anti War website, at for everyone to see for themselves right here... The article is entitled: "Yemen Exploding: Is The Stage Set For A Big War?", and I have further comments and thoughts to follow:Yemen Exploding: Is the Stage Set for the Big War?by Ron Paul, March 28, 2015Rapid changes are occurring in Yemen. Ever since United States had to leave its military base there, other powers have been lining up to benefit from the chaos. It has been revealed that Saudi Arabia has commenced bombing targets in Yemen. Egypt has announced its support for the Saudi effort. I am quite confident that this support is in compliance with our instructions to our puppet leader now in charge in Egypt. The current president of Yemen, Hadi, a leader who took over after the Arab Spring revolution, has been removed from power. He is said to have escaped to Saudi Arabia, and those who are now in charge in Yemen will most likely kill him if he returns.Yemen has been instrumental in the US effort to fight al-Qaeda in the region. Unsuccessfully, I might add. The Houthis who have deposed Hadi are said to get their support from Iran and are now likely the strongest political force in the country. But they will not have an easy time of it. Too much is at stake for the United States and Saudi Arabia. We don’t read much about the Saudi Air Force being involved in military conflict, but the seriousness of the situation has prompted them to do exactly that. There are also reports that 150,000 or more troops are massed near the borders of Yemen for a probable invasion. It is assumed that other Arab nations will be involved, along with Egypt. One report said that it appears the country is “sliding toward a civil war.” I would suggest that it’s past sliding toward the civil war, and, rather, is involved deeply in a civil war that is now spreading outside its own borders.The neoconservatives, I am sure, will blame everything on Iran. And it’s likely Iran may have been involved in giving some type of support to the Shia that now are on the verge of taking over the country. But one must ask, “How does this compare to the support the United States has given to over 100 countries in recent years, with a major portion going to the Middle East?” There’s a big difference between a country becoming involved in a crisis next door and a country getting involved 6000 miles away.It looks like the former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, a military dictator who was deposed in the Arab Spring revolution, is now aligned with the Shia Houthis who are supported by Iran. This will not be tolerated by the United States, and we can expect the US to provide indirect military assistance to those who are prepared to invade Yemen and install a US friendly dictator.Foreign forces’ bombs and occupation will serve to unify the citizens of Yemen despite their other differences. As a matter of fact, it’s been our presence in this country for more than a decade that has been an aggravating factor. The fact that al-Qaeda type rebel forces have done well in the various countries in recent years is because they gain support from the local people with the promise that the foreign invaders will be expelled. This certainly is true when it comes to the type of support that the people give, tacit or otherwise, to the very ruthless ISIS forces. It amazes me how these ragtag rebels can outfight and outfox various countries whose forces are larger and better armed. The so-called rebels find that their promise to expel the invaders is a strong motivating factor to gain support for the military resistance. The catch-22 is that the more we or any other nation try to subdue a foreign country, the stronger the opposition becomes.This new expansion of the war in Yemen is a bad sign. The situation could easily worsen, involve many countries, and last for a long time to come. The stage for the “Big War” may well be set and we will be hearing a lot more about Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula in the coming months. If this war gets out of hand, I would expect that the benefits of $45 per barrel of oil will soon end. There is no doubt in my mind that the American people – financially and for security reasons – would be better served if we just came home and avoided these nonsensical military interventions that are carried out in behalf of various special interests that control our foreign policy. The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & ProsperityNTS Notes:  For the most part, I would agree with Dr Paul's assertions, but there is a lot more at stake here when it comes to Yemen and I will explain why...Everyone is fully aware now that Petroleum prices have fallen to the lowest price in decades... But what many are not aware of is the fact that right now, the planet is awash with Petroleum to the point that storage facilities can no longer hold any more production... At some point very shortly that overwhelming supply of crude will cause the price to collapse much further and I can guarantee that the US government and other criminal governments are very concerned and are looking for a way out... In comes Yemen at just the nick of time...All that anyone has to do is to look at exactly where Yemen is located.. One one side is the Gulf of Aden and on the other side is the Red Sea... Much of the Middle East's petroleum tanker shipment traffic has to go around Yemen itself into the Red Sea to transit the Suez Canal for customers in both Europe and the United States... Now, if something was to happen in Yemen that would cause a shutdown of the passage between Yemen in the Arabian peninsula and Djibouti through the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb for Petroleum tankers, these tankers would have to take a much longer and slower route around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa or across the Pacific to reach markets in America and Europe.. That would also cause an instant skyrocketing boost in the world price of Petroleum even if production is curtailed due to lack of storage.... To me, this is the major reason why this "crisis" in Yemen is occurring at just this time....And this explains why the US has "conveniently" lost so much military hardware in Yemen that has "fallen into the hands" of the Houthis fighters....The US wants the Yemen crisis to escalate and thus drive up the price of world Petroleum as a result....Then we have these constant reports of "Al Qaeda" and "ISIS" operating in Yemen, which are pure bullshit... Everyone should know by now that these two "terrorist groups" are nothing but frauds and phantoms and the creation of the US and Israel themselves... To me, for these two groups to be so prominent in Yemen means that the US is directly responsible for this Yemen crisis and is using this "crisis" for some greater evil scheme, which again appears to be a war that will again boost the world price of Petroleum...Then we have the support of Iran for the Shia Muslim Houthis fighters in Yemen and the strong possibility that this Yemen crisis will be used to further vilify Iran....It is no wonder the Jew spew media has been playing up the "Iranian support" for the fighters in Yemen right now.....Yes, the US and Israel are still looking for their "backdoor" excuse for a war on Iran.....There are still many pieces to this Yemen puzzle that I have not been able to ascertain, but I will continue to research and bring more to report on this crisis shortly... Stay tuned...More to comeNTS