Back To Sandy Hook: RedSilverJ Video Summarizes The Fraud Shooting Very Nicely...

Honestly, I am sick and tired of all the clowns out there that continue to defend the Sandy Hook fraud shooting as being real... The online alternative media continues to have a battle between the criminals who continue to promote the Sandy Hook operation as being real, and those who are not afraid of questioning the "official story" and see the entire operation as being an elaborate hoax and swindle on the American people....For this article, I want to present the following very important video, that comes from Youtube user "RedSilverJ" that summarizes very nicely the entire Sandy Hook operation and again shows the fraud in all of its glory... The video is entitled: "Sandy Hook Hoax Ultimate Case Closed" and is a must see by those who have not already viewed it in its entirety.... I have it right here, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I want to thank RedsilverJ for his tireless work in showing some key factors in the entire fraud Sandy Hook operation that indeed exposes it as being a massive hoax...Yes, I am a bit late in getting this video out compared to others in the real truth movement.... But it is still very important, and I do hope that my efforts can reach others that have not seen this video yet.... Now, over 2 and a half years since the operation took place on December 14th, 2012, most everyone understands that the entire operation was an elaborately planned operation for the sole purpose of scaring the American public into the false belief that they must surrender their guns to their criminal government.... Luckily after all this time, most of us have awakened to the truth, and we now see not only this, but all other "shootings" as being nothing more than sick and twisted operations for gun control!And for those who continue to stick to the "official story" and continue to slam myself and others for exposing the truth... YOU  are the real criminals and "Cass Sunstein" operatives that you try to label on us... Most of you are in this sham for your own personal gain and glory, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.... We know who you are, and most others know better now to steer clear of your lies....More to comeNTS